Female Of The Neatherlands

What are the political beliefs commonly held in the Neatherlands? If I where to date a female from there, what should I come to expect? Will she hate all foreigners, or be cucked by the globalist elites?

Attached: ;hjovrji'rb;uves.jpg (737x779, 132K)

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They like having sex with black men

lmao incel you wont ever get laid or have a family of your own


STFU, spic

Nice filename dude

It's just Pajeetposting, they can't help themselves

Honestly women don't have beliefs really, they just ape whatever they see as the norm

sadly this

Makes sense, I forget subhumans know of this site

I've met a couple who think for themselves, but it's VERY rare, like one in million

imagine a fit tomboy gf with strong personal beliefs

Sadly they don't exist


Attached: Foto-ANP.jpg (770x433, 69K)

Never been to the Neatherlands. Can't help you.

unintelligent women are insufferable man im taking to just ask out every attractive woman on the chance they have some remote grasp on reality

>What are the political beliefs commonly held in the Neatherlands?
leftist as fuck, like sweden but with more abortions and euthanasia

Attached: 1561911827122.jpg (208x242, 16K)

It's not worth it, they're most likely riding the coal pole, if she breaths she's a thot

What're the chances I can redpill her?

Baudet is the future of the Nederlands

Attached: Big Thumb Up_00c3aa43.jpg (191x240, 4K)

>they're most likely riding the coal pole
thats delusional mate
in any case i dont even pay attention to any woman a slight hint of thot tendency

kanker op varken
knor knor

i thought you were saying neanderthal for the longest time i was so confused. but yes its true, they prefer black men. we'll just have to nuke them too i guess.

Attached: david duke.jpg (1200x671, 112K)

Attached: deepnude1.png (512x512, 435K)

Odds are, if you're in northwest europe, most people will default to liberalism, most won't be able to articulate this world view. So assume hyper individualism, blank slatism etc. Most questions will be answered in those directions. Hundreds of millions of people's worldviews can be known by reading a handful of philosophers.

Niet leuk tegenover varkens om ze met een amerikaan te vergelijken

Fair enough, it's awful where I'm at

No, we are right wing with euthanasia and abortion. Being against euthanasia and abortion is literally moralfagging.

Go back home, Muhammed

I can't wait for the incel genocide. All a bunch of betas.

Plenty of the ones who appear to think for themselves are just convincing fakers too. They don’t want to be too basic because non-conformity is socially in vogue, so they simply reorient their conformity to mimic edgy guys.


There is no country greater than the Netherlands.

Attached: De-Nederlandse-vlag-op-het-gebouw-van-de-Eerste-Kamer-hangt-halfstok-in-verband-met-de-vliegramp-in- (770x433, 48K)

It's all good lol. But hey, she spoke to me so there's hope ;) Plus my buddy is a die-hard Natsoc and will redpill her alongside me. Plus she was beyond happy when my friend and I told her she was beautiful, it made her night :) We talked a bit and she gave us her contact info, and this was in a pretty mixed area. But the guy with me is a Natsoc, he's an AWESOME wingman

Tell this harlot to KEEP her fake boobs!

blackpilled faggot

More people identify as right wing in the Netherlands than left wing.

Why are you giving your personal stories? Are you 12?

I like this help, friend> I'll read up and practice my counter-arguments, my Natsoc friend is INSANELY well-informed so we can redpill her if she's willing to listen

Why is it called The Netherlands? It sounds like some fake fantasy realm in a novel.

Not exactly, it's a matter of the value of life and is an ethics question. With that, he was using that as a means of describing how far left they are.
It's still worth a shot, as long as they don't have 1488 and screaming white power at the top of their lungs they're probably intelligent. But those women are garbage as swell.
Nigger, I'm building contexts. If you don't, the question is close to useless


"We must travel to the Netherlands, the land of elves, to collect the key of illusion."

I too love traps

>taking the bait

How so?

>called The Netherlands
That translates to The Low Countries.

They kill teenage girls legally in that shithole. If you don’t believe me look it up. The government celebrated killing a 17yo would be super model. They thought the shit was fucking hilarious. There’s no chance to fight back against it either. The left have absolute power 90%-100% of the vote in most places.

alleen eerlijk.. af en toe heb ik echt het idee dat nederlands het meest joodse land ooit is.. alsof we vroeger hier allemaal joods ware maar we het zijn vergete..

yea no.. it was anything but celebrated here i dont know where you get your news from

can't tell if pajeet or chang

Sounds like a good spot to redpill, there's no way people truly agree with this stuff, it has to be media propaganda

Exactly this.

muh coalburning epidemic

Her skin doesn't look healthy, I wander what chemicals she uses to achieve that patchy looking complexion

It's pretty extreme in my area

It's actually insane, I'm from a city and that's ALL they do


The Swiss Netherregions Robinson

t. ugly femcel

Attached: Netherlands.png (512x512, 417K)

All women are leftists here.

>Will she hate all foreigners
certainly not ALL if she dates you

Who would win?

Attached: D_MyJ6hXUAAvRLE.jpg (750x926, 89K)

Yeah me too and they don't

We waren altijd de meest tolerante cucks waardoor de joden zich konden vestigingen nadat ze ergens weer verbannen waren

White men love having sex with Asian women.

Attached: Western Man Impregnates Eastern Woman.jpg (1024x725, 146K)

Almost everyone I've met is a liberal obsessed with saving niggers and immigrants from the evil far right

aznidentity or pajeet?

you are that albanian arent you

Attached: zwarte pepe.jpg (1280x1237, 190K)

I want to lick her.

Monster dick

Here's her Instagram.
Her story is mostly ads, though.

that fucking monkey every time lmao

shes gotten disgusting since the OP picture was taken.

This was made by the Japanese? If the cuck phenomenon older than we thought?

its apparently legit circa 1820

What a weird world we live in

Nastassia Ponoramenko is much better.

Attached: 20190719 Nastassia Ponoramenko 0.jpg (1080x1287, 156K)

Here's a corrected version of the photo, because she took it in front of a mirror. Look at the Amazon logo on the packaging in the background.

Attached: 20190719 Nastassia Ponoramenko 0.jpg (1080x1287, 155K)

Why does she have a nigger ass. Disgusting

That ass is mostly muscle. She's a squat girl. Nigger women just have more fat on their asses. Squat girl asses look much nicer.

Attached: 20190713 Nastassia Ponoramenko 0.jpg (1080x1080, 72K)

Attached: 20190709 Nastassia Ponoramenko.jpg (1080x1080, 179K)

C'mon leaf, that's all white women. Not just the Dutch ones.


Ah lap, zeg!
Ge zijt me er een.
Ik kom volgende week bij u langs om al uw westvleteren weg te drinken.
