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The white male is done for

No sex, no tips

She's not wrong. But that means we don't owe them dinner

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That is correct; if you're orbiting a female because you're hoping for pity sex or to be her rebound after a breakup then you're just pathetic and cringey. Men don't necessarily owe women anything either, and that's something feminists definitely don't want to talk about.

Dear women.

Three things men do NOT owe you:
1. Attention
2. Money
3. Commitment

In all seriousness, I agree with the roastie in OP's pic. I'm not OWED those things from women. But In a sane and healthy society, men and women trade the things they don't technically owe each other to get the things they want. Moreover they make that trade without bitterness or resentment.

Three things men do NOT owe you
1. Protection
2. Attention
3. Taxes

No problem, but don't pretend that we owe you anything too

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