How did culture degenerate so much?

I know, Jewish subversion. But I don't just mean the West. If you look at old clips from 40-50-60 years ago, from all across the world, everything looked more civilized. Check out the way Iran looked. You could've mistaken them for a Southern European country. Same for Egypt, politicians there laughed at the concept of women wearing a hijab. Look at Adam Curtis' documentary on Afghanistan. Even South America had places that looked civilized. Check out old nigger music, classic jazz and stuff like that, and compare it to the faggy rap gibberish of today.

For fucks sake, at almost every country on the planet where you look, in almost every single group of humans, it seems like culture has degenerated, like people are dumber, less eloquent, worse dressed, more perverted, more degenerate, or in the case of Muslim gone theologically extreme.

This global decline seems to have started in the 1960s and gotten progressively worse, to the point where we are today. Sure, modern technology made everything safer, easier to survive, better in the metrics, but from watching old documentaries, it becomes clear. White people and our European culture dominated every part of the world, and it made it a better place. As we've gradually and continuously lost more and more influence, the world has gone more and more to shit. The world needs to submit to the fatherly guidance of the white man or it will destroy itself.

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That's an interesting point. All things change and a good thing is bound to change for the worse. Still, seems rather quick and large scale. The only explanation is that when whites reigned supreme, all other races had to at least try to behave civilized. Now, they're free to express their most animalic instincts.


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The self-acceptance movement, starting in the 60s.
We live in a world where it's encouraged to never change yourself for the better.

Yep i wonder if south africa after the third world war will be a rich nation again

technologies of social control were introduced after WW2
This included things like
> constant coordinated psychological warfare via print and television
> Movement of peoples (usually blacks) to foster racial tension and fragment the power of existing groups
The impetus to this was the reluctance of most of the American people to enter WW2 (America First during the 30s) and the moral objections of most people to birth control (i.e. population control)

the jewnited states is in her last legs

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I know what you mean. This new world disgusts me. Girls get naked for any random guy they meet on webcam, niggers and spics get away with discriminating against Whites but cry when we do the same, Jews pushing drugs, whore culture, and all kinds of degeneracy on our people. On everybody. It pisses me off. Someone needs to stop them, turn back time and bring back proper morals and optimism to people. Otherwise, this sick nation will be dead within 20 years.

>I know, Jewish subversion
then why did you ask? everything that has had a negative impact on worldwide society in the last 2 centuries has been a result of jew meddling

The cultural revolution(s) of '68 happened

You want to know the honest to god truth why culture has degraded so much? The answer is largely Jewish control of the media. The media is the single largest culture influencing institution in society.

What does the Jewish media promote? Feminism, nigger rap, sexual promiscuity, race mixing, lgbtq freaks, open borders, diversity, drug use, and so much more types of degeneracy.

The answer really is that simple. I don't want to sound like a broken record saying DA JOOS but that is the reality of the situation. Leftist, progressive Jews who dominate the media are the main culprits behind this cultural decay in the Western world.

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Degenerative bloodlines.

>I know, Jewish subversion.

Jews are the side effect. The main cause is forgetting your own virtues and morals. Jews can only sell porn if there are people willing to buy them.

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>Check out the way Iran looked
>You could've mistaken them for a Southern European country.
Whatever you say Ahmed

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Jews and their pet slut Anglos. They fooled America good. Oh well, it's over now.

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Jews trying to make a chattel race with no history or defining features.

because jews made capitalism in such a way they would be the winners, big corporation holders in the future so they are able to import most of the workers from outside to the countries they want the struggle to happen with.
but never in israel. that is jew only.

there should be a project to diversify israel with negros, arabs and others see how they like it.

I want to clarify also, that there are certainly many non-Jews who went along with this and they too should be punished.

Truthfully, we need a good cleansing of certain mutant and degenerate genetics from this earth. Many people with mutant genes were born during the baby boom of the mid 20th century and Jewish elites took advantage of these people. People with mutant genes are the type of people who advocate for open borders, homosexuality, feminism, etc. These kind of people were killed off throughout history but they have made a resurgence recently because of the population boom.

RWDS is a meme here but it honestly is a good solution to the problem. But of course I disavow violence ;)

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This is easy to answer. The Jew attacked many avenues at once. In general history you can see it, but on closer study of particular events you can see how intricate the subversion in. Basically, Jews are told at the synagogue to go out and join and create groups - then look to sow discord and weaken the goyim host. They then proceed to steal from and claw power from the goyim until there is nothing else to be gained or they are expelled.

Everywhere you think a Jew didn't hit and it was actually just a natural ripple of events - think again. Deep diving into family associations and name changes reveals the Jew in places you never expected, and controlling figures you thought weren't puppets. The most revealing aspect for me is when you are an expert on a particular topic. I studied advertising semiotics and all related fields at university, and it revealed an awful lot of semitic influence that I hadn't expected. Our history and culture is basically fake for the last hundred years or more

So why did you even post OP? You answered your own question in the first 4 words and then just repeated yourself.

Yes, but fuckin' worldwide? Every single country on Earth? How can they have so much power? Their ideological cancer spreads like wildfire, it seems.

It spans from their religion, even the non-religious Jews are brought up with it and its teachings. Think about how gypsies all have the same knowledge of scams no matter where on Earth they were brought up. It's the same thing

The basic shtick is "trick goyim, steal from goyim, take power from goyim - goyim are worthless compared to the Jew"

Purposeful undermining and collapse of all independent societies that could resist world government

The world follows the culture of the hegemonic power of the time period. Currently, the USA which is controlled by Jews is the most powerful country in the world. As a result, the rest of the world is influenced by our degeneracy.

If Nazi Germany and the Axis powers won WW2, the culture of the world would model that new standard. A based and redpilled standard

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Some of it has to be blamed on a massive increase in population and a rather steady decline in resources.

More people competing for less stuff.

jews basically took control over the whole world after ww2

Thanks guys! I feel like I'm getting a better understanding following your input. Things really have gone into overdrive with the globalist, marxist degeneracy, following WW2.

They had control of several countries way before that. They had the Iberian peninsula for a long time, and the Netherlands, France, Germany and England before WW2

My great great grandfather used to administrate a large chunk of India.
I wank more than 3 times a day and don't have a job. I'm also an alcoholic

Bit of a longshot but does anyone have that black/white webm of an interview with a woman who's talking about how the country is dead and culture is dead etc
I believe she was english talking about UK all the way back in the 70s or some such

I only just got it together at the end of my late 20s. I hated how hard I've had to work compared to my father and grandfather (both of whom had much better jobs than me) but at least I'm going somewhere now

lack of religion

The worst cultural change of the last century is rap music and white people love it.

White people showed no resistance to the negrofication of their soul.

Why do you think Iran hates Jews so much?


we let women into the work force and
now you can get away with most crimes

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Because it was on TV stupid.
Before the invention of the television the only way any ((foreign elements)) could gain controll over culture was through literature, or at best popular plays.
And not everyone read, let alone read books that were popular in urban distribution centers.
Most families on the american frontier and throughout rural europe had exactly one book in their house.
The bible.
Which told them the jews were stanic worshiping fucks (Jeremiah) who killed the literal son of god on earth and belonged to the "synagogue of satan" (Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and Revelations)
But once the electric jew came into anyones home?
Well they could tell you anything was normal given enough time.
And sure your parents might not agree.
But all the musicians did
And the writers did
And TV did
And they knew more then your dumb parents anyway.
After all John lennin was cute and he like Marxism so it must have been cool
You know it heaven,
before he was cast to hell,
Satan was the head of the orchestra of god...

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you should know better than to ask questions you know the answer to

every problem can be traced back to jews.
eliminate jews and every problem gets better, and will either be minimized or go away

It's literally feminism reaching critical mass.

This, it's sickening. And I was just reading about black soldiers in Germany after WW1. Our ancestors are rolling in their graves.
>Throughout his speeches and essays, Nitti drew a contrast between Europeans who constituted civilization vs Africans who represented barbarism.[74]Nitti even so far as to say he was shocked to see and hear "music gangs of Negroes and Berbers of Africa" play "African music programmes" on the "squares of the occupied cities".
>Nitti wrote for him it "seemed unbearable" that Germans whose nation was a "cradle of musical genius" to listen to "Negro music".[74]As part of his call to revise Versailles, Nitti urged that the other European nations together with the United States were under the obligation to "save culture...from the flood of barbarism" as "Germany's fall" would mean "the downfall of one the largest driving forces of humanity".

To this day I still cannot comprehend how people find nigger rap music enjoyable to listen to. I am not even kidding. There has to be some kind of mind control going on......something so shit and degenerate shouldn't be that popular

Drugs and alcohol. It's really that simple.

Based quote, saved

You want the real answer?


This world is falling further and further away from God, as was prophesied.
The longer this goes on, the more degeneracy will abound.

It will continue until Christ returns.

OP is a typical fucking reddit boomer nigger. European peoples stopped producing fine art in the first decade of the 1900s. No more aristocracy dictating taste and financing artists - no more fine art.

Spengler wrote in 1918 that in 1920 fine art will be over as a Western tradition (DW 1.VII.10).

Paraphrase: The Western aesthetic, “fine art”, has achieved what it set out to express and has nothing left to accomplish. Art will no longer be able to be characterized as a well-defined thing with shared characteristics across the West, but will be a matter of schools, individuals, and mere commercial design. Borrowings from non-Western sources will become unavoidable.

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More soulless goyim started being born, they have 'antisocial' personalities and are 'suppressive persons' disconnected from reality.

Soulless goyim from overpopulation.

I swear everyone below 25 even the nerdy white girl without friends talks like a goddamn ghetto moron. Literally all of them. Its fascinating how ghetto culutre has become cool and its really cool to mispronounce words and talk like a retard.

Easy. Our culture was built on the know-how that there were superiors and inferiors, and the superiors remained there by insuring the latter never got close enough to drag them down.

Collapse began when people started treating the Third World like welcomed friends instead of a curse. Equality for all is the lowest common denominator- inevitably this is a decline.

I liked old school rap back in the day when it was a fun little niche. Now you have literal retards mumbling nonsense over a shitty beat and they sell 8 gazillion records and people compare them to zeppelin and the Beatles. I was amazed how many normies i know who were legit sad when that sound cloud rapper got shot. That clown world meme is so true.

>Yes goyim! Blame the devil. Don't focus on the Jews....hehe....*hand rubbing intensifies*

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Hard times make strong men
Strong men make good times
Good times make weak men
(We are here)
Weak men make hard times

Lack of religion/spirituality, broken homes, poor education resulting in words of wisdom either not being passed generation to generation or a lot of it being lost in translation from utter brainlets who can't pick it up

Good answer.

Collective complacency has contributed greatly to the decline. That and the entertainment industry. Not only were the 1960s a close post-war period, TV was just gaining in availability and popularity. On top of this, the social changes of "equality" movements at the time (Civil rights in the US, Gay rights in western Europe, etc.) have made us 'tolerant'.

Look at this old footage of Rio De Janeiro