I went to school with this terrorist and know her family well. Ask me anything Jow Forums
I went to school with this terrorist and know her family well. Ask me anything Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I also know her sister and have links to nudes
I posted this before but here is the link to terrorist nudes:
so whens the reunion?
Not doing a very good job of being a traditionalist extremist with the nose piercing
Nose piercings are allowed for women. The Prophet had no problem with it.
When she’s out at the end of this year
>@ 220260710 (OP)
no link - no (you)
you no effort faggot
Did you take those pictures OP? If so, based Briton
Asma Aweys sounds like a cheap off brand Asthma treatment
10/10 would let her bomb my Asthma Away
Post pictures on b/ Don't trust those antifa links you guys post.
Fuck off jew
She showed her hair so i guess her father or Brother has to stone her to death now?
>Those nudes
She's a double terrorist
Weird, they range from nasty Arab to kinda cute nigress.
Imagine being this person and having to walk around seeing the people who built everything around you that you depend on. Knowing they’d be traveling the stars were they not babysitting you. Having that body. You’d lose your mind.
Fucking hell that's as disgusting as a nigger
Imagine that thing touching you
ive been on Jow Forums since 2007 and Jow Forums since its inception. newfag. shitposting no effort faggot newfag.
>cute nigress
You people are so fucked in the head brainwashed at this point
You actually look at Niggers with sexual lust... You all need to be eradicated along with the niggers
Woah relax your shoulders and take a deep breath.
>spread eagle with nothing but a hijab on
Why do I find that so hilarious
>You actually look at Niggers with sexual lust
kek'd audibly
Maybe she became a terrorist because clearly a white boy used her as a cum dumpster and so she ended up hating white people, it is shame how the world is, I am against race mixing because most people that do it do it because of trends and to look good to society, but if she liked that guy he at least shouldn't have taken those photos, just for respect, but idk user.
She doesnt hate them. She married a cuck convert.
Hes not aware of these nudes.