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Taken out of context.
He’s doing this because they’ll still make more doing part time at $15 an hour vs full time at $10.25 an hour.
He’s creating more jobs while also paying them more. What have YOU done? How many people have YOU employed at $15 an hour? NONE. So shut your mouth.


Almost like none of their ideas work.

Enjoy your loss

Wow, check out the cope on this commie

Does he plan to employ every Illegal at 15$ an hour too? I might consider moving to Vermont and running a poutine food truck for those ethnic food bucks

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This is some Curb Your Enthusiasm type shit

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>Creating more jobs
By making the part-time workers do full-time amounts of work? Dumb kike. This is what happened at my workplace when they raised the minimum wage in Ontario from $10cad to $14cad. They forced all the workers to work harder and starting rolling-layoffs and unofficially cut hours based on "lack of work".

Haha Libs Owned Epic Style. Working twice as hard for half the wage is based!

They're salaried employeers making 36k+ a year + benefits (including full health coverage) that were upset that their hours went up and the pay didn't. There's nothing wrong with this, but I'm sure you knew that shill.

no he's actually having to face economic reality, thats the great part about this. maybe its too nuance for you

Almost like the alt-right is filled with simpletons that never read past the title. No wonder we're MIGA bound.

you do realize the logical extreme of this, if everyone were to do it, would be skyrocketing unemployment
if every employer on earth cut 20% of their employees to raise wages by 20%, unemployment would jump up 20%
maybe not those exact numbers but we should all understand this kind of argument

Why doesn't he just re-mortgage his beach house or sell his Audi?

Is this the thread where we pretend that the only reason they weren't making $15 an hour is because they were salaried and working way over 40 hours?

This is the perfect solution. They're salaried. They're going to get paid the same for less work. As it should've been in the first place.

Wait, this is Jow Forums, I have to pretend this means something.

You don't understand this situation at all. Please, sit down before you look even more retarded.

I had the theme song in my head as I was reading the title.

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you're on Jow Forums, no one here will defend bernie for fear of being bullied anonymously.

There were salaried employee, you mong.

I don't even like Sanders, but this is nothing.



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Who will match me donating my paycheck?!

>no video
uh ok

The wall of arithmetic finally hits Bernie in the face. It's a bit late when you're 96 but it's never too late I guess.

Jow Forums in a nutshell

What Bernie doesn’t seem to understand is that Americans are passed the point of being placated with tablescraps. They’re bloodthirsty.

Please do tell me how having my hours cut drastically and getting laid off after a minimum wage hike is "not understanding this situation".

>implying no business owners lurk here

Alway projecting your failures on others to cope

as an american i demand the right to 50 hour salaried work weeks

What a joke. He’s basically become the very thing he started off campaigning against: a greedy fat-cat millionaire who won’t pay working people their fair share. I expect to hear a speech announcing his intention to drop from the race any day now

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If they get paid the same no matter how many hours they work, why are hours being cut to afford their "salaries?" Do you hear yourself?

Almost like youre SEETHING


>if you dont pay employees you win

>no refunds, kids sorry


>b-but thats not reel socialism user

They were working 60+ hours a week... their salary was coming out belowc13 dollars an hour.

Why would this prompt mockery? He's handicapping his own campaign to pay the workers a livable wage. It shows he's principled and cares about the working class.

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You dumb kid, he fucking started as that ffs

This is the might of the rightwing brain.

cope more you retarded faggot.
imagine the entire country doing this. where would those workers work at if they have "more free time"? At other companies? They wouldnt get hired since they just cut hours for their workers as well.

Cope harder you retarded nigger.

Hours went up and cut their approximate hourly wage from being salaried to less than 15/hr. Ah yes Bernie is so moral that he is using a loophole to avoid paying his own proposal.

this just proves the fight for 15 is bullshit and wont work.

Nah, he didn’t become a millionaire until he got his base of suckers to buy his book

>60+ a week for uncle sanders
>35 Gs a year

Bernouts are a fucking joke!

I hope he gets rigged out like last time and you faggots throw yourselves against the walls of the establishment you built!
Say hi to seth rich you fucking lames

> Make 12.50 an hour, work 40 hours.
> Bring home 500 a week before tax.

> Make 15 an hour, work 32 hours.
> Bring home 480 a week before tax.


Had to be made to, but its from his ol kind heart

The people in the article were salaried. They are now working less for the same pay. You are a moron.

b-but muh alt right r poopyheds tho!

K sweaty

Youll have to sauce me bro
Commies who go into congrees always get super rich in their fist years of selling out

The were working 60+ hours at salary. This is better for them.

That's right, Bernie's gonna win. Just donated, somebody match me.

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If I understand this correctly they’re being paid on a salary, but the amount of hours they work means that hourly, their salary comes out to about 13 bucks an hour. By cutting their hours, the amount of money they make stays the same, but they make more per hour, so to “pay them $15 an hour” he’ll just make them work fewer hours, but the total amount of money they’re paid remains the same. Which ironically is one of the main criticisms of implementing a $15 minimum wage nationwide

this is a psy op do not believe their lies


How can you see this as anything but too little, too late? Have you no memory? My God, he killed all those people and wrote numerous taunting letters and you think THAT is acceptable when compared to grabbing her by the pussy.

How is that a criticism?

They work less and make the same.

It's like Bernie is finally realizing how economics works.
He's trying to cope as he learns. This is what happens when people with no real occupations become politicians. Being a career politician is like being a professional nobody, disconnected from reality

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They were salaried at higher than $15 (for 40 hours). They were working too long of hours. Now they're not. Crisis averted.

FREE mockery

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If they are salary workers, why are they fighting for hourly wages when that doesn't apply to them? Why aren't they fighting for higher salaries? Is he going to hire more employees to handle the workload or will the ones with their hours cut have to work harder?


How much did 2016 cost you?

So this is what an echo chamber is like.

No one caring about what actually happened. Just popping in to say something that goes along with their prior bias and dipping out.


Bernie’s whole campaign is based on the idea that people can’t survive on “poverty wages”, and that’s why they need $15 an hour. Cutting hours so you can “be paid $15 an hour” doesn’t help if the “poverty wages” (the amount they’re currently paid) remains the same.

It's called efficiency wage.

The more you pay to a worker, the more productive they become, the better the performance.

Most people do more if they get paid more than the market price wage.


The narrative is inconsistent always

Its a brainlet approach to the problem he is drescribing.
Working fewer hours is a great concept for people that already make decent cash because that gives them more time to actually live their lives but when this whole discussion is because of livable wages it wont do SHIT.
at most it would open up time for people to work two jobs but that can be fucking awful if you count in things like commute.

Evidently, theres a worker shortage. Also, as long as there's enough food and water, people tend to do well innovating and providing useful services.

>what happened

Im sure theres unvarnished truth waiting for all who click the fake news link

Their argument was that, money paid per hours worked, they weren't making $15.

Now they are. They just didn't want to work 60 hour weeks. And, if they were, they wanted to get paid more.

So they went with less hours. Nothing important happened at all.

we are reaching levels of C O P I N G that shouldn't even be possible

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Gravy belongs on mash and mash alone, Leaf!

They were getting paid over the $15 per 40. So they were making a living wage, just working too long for it.

In America, when we talk about a living wage, it is generally meant in comparison to a 40 hour work week.

They were making a living wage. Non issue.

Bandaids are not heroic.

No, it's really not. People in here are just stupid.

Shit tier bait. See me after class.

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you mean they actually earn the 15 dollars then?

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what a retard

Except for the people that will get fired or let go, you absolute brainlet

No wonder this board is so confusing now, most of the fags saying shit like "miga" are just mouth-breathing, confused anti-Trump liberal propagandists, even though the meme likely came from the alt-right itself. What remains of the "alt-right", lead by nazis like Striker despises zion Trump and are probably more freindly to Sanders at this point, even with him being jewish.

You don't even understand the dynamics of the right-left divide here functions, you're just parroting arguments from people who you probably hate but think are on your side.

Yeah they were making $15 for 40 hours, they were working 60 hours though for that same amount of money which means that per-hour (at 60 hours) they were only making 13 bucks. Getting your hours cut doesn’t mean you get a raise

good bait

>1 post

>get millions upon millions in donations
>run no ads
>make few speeches
>pay your staff minimum wage

Where does the money go?

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I just don't see how they expect to get the same amount of work done unless they spend most of the week bullshitting. I own a landscaping company with 2 crews and have maxed out efficiency, but can still only work the best guys at a certain pace before they start to get burned out. There's a limit people reach where the money isn't worth it. If I had to start everyone off at $15/hr in SC, I would have to run them like dogs to stay profitable.

wtf is wrong with right wing retards? you would rather work 60 hours and make less instead of working 40 hours and making $15/hour

right wing retards are such fucking corporate slaves that they will gladly work 60 hours and make LESS money

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>being bullied

How is bernie supposed to be a leader in progressivism if he's only just now following the curve in progressive paychecks? His campaign staff deserve $20 an hour to be considered the MOST PROGRESSIVE!


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$15/hour is double the minimum wage

meanwhile trump only hires illegals

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The same place the money always goes in communism — fancy cars and beachfront homes for the ruling members of the Party

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His teeth are fucked. Is that thing even human?

Bernie's $15/hour is a lot better than the $5/hour that trump hires all his precious illegals for

Illegals are one of the main things preventing a $15 minimum wage. Just remember that the next time you say “no human being is illegal”

Miga are shills

>no human being is illegal
that's true, though
because illegals aren't Human beings

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every tranny worth xir's salt is already making $15/hr. if Bernie were a true progressive, he'd up his game and offer at least $20/hour to put himself above the other, less progressive, rabble in this election cycle.