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what a fucking lad.


So he was tormented to death by mudslimes right? They must have loved seeing him kill himself. They surely bragged to their parents.

Anyone record it?

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Like you nerds haven't contemplated suicide lmao

does this have symbolic significance

Yeah it symbolizes swedecucks would rather kill themselves than die fighting.

I don't understand this headline.
Why is bullied put in implication, and why would his class mates witness his suicide and not actively attempt to stop this? is this a movie?

He should have stabbed the bullies before doing it, to at least make them suffer.


>Why is bullies in implication
Because white men and boys are pariahs in every industrialized western nation and no hardship they face is taken seriously

More like Slurry, amiright?

haha a child died out of despair lolol

You fucks are vile. If you want to be gay edgelords go back to /b/ with the other 14 year olds. I hope you all acquire sympathy.

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You know, considering the state of this world I'm not gonna take that as sarcasm, but actually believe this is what the writer of the article feels.
Fuck it. Let them all burn.

It’s absolutely what they feel, even if they don’t admit it or even realize it. The first world is anti-white, anti-male and extremely anti-white-nale

this is likely true, never think these people have remorse for you


have sex

Everyday senpai

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me on the right

How the fuck can you be "bullied"? Unless they mean the new age bullying that white people subject poor oppressed minorities to by sending them death threats like "learn to code" and doing the "ok" hand sign.

Big ass head

That's not the point of the post. We're not laughing at the kid dying.

This might not be the case in Denmark, so I wont judge.
In many countries around the world we have schools which have over 95% muslim or black children. A white kid which is unfortunate enough to go to one of these schools is fucked.
They are usually forced in to the schools, because in the UK at least the school you have to attend is based on your post code, so each school will have a catchment area.
Basically, that kids life was fucked from the start, even if he hadn't killed himself.


Probably went to school with a bunch of 23 year old teenage refugees who just came from a war zone and probably have absolutely wild sorts of personality problems, or the kids of these guys who likely have their own issues

Poor kid but imagine being such a pussy that you don't kill your bullies first. Literally letting them win

Neglected is the correct term.

Never, I do often consider a new crusade in order to purge the world of faggots like you. It puts a smile on my face and a rustle in my jimmies. Mmmmm

This. Also I hate the fucking freaks that now condemn bullying, while importing more shitskins and claim all white people are racist.



>Not continuing to live out of spite
If you do kill yourself you should do so to ruin the life of whoever you hate the most.

>wahh I can't be a bully I think I'll KMS now

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

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Was this poor kid mkultra'd to suicide? Where is the link? Had the boy ever been to a (((therapist))) and been SRA victim? I heard that a bunch of pols Alters were programmed to suicide when things went south for the handlers. Either way, God rest his soul.

I hope the train was okay.


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lol what a cuck faggot

How was it that clean?
This was from the blue whale challenge I think

>literally selfie your own suicide
Even in death, women are still vain

clean cut

Poor kid, I grew up near Surrey and this isn't really difficult to believe. It's an absolute shithole but it wasn't quite this bad when I was growing up; how times change. Imagine being the father of a child who was tormented to the point of willingly laying on train tracks, he must have been terrified.

Shoulda killed the bullies if he was gonna go out anyway.

that probably feels good like a self massaging machine dude

It's obviously two different people.

You're stupid.

No u

>Guise Im so hardcore xDxDD
Fuck off you cringy cuck.

They hit him with that long term emotional and physical abuse so he hit em back with that irreversible ptsd trauma that will haunt them for life. lol

Lad of the year.

Damn where is this at? Only top 5 percent of girls I graduated with in highschool were very fuckworthy. Rest were ugly/plain.

if the father doesn't kill a whole bunch of these muslims, then he brought shame on himself. If he manages to die peacefully of old age and not pull a Tarrant on Surrey he deserves hell

That'll show them!

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Nah, they'll forget about it like most modern teens.

He should have stabbed them all then killed himself.

>the virgin therapy patient
>the PTSD-inducing Chad

What really happened: The bullies FORCED him to lay on the tracks so the train would hit him. It was murder.

Now, why would the media say it was the boy's fault? (Blame the victim). Because it was SHITSKINS who murdered him. No other explanation.

Any father that stands idly by while his child is psychologically tortured by invaders deserves to burn in hell.

contemplating suicide makes you human, going through with it makes you weak.

Women cant be teachers. They get aroused when kids bully others. The rest of the male adults of their lives lost that agressiveness so they look for that on teens

Because the bullies FORCED him to lay on the tracks of course. And the media is now defending them because it was shitskins that did it. 100% fact I would bet all my money on it.


I bet his retard white father filled his heart with pacifist (((christian))) nonsense and the boy was bullied by niggers day in and day out, all while dad cried about "loving your enemies" and how Rabbi Jesus Christ is going to come save the white race eventually!

I have no sympathy for white males. You are fucking retards who embrace your destruction and adhere to a shitskin death-cult.


jey kike!

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What sort of "children" do you suppose the bullies were? Some manner of Asian, would you say? Who worship an Asian religion?

Yeah Christian pacifism is a cancer. It should really be called a "slave mindset". Who are they slaves to? The Jews.

Modern Christians aren't even real Christians, the Christians of only 130 years ago would view them as degenerate heretics.

Yes but I would take with me the people which I consider responsible for it.
No innocents of course.

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No it's not. You can see the pink beanie behind the head, and the broken earphone next to her wound.

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fuck Christianity, gosh religion. Nobody's Christian in Europe, you asshole! the problem that afflicts Europe is racial, non-cultural or religious

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And the neck warmer on the outside of the track.

for the longest time of christian history, if muslims and moors would have did something like OPrelated, the christian neighborhood would have burned all the muslims alive and or put them on spikes. Let alone have muslims live there in the first place. That was real christianity.

Besides, this story should be shared on Facebook, Twitter etc. to keep pinging these sleepy normies on the nature of muslims and africans

Surrey is one of the poshest and richest counties in England you dumbasses

Did she survive?

>the christian neighborhood would have burned all the muslims alive and or put them on spikes.

Wrong. This is such COPE. Europeans did that. Christianity pacified them. It didn't happen overnight, but it DID happen. Now white men are literally the best, most loyal christfagged, dumb goyim the Jews could ever hope for. All because of Christianity.

But that's okay...keep on keepin on with Rabbit Jesus Christ. You'll learn the hard way. I'l laugh at your stupidity.

Foreigners don't understand British culture. This had nothing to do with bullying and was probably just a bit of school banter

Yup sewed it right back on, user.

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>Killed by a Pacer

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shes okay


nice to see the blue whale challenge is still going strong

This. Dumbasses here even think Surrey is a town or city, not an entire country. The mad lad sat on the rails for shits and giggles then got run over by the 3:45 to Guildford

Pic related.
Even the femoids are taller than him

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100% guaruanteed victim of diversity.

christianity was in every aspect of life for more than thousand years in europe and the people were still strong all that time and killed invaders, fought their enemies and lived proud.

The cuck mentality only came around when perverse liberalism took hold in europe and disguised itself as a lot of things, one of them christianity, which it never was. That was only around the time of Vatican2. The perversivication of the church by sick liberalism.

if he hadn't died I'd have bought him 100 packets of picked onion transformasnacks and a multipack of shandy bass

Chertsey is white as fuck

Whites are insects who can't feel empathy.

You tried this with a thread on Salvini too fuck off

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Absolute fucking bullshit you stupid nigger.
What pacified them is leftists and their perverted fucking politicians you complete idiot.

When you just lookt at a shitskin you get jailed and ruined your life because of racism.

How is it even fucking possible to be so FUCKING STUPID?

It’s so obvious this Chelsea tractor driving Surrey mummy can’t handle the fact that her idiot son died trying to impress Chantelle so she can give him a handy behind the bike shed, so obviously it’s the other kids fault not hers for raising an absolute lad

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>If you do kill yourself you should do so to ruin the life of whoever you hate the most.


Yes. It was probably Muslims or niggers tormenting him. The enemy is inside the gates.

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Fuck off nigger. It’s not our fault you’re black,

Nature weeds out the weak from the strong; This is just nature doing what nature does.

Found the muslim fuck i thought south america was islam free, you literally are trashing every part of the world.

>perverse liberalism
Yep, that's Christianity.

"christianity is on his lower influence", men also are the most cucked, christianity fault. You are not logic.