How much lower can one man fall?

Avanatti now being taunted on Twitter by a duo of his ex wife and don jr... I'll never understand why a guy with his baggage willingly brought so much attention on himself.

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He's about to pack her house with his cock

What a fucking chad

Hes gonna lobby his cock's interest in her Floor

This cant be real? Father like son in shitposting and bants

Fucking savage. kek

jr trolling that fucking loser avanatti is fucking sweet sweet karma

remember this one.

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The creepy porn lawyer has a humiliation fetish. He loves what is happening to him!

Oh good one. Now Creepy Porn Lawyer is gonna have pol/ shut down AGAIN
Pffft What an absolute faggot.
# enjoy prison . now thats funny

that man may be mentally ill.


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This is my fear. Being cucked on an international level.

Did they fuck? I feel bad for the creepy porn lawyer that brought it on himself

Everything he is currently going through, is well earned. He still has disbarment, and 3 or 4 year minimum prison sentence to look fwd to ..

Have you noticed how Avenatti is not in prison. Have you noticed how no one is ever going to jail? Do you realize this is all a big musical and they are all in on it? You really should...

> I'll never understand why a guy with his baggage willingly brought so much attention on himself.
you underestimate the self-righteousness of the average Democrat.

Hot, Don Jr. should enjoy that pussy. Asian pussy remains tight even after multiple child births and old age. Snug like a bug in a rug. Cum in seconds. HOT! Asian puss the best puss.

His trial starts in November.. way too much light on him, and his victims are easy to sympathize with. He will be made an example of

Avanatti had to steal from a disabled client to buy them milkers... and donny jr gonna slide in between them

total chad

Rubbing those titties on Don Jr.
Avenatti on Twitter, dick in one hand
Receipt fo’ dem titties in the other

JR has to be Q, right?