What if citizenship really was based on service?

What if citizenship really was based on service?

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Half of burgers would lose their citizenship due to being too obese to get through basic training

>die for Israel or don't recieve citizenship

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What type of service? Only military? What about community service or service to one's family?

What is the service? If military then considering the state of things, mostly Hispanics would be citizens.

How do either of those two compare to military service you weak cuck

Jews would find a way to get out of it

This as well

Citizenship must be based on dick dimensions...

Oy vey of course banking is a serviceable job

>Fight and risk dying for Israel in order to gain citizenship

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Only this guy would be a citizen

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reliability of the army would plummet.
A system like that can only work if there is a good open war against something, not pointless wars for your kike overlords.

needs to be verified combat service

citizenship based on being a ZOG cannon fodder and sucking off Kike dick?

Better yet, only people who dont recieve entitlements spending are eligible as citizens.
That would create a self balancing feedback

The idea that social responsibilities should come before social privileges is correct
The idea that it absolutely needs to be military-related isn't

only if you weren't born in the country.

i already did that shit when i was a kid because i had parents that desired to imprint positive caring social attitudes onto me and my siblings. but that wouldnt be good enough for OP he wants us to go die for israel and to that i tell him to go suck a dick.

Exceptions would pop up to protect the children of the well-connected, as well as funnel them to officer training and P.R. positions instead of the meat grinder positions. Just like always.

in the book service did not mean military service, though it did count. service was a job the state would give you that would be designed to make you want to quit with how hard it is. it was supposed to foster a sense of national identity and pride. and "citizenship" isn't what it means in america now, citizens in starship troopers are civilians with the added right to vote and have more than 2 kids.

imagine, we don't allow blacks to serve and we completely halt all non-white immigration, that would solve like every problem ever all at once.

Based Janusz.

W pełni się zgadzam.

Depends on how it gets established, if it's like Starship Troopers the guys in charge will know how to prevent shit like that from happening.

Lol you sound like a pussy

I'd be ok with this.

Community service is a scam like personal trusts, foundations, charities and animal welfare non-profits. There would be a huge disparity between poor and rich service.

As for family service, sounds like code for 'make babies'. Again each population would be rewarded inequally for having sex.

What if jews didn't covertly overthrow our government?

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Trump wouldn’t be a citizen

You get it.

LOL true

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>giving shitskins an easy option to citizenship while simultaneously destroying our military from the inside out
What if you just killed your self instead?

it practically already is user
that is service to Israel get you free of debt and other special perks

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it should be parenthood in marriage OR service.

The movie is more realistic, then. There were no elders, the oldest people were middle-aged. By the end of the movie, there were no middle-aged, and the war effort was actively recruiting child soldiers.

How much sense does it make to have to go through training to have the right to have babies? It doesn't. People will circumvent the system. See the example of the example of space-faring Mormons (who are notorious for high white birth rates, white nationalism, and anti-government sentiments hard coded into their holy books in real life). The Mormons disobeyed the State and were wiped out for it. But the State couldn't prevent them from having babies anyway, or from colonizing a planet outside the World Government's influence.

Why would the guys in charge want an equal society? We are descended from chimps. What do chimps do?

You want an equal society, put AI in charge and enjoy the lulz as the programmers' biases are still revealed.

jesus christ

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Rrrrrrrrico....... ssssssuaaaaavvvvveeeee.

I want to bury my face in those abs. Christ almighty.

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fuck the military. i dont know a bigger waste of money than on the military. with the money we spend on military we could put humanity so far ahead with education and scientific research it's a damn shame it all goes there. as al pachino said in donnie brasco, The Army is some guy you don't know sends you out to whack some other guy you don't know

What does Israel produce which allows it to be so generous to its citizens and wannabe citizens?

Leftists would scam it and shut you out

Well i found the first victim in any sort of crime or riot.
Anyways we should make it to if you want to have political rights, you have to fight for it so you know whats at stake

We spend around 850 billion on the military and 3.5 trillion on other expenditures. Universal healthcare will be 2 trillion a year by itself. You can only afford these other programs via military hegemony; if you want these programs, you can never escape the need for military adventurism

fuck enlisting to fight for israel

Seperate the wheat from the chaff as they say

Shit.. I would be the emperor then bro.

then i'd fight... the government.
fuck off jew. fight iran your damn self.

The 2020 budget is projected to be be 2.84B. Social Security was by far the biggest expense at $1.102 trillion. Medicare was next at $679 billion, followed by Medicaid at $418 billion.

So basically, it’s boomers.

Citizenship should be based on taxes. Ballots should be submitted with your taxes.

California, NY and the liberal states would have 80% of the ballots, if based on “who pays taxes”