Pop music: engineered to draw you[ng] in

I'll try this again now that night falls on Ameribros too.

Let's get a discussion going on the effects of pop music.

We can all agree that modern pop music is a degenerate piece of shit. Today however I came to realize the redpill on this might be bigger than I initially thought. Relevant pieces of personal information: I have been an amateur/semi-pro musician of over twenty years, though my main profession is on a technical field. I mostly listen to classical, jazz, authentic folk and metal. I was shown the song by an intelligent and highly trained young professional.
Yesterday I was shown a piece of music, a (formerly?) fairly popular German song: youtube.com/watch?v=haECT-SerHk. Despite listening to it only once, main melody of the chorus burned into my mind instantly - I wanted to hum it, I wanted to whistle it, but more importantly, I wanted to listen it again despite it being a four-chord wonder. Upon seeing the official music video, thanks to all those years spent on Jow Forums, I noticed something immediately: there isn't a single stereotypical blue-eyed blonde German man in the video.
Not. A. Single. One.
Plenty of niggers, towelheads and Southern Europeans/South Americans. The only blonde-haired dancers are female, including the lead singer, a near-wall (30 at the time) roastie. Looked at the translation and, in summary, the lyrics mean "go out clubbing, get drunk then fuck".
So here's the recipe: design (not compose and/or write, ) a song with the complexity of a nursery rhyme and catchy chords engineered to be addictive even for at least moderatly intelligent and skilled musicians, but especially for young people; have it sung by a 30-something burnt-out minutewoman to strengthen resemblance to childhood memories, and promote dancing and fucking with niggers in the lyrics and video.

Can user share experiences and redpills on this? Input on the song by German anons would also go a long way.

Attached: pop_jew.jpg (1500x1500, 107K)

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Anyways here's what I think the semenal work is in the field


Pic has never been so related.

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Pop music is the otological Talmud, the sonic Jew, the auditory Kike. If you can withstand a single second of any pop music you are a spiritual Yid, slave of the Tribe. To those free of Israeli mind-cancer, every note, every chord, every beat, triggers an instinctive revulsion of spectacular intensity, a primal hatred reflex. Read pic related.

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Modern music is literal nigger ghetto monkey crap.

It goes far beyond this. The propaganda appeals to the lowest common denominator in music, television, movies, and even literature. They then fill the side details with behavioral degeneracy, niggers, drug use etc as a way to normalize. Its all about unconscious normalization. The most devious aspects of this are normalization of diversity and homosexuality. Very few people are best friends with anyone outside of their race and culture, very few people are homsexual with no societal coersion. Constantly being spammed with such messages through every facet of popular entertainment literally shapes how people see the world, and it's completely disconnected from how it actually works. When people defend mexicans and blacks, or in the european case muslims, this is often the case: they usually have had no overtly negative experiences with them in real life, but very much like the morally pure homosexual nigger in the new superhero movie. Or the easygoing, funny spic in popular show #827. Peoples idea of how the world and their culture operate are dictated by entertainment.

>they usually have had no overtly negative experiences with them in real life
Shit, you're right. Do go on.