When you really stop and think about it, Minecraft is a sign of societal collapse

When you really stop and think about it, Minecraft is a sign of societal collapse.

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So is this site desu. Imagine, most of you are the result of thousands of years of blood, sweat, and suffering from your ancestors. And how do most of you spend your life? Posting little cartoons, ranting about clickbait articles, and providing topical opinions on trivial issues

Hello plebbit.

intriguing. please explain..

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it's just electronic legos.
if you stop and think about it, legos are the first sign of societal collapse

I was just playing tekkit.

Why build anything in this world goy? Here, this simulation is much easier, and you don't have to worry about not having the capital we withhold from you!


but that's every single video game; mindless distraction. he's talking about societal collapse

It satisfies the instinct to build and create something of your own, something that the vast majority of people are unable to satisfy in the real world today. Think of how many hours have been wasted in that game which would have gone to something productive, something that has real fulfilling purpose, those many years ago.

There was an AltHype vid on this seven years ago. Please learn faster

Same can be said for pretty much all hobbies.

Video games, anime, and pornography are distractions from your important work. Remind me, who owns all the porn sites? Who owns the places that inject your "food" with garbage? Minecraft is distilled autism bait, and the modern world produces many more autistic people than the world of the past - gee, I wonder who is responsible for that - do you think there might be some sort of pattern here? Notch is based, but what he created stuck because of them. Remember that.

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Fishing is a hobby, and it is infinitely more productive than playing Minecraft could ever be.

Going to the store and buying the damn fish is more efficient and productive, probably even cheaper than buying all the equipment that fishing requires.

The fish you buy in a store is toxic garbage.


Nigga pls, you can give a better answer than that.

Can anyone explain to me why Minecraft is getting popular again?

Like I haven't played it since late beta. What is even going on?

The truth is the west died ages ago

I had to stop playing Minecraft because it was depressing me. I was living out my fantasy, that of building structures and communities and systems all within this feedback loop of work then improve ad infinitum. A surrogate for one's male drive to accomplish things, unfortunately a virtual one that disappears into the same useless void from which it was generated.

I have since effectively quit the game and moved on to more tangible goals. Although my real-world accomplishments aren't as grand (yet) as the massive structures I built in the game, they are real.

>complete escape into simulated fake world
>Jow Forums
>congregation of people talking about the real world

>he thinks bait threads and spam bot posts are actual anons

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Op test

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You are close but thinking too small. You are partially correct but the real issue is that parents rather put a tablet in front of their kids with minecraft on it then drive them to the local park. It's depressing, I have a niece and nephew and my overweight sister just has them on iPads all fucking day and you can see them getting fatter in real time. We all took a European trip 3 weeks ago and I got fed up when they still were using them so I hid them and taught them how to do things like sweep and pick grapes and I started showing my nephew how to make a shotgun out of pipes till my sister got angry and grabbed them away. She always gets angry when I try to act like a better parent. I try my best to take them to parks but my fat insane sister fights me on it in principle that it makes her look bad and the kids suffer for it.

Assuming OP is right (he is not because he is a fag)

The reason why it’s so successful and has seen a huge uptick in players (bought on by native ad campaigns and utilising the influencer network of streamers) is because any semblance of control has been stripped away from you

You’ll never own a house or get a job with a liveable wage and capitalism has cucked you so badly you probably aren’t even conscious of it, but at least you can build your dream house in Minecraft

Holy shit dude the tablet problem is actually real.

I have a friend who's parents have two younger kids (6 and 7 years), and the ONLY things those kids do are use their iPads (to play mobile games and watch youtube videos) and play nintendo switch games. It has been like this since they were around 2-3 (except the switch of course).

They are completely hooked into the screens, they are completely antisocial. They can't even eat without using their iPads.

After they got hooked to their tablets, I haven't seen them not in use. Completely absorbed into the youtuber/streamer. Its been like this for about 3-4 years now. The thing that scares me is that they aren't really too much an outlier, after I noticed their addictions I started seeing it everywhere with really young kids.

its fun as hell tho

What's the Jow Forumscraft server IP?

Pewdiepie has been playing it recently

I'll watch parents come in to eat at my place and give their kids BIG fucking iPads during the whole meal. Disgusting

I have better stuff to think about

Hyper-reality is here and it is the future. More and more people are congregating into virtual spaces and living countless hours of their lives there.


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Fuck I wish this isn't so true.

Legos are really just more precise building blocks. When you readily stop and drink about it, building blocks is sign of societal collapse.

long shot but do any user's remember this video:

twenty-ish dude
bitching about people playing minecraft and other pol-ish themes

not in my youtube history

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>stop and drink about it

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I dont play but my kids do a lot. The background music is depressing as fuck.

Legos are made of plastics which come from oil and building blocks are made from wood which burns as fuel.
When u really drink about it using our fuels for playing around instead of fire is really a sign of societal decay and eventual collapse

Stop playing video games. Video games are not Jow Forums approved, and all video games are degenerate.
>n-no fun allowed!
That's right pussy. Until you take back the glory of the Aryan race, no fun is allowed. Now get a gym membership and get your life in order, and stop wasting time playing these fucking jew games.

shut the fuck up you stupid cunt

Is this at a restaurant? How old are the kids generally? I mostly see this with 4 to 8-year olds. A scary thought going into the next generation wondering what the fuck kind of developmental issues they'll have en masse.

Do you see this as a good thing or a bad thing? Personally I don't like that prospect because regardless of how we can virtualize perception, we still would only be able to virtualize what we could understand. You can't explore a virtual world of which some developer already knows the inner-workings the same way you could explore the real world. The acceptance of this "hyper-reality" would be the death of exploratory mind, and the succumbing to contentment.

Who are you to boss me around faggot?

I could tear your head off manlet.
Anyone who can't beat my big three total of 1540 can fuck off.

Usually I wouldn't even waste time talking to a non-American non-Aryan subhuman, but there is no "boss". This is the will of Jow Forums. No video games allowed. Now get a god damn gym membership you cuck.

I don't want to be "that hard-ass Jow Forums guy", but if your kids show a proclivity for the game, you might care to show them that the "real" counterparts to the game activities can be just as, if not more, rewarding.

Let them help you cook, go on nature walks, start a garden or something.

It is much easier when they are younger, especially if you're involved. Anyways, good luck with your family, user.

Keep on telling yourself that faggot. Pro tip, playing lego games made for children by a ugly fat neet is not helping you gain muscle.

Is your total 1540 or higher faggot?

why would anyone get a gym membership when he can get paid for physical work?
i guess your brain volume is comperable to normal person's similary as your white population is comperable to white country's white population
around 50%

>Do you see this as a good thing or a bad thing?
If I was a more neutral individual I would very likely be ambivalent on the matter and see it as nothing more than a tool to be utilized for either good or evil dependent on the power structure that uses it. But, due to my cynical nature and knowing what I know about our rulers I err on the side of caution. It will most likely be used as a tool of subjugation and psychological domination of the masses. Our and future human's consciousnesses will be fed into the virtual meat grinder designed from the top down to be a mechanism of control. It will play our psychologies and reward centers like a fiddle bestowing upon us immense illusory pleasures as it tightens the shackles upon us. Inevitably it will end with the masses of human beings herded into technological megacities (as seen in UN Agenda 2030 and many major Chinese cities already) with an artificial hyper-reality overlaid in the form of a social credit score which makes interacting with society somewhat like a video game. On top of this these cities will have next generation surveillance technology coupled with artificial intelligence which will give the rulers immense predictive capabilites and make overseeing these cities akin to observing and manipulating a computer simulation.

Good point

as far as the internet goes this site is probably the closest to what our ancestors worked for

shitposting is a duty and a responsibility worth dying for

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Get your kids on factorio instead. They might actually learn some analysis skills.

my nephew was like this and i always found it disgusting. the younger generation can't go five minutes sitting with their own thoughts, they always have the fucking phone in their hands. i didn't get a phone until 16 because poorfaggot and no smartphone until 21, so ironically i was spared the assburgerism.
they will be completely fucking autistic basement dwellers. and good riddance, zoomers are cancer. the jobs are mine, i will be the last white manager over a sea of pajeet and chink, i will be a modern slave tender. gen x will be ruined by supporting their autistic zoomer kids until they die. the rest of gen y is z0y'd up. only i prevail.

in ~5 years i will literally qualify for management, where i do nothing all day but fap in my office and everyone else does the work for a tenth of my pay. if jobs go remote? i'll make dank ass salary sitting in my underwear in a hotel in thailand, occasionally checking emails.

>they are real.
Thats what you think goy.

I have fun at the gym though.

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Digits confirm.
I can admit I'm a beta bitch piece of shit, addicted to scrolling my phone, vaping weed, watching yt and playing vidya.
I wish I had the will to get uncucked and go to the gym etc but I don't even have a job as I am too much of a bitch to get up early, have a routine, commute, etc.
I see it all around me. I'm not an outlier. My close friends are all phone addicted losers too. Pretty sad to see our society decaying in real time but no one will do anything about it including me

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No one will do anything because the world is working as intended, and even if you could do something about it, what would it be? You're meant to be addicted to your phone and vaping weed, shareholders need returns on their investments.

fuck shareholders

Sad story, bro.

When you really stop and think about it, you're a complete faggot

You have to be at least a teenager and severely autistic to play that game though
A lot of the kids like that had social issues and such ahead of time
There are much more productive uses of your time than lifting weights in a crowd of douchebags to impress women. Unless you're out of shape or will otherwise get out of shape there's no point

ANYONE who attacks video games is my ENEMY.

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>severely autistic
It's unironically good prep for computer engineering. It doesn't require autism, just some capacity to observe, experiment and learn. The games our kids play should encourage that. Kids aren't retarded. 12 is probably old enough for factorio.
Meanwhile, minecraft is basically just legos. It's fun to build art in, but that's about it.

How the fuck is it autistic?

I guess you have a point, but using redstone in minecraft requires a similar skill set to games like factorio, spacechem, etc.

Yeah that shit is similar, but it's also fucking retarded. I cringe whenever I see people doing fucked up shit with redstone or factorio combinators.
If you want to do that shit, buy a fucking fpga kit, faggots. It's way better.
You can definitely do cool shit in minecraft too, but factorio forces you to solve nontrivial problems if you want to make a high production base.

modded minecraft is comparable to factorio. The major modpacks often have mods where you are creating large networks, power generation, automating resource gathering, programming, etc.

>buy a fucking fpga kit
I just looked that up and it seems cool, what exactly is it?

Yeah, I’ve poured my energies into weaponscraft ever since Microsoft bought Minecraft. It’s devastating to boys. The faggot church in town has Minecraft camps for teens and I can only imagine the LGBTQP grooming going on.

>It’s devastating to boys
Bro, what's spending a few hours a week building a house with friends in a game going to do?


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Kids connecting with each other sharing racist antisemitic memes with no authoritarian to reprimand them or tell them to stop is a bad thing
I can't think of anyone who would be against this.

My brothers all live in different states so we play the same game online about once a week for an hour or two. It's a pretty based game.

It is concurrent programming--basically asics you can reconfigure. If your kids have any aptitude for redstone bullshit they might prefer fpgas.
Get a keyboard reader and video display (preferably make it yourself, but you can use libraries too) and you can make oldschool arcade game designers look like cavemen.
I only used altera products but there are cheaper, good alternatives available, just check the input/output capabilities before you buy anything.
But yeah, your kid is going to have to learn an hdl language to do anything with it. Minecraft redstone is unironically a good introduction.

And for responsibility's sake, I was doing this at age 20 becasmy curriculum prodded me. I don't think an average kid wants (or is capable) to learn an hdl, or anything outside niggerish social capital.