Be me

>Be me
>Literal communist
>Told that I will grow more capitalist and conservative as I age
>34 years old
>Embracing communism even more
>Spend some days begging god for violent revolution
>Have no quarrels with murdering elites and their families
Why have I not grown more conservative and capitalist overtime pol?

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kys commie

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>begging god

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Because you're an emotional child with pent up self hatred that you take out on the only safe target, rich people.

Attached: (you).png (416x435, 95K)

Imagine being a Communist in your thirties lmao what a loser

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>Why have I not grown more conservative and capitalist overtime pol?
once a faggot, always a faggot

>safe target
>rich people
They literally have tons of bodyguards and mansions in gated communities.

Well if you're okay with murdering people then maybe you should reevaluate things.

Attached: not-real-communism-comic.png (940x300, 62K)

I think of ending it some days, but I want to drag at least one filthy rich piece of shit down to hell with me.