STFU, Eurofags!

Eurofags buttsore they missed out on an entire chapter of mankind's progress. Disgracefully call Americans 'mutts'. Your action:

>1480 murmers of the 'new world' breaks out, supposed to be vast new lands rich with resources and minerals
>1600 Daring Europeans begin settlement, forging new civilizations despite horrid conditions and fierce native battles
>1800 formal empire already formed. Savages slaughtered and nearly all continent secured with the strongest of European bravery and courage lighting the way
>2019 America stand undisputed as the world leader in richness, invention, and spirit. With the blood and confidence of proud victorious conquers from the nations of mother Europe.
>All the time in between - eurofags 'hur hur dere gunna sink in duh ship. I gunna liv her not goin nowere hur hur'.

Shut the fuck up all you eurofags. You're dead blood, unadventurous and pussies while your brethren conquered an entire side of the globe. You have no right to talk about us as inferior. We should have fed you to the communists and nazis that ate you the fuck up. Get reckd. Suck our dicks for eternity.


t. 7th generation American

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Other urls found in this thread:

God bless the ZOG

Also, your mancrush Hitler loved Americans and thought us the example of Aryan courage. Google it.

Keep sucking your Jewish overlord's circumcised dick

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Hahahahaha! Says the Norweigen. How many Israel-sanctioned Ahmed cocks did you suck this morning?

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All i can read is BLA BLA BLA we accept meximutts

>You suck israeli cock!
>No you definitely suck israeli cock!
honk honk politics is so fun anymore guys

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All I hear is 'communism, cosmopolitanism, feminism, homosexuality, cafes, solar power, yogurt'.

In other words, I hear easy prey to fucking stomp all over and unleash a dynasty under before the whole world.

You snooze, you get invaded, sorry euronons.

>try to objectively find fault with OP comments
Can't, but we do have more than our fair share of problems

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