WELL, Jow Forums??

WELL, Jow Forums??

Attached: did-chuck-schumer-marry-a-tranny-gettyimages-joe-kohen-faceapp-38841198.png (500x652, 152K)

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Attached: 1563666768201.jpg (500x657, 159K)

so you live in Italy, now huh?
Greece was a little bit too arid?

No wonder he is so miserable!

Attached: 1383075872292.jpg (497x458, 82K)

Forgot about this one. No that is not a tranny. That's a weird mentally ill guy wearing women's clothes. Trannies are sexy with nice fake tits and take care of themselves, nice and fit to look like a woman. Good rule of thumb is
>with trannies you can't tell
But this one you can tell, so no this is not a tranny.

Holy shit

I would prefer to live in sweden than to marry that thing

Tranny Devito

Attached: 1532211378398.png (2409x1606, 2.49M)

They have children. Explain that.


The same way Michael 0bama got theirs, from a surrogate.

WTF is that thing?

Attached: Evergreen.jpg (1920x1080, 1.97M)

>They have children. Explain that.
I'll take "What is adoption" for $500.00, Alex.

Owen Benjamin posted pictures of former US Presidents and their 'wives'....it was interesting to say the least

did you see them cum out of the trannys ass??
did yah

And a lot of their friends sell them, what's your point?

Schumer and the Cuomos have been covering for NXIVM and other pizza lovers for decades.

Schumer's "wife" is hideous and his daughter is a lesbian

Attached: 983459837489534.png (1207x842, 791K)

A lot of first ladies were real beauties.
Grace Coolidge springs to mind.
>Mary (((Todd))) Lincoln
Were total hags.

Makes sense; they don't reproduce, they recruit

I grew up always hearing that JFK's wife was a 10. She was a 3 at best.

Forgot pic

Attached: Mrs_Kennedy_in_the_Diplomatic_Reception_Room_cropped.jpg (585x724, 104K)

Have you seen her ass?

Clearly Michael Myers in a wig -- as he himself said as Austin Powers: "That's a man, baby!"
What do you make of it? Humiliation ritual for elites? A way to humiliate normal people by showing us something obviously false and making it so we can't call it out, like what Theodore Dalrymple talked about?

Attached: theodore dalrymple propaganda.jpg (652x310, 70K)

Its the med hivemind

Meds hate each other though.

Yeah that's a fucking joke you numbskull people were joking about his adulterous habits... I wonder why.

no she’s just a jew

Post it

He married one of the Pences from the future... Keep up

t. tranny

Middle-aged white women look like that without a pound of makeup on. Not a tranny; your brain has been rewired by jew porn instead of interactions with real women.

Attached: 1373036963942.jpg (717x510, 99K)

probably but chuck likes little boys

Attached: Jackie-Kennedy.jpg (615x409, 25K)

Google it

Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy Pelosis daughter

The elite get off on rubbing it in our faces. They get off on playing tricks on the goyim, knowing they are too stupid to notice.

Attached: PFYX4FKWEZBG7FYINT3UQF5RP4.jpg (1484x935, 164K)

No, Yid women are just ugly like that.

This is nothing special

Attached: 8405167F-99D1-4207-A608-5D926F6DB1C2.jpg (262x394, 30K)

She didn't sperg out in public about his many adulteries. The media used to idolize and push the 'saintly wife' as a womanly virtue, and that made her a 10.

Lesbians are meaningless. Would he hug his son and son's husband with as big a smile?

She looks like a beached baby whale in this pic to be honest.

Bullshit. Have some sage.

What the jew is this shit?

God dam it. Beat me to it. That thing reminds me of danny devito everytime I see it.

I think a lot of people think of this picture which is actually from a recreation

Attached: o1AJ9qDyyJNSpZWhUgGYc3MngFqoAMgd6UftBKeqRNm9aDQ4E.jpg (551x522, 63K)


What's it smell like, bros?

I dunno sounds like a natural woman's voice to me.

Attached: 1562461683308.jpg (533x800, 163K)

middle aged white women look like pic related in 99% of the country

Attached: average middle aged white woman.jpg (1080x1350, 148K)

unironically looks like my sister's boyfriend.

I don’t see an agent assisting her to retrieve the brains in this photo, or the photogapher (which would be super close considering that shot) How is this not a recreation?

It's actually just a really ugly woman.
You can tell by the hands in OP picture.
The thumb knuckle on male hands protrude, when following the contour of wrist to thumb, there is a sharp curve where the knuckle meets, whereas for women, it's a very smooth transition.

Attached: poipi.jpg (560x375, 18K)

this is a typical male jewish voice

That's a dude.

jews push race mixing and trans shit because they are hideous and extremely plagued by physical and mental defects. i live in nyc and never have you seen such disgusting looking and smelling people, many of whom have very noticeable mental illnesses

Attached: 1563654070618.png (500x522, 126K)

>leg tattoos

>But this one you can tell, so no this is not a tranny
Faggot you can tell 99% of the time. Trannies are gross

this is not 100% accurate and you know it user

Reminder that the hand on the right is what your hand looks like if you're white.

Says the potato bigger.

>with trannies you can't tell

Attached: 46576575.jpg (1400x1400, 238K)

A gay trcouple can have children too. Explain that. You ever watch Full House?

I enjoyed Chuck Schumer's wife in The Big Bang Theory

Sexual dimorphism is a real thing.
Though there will always be a variance between the levels of protrusion, there's always features that will stay. Such as the female thumb resting position is straight and slightly arched outwards, whereas the male thumb resting position is slightly bent.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Attached: iris .png (482x488, 495K)

Both of the photos I shared could be from a recreation. To be honest I was too lazy to grab my own still from the footage. I thought it the first image I shared looked correct from memory but I could be wrong


That must be why he's open borders and wants to important violent savages and mexican gangs. He's hoping one of them will kill his wife.

Chuck gave birth

Anytime someone posts a picture of Abigail Shapiro and talks about the attractiveness of jewish women I’ll be sure to post this in return

>not a tranny
You're right. It's a tranvestite.

you'd be doing gods work user

that's a man, man


it's from the movie JFK

Attached: SPLC-Extremist-Files-Paul-Ray-Ramsey-1280x720.jpg (362x204, 22K)

Yes right, being a tranny is very hard only 1% can do it. 99% are like this thing here, pure shit.

Well I can sleep a little better at night knowing that kikes bloodline ends with his “daughter” let’s call it

Chuck Schumer is married to Bono?

75% of woman over 50 look like trannies

What would possess him to marry Tranny Devito!?

Attached: 3D33C45F-B7A7-49BC-8189-634F3B132AF1.jpg (500x500, 55K)

>calls the goyim "they"
fuck off kike

iris is a beautiful vibrant woman user

Just post the titty zit pic instead.

Attached: 7c522dbc3f8c4040fc6bd206b166cb64.jpg (678x515, 123K)

Ironic her name is Iris...since she pretty much offends mine


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Kek, nice ID. Because it's illegal for them to marry children. Marriages for the elite are only for power/gain. It's why so many of them are closeted and unfaithful. It's only a front for families consolidating power and resources

Attached: 1557692907129.jpg (258x245, 23K)

i don't even see a wound.
nor blood splatter...nothing, really.
nobody's looking at the car...nobody's ducking for cover. they all look quite casual.
what the actual fuck?


Attached: trump laugh (11).gif (480x270, 2.28M)


Attached: michelle penis .jpg (625x474, 61K)

That close up shot of her ass is of an actress for a recreation of the assassination

Attached: when that kush hits jfk.jpg (930x673, 180K)

yeah they all 'marry' trannies these days

It's well known that Jewish women are refrigerator centaur. Don't make me post Sarah Silverman nudes

Goddam. Liberals are some grotesque motherfuckers.