This is it

You heard em. State your pronouns Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lame and gaypilled.

The fuck is even the point of doing this if you aren't some hideous tranny monstrosity?

I'll start. xe/xir

Because fuck it, why not.


what a fucking bigot


Er/Seine. Deutsch-kin, also a twospirit with two headmates (Hitler and Christ). Honor-sexual. No bullying, please.

Pathetic pandering
Anyone voting Dim is a mouthbreather

Top post

seriously tho this shit has to stop. i was a lowtier normie until the transgender shit started being forced down my throat.

now i can't fucking take it. it's pretty obvious this only gets undone if we're legit willing to kill people in minecraft. I'm definitely not willing to do that so i guess I'm complicit

i remember seeing this for the first time around 2012 in very fringe groups, things have changed fast.

if violent outbreaks happen antifa will have started it


I just post ironic aggressive content here hoping to set some unhinged user over the edge

Wouldn't that just be mr/Mrs/Ms?


nig / ger

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The absolutely insane part about this is not one of these campaigns realize this will hurt, not help them. Getting “positive” stories in the complicit, biased, crazy, hateful, fake press is like fucking shots of heroin for progressives and they want and need them with no thought for the consequences.


My pronoun is God.

i was always someone who laughed at people predicting a second civil war but i feel like something's changing in society and something's certainly changed in me. maybe it's that I've had a kid and I'm worried about her indoctrination in public schools but i think some kind of cultural war is definitely possible.

You want their votes.

i'll stick with calling them faggots
its gender neutral

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Big Dick Jim, and Turgid Tommy.

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it's not even that. it's that they are seriously fucking insane and think this is the right thing to do, if you can believe that shit.


Master race/master/god

>but i feel like something's changing in society
it has
the hostility and hatred for heretics who say something in opposition to the religion of progressivism is very different. the black and white "if you dont support me on this you are a nazi." the lugenpresse has ramped up to 11 in competition with bottom feeding clickbait. people are being punished in schools and attacked on the streets for supporting the president of the united states. thats an insanity we have never seen before. the fire is rising

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Here goes: Not a progressive psycho.

welp checked




I sexually identify as a Nazi


Trannies are like .001% of the population.

what the fuck do faggots have in common with people that want a dick attached to their crotch?

This is fucking hilarious, it’s like they want Trump to win again

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Stick, stone, whatever rails against me I care not one wit.
Call me whatever crap you want. Currently I get this highly unclever salutation:

Brah, man, asshole, fuckhead, holmes, jackwad, boss -which baffles me, ugly, asshat, etc.

Not frequently, but if that's your verbal repertoire, I can make people change their ignorance level, or ability to be accurate when just half-assed is the current norm.

But I'm not going to have an existential meltdown and call the newspapers just because someone's language is inappropriate.

I thought we had a thing called free speech, kay.

It's like the Dems WANT to lose 2020.

Because if anything resonates with middle America and moderates, it's transgenderism and pronouns. Not the economy, not health care, no siree, these are the issues that progressive dems are hanging their hats on.

it doesn't matter. white knights can't help but signal their degenerate virtue.



Since OP is a faggot
Three people who have 0% chance of getting the nomination.

They need the nigger vote and niggers aren't going to vote for faggots

like 20 of them won't have updated their bio pages by tuesday. learn politics

Depends on the level of shitpost

What are the cool kids doing?

No they won't faggot.
It's an attempt to build publicity for three low ranked candidates.
Do you not understand the concept of buzz?

I’ve literally never met a gay or transgender person before in my entire life

These would translate approximately to: He/Him/His in the mortal tongue of English. No doubt my fellow dragon otherkin already know this, though.

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Warren's top 2-3 mr retard

you can definitely win an election on nothing but the mouthbreather vote


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Best post.

"How do we lose this election harder than we already are?"

>It's like the Dems WANT to lose 2020.

If this shit goes through, I'll be known as user the Lord Sith Master though. Fuck it.

Did you miss the part where they all looked around and raised their hands after being asked the health care for illegals question? Lol.

The goal of pretty much all of them except for maybe Biden seems to be to out-progressive each other.



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you'll be known as user the Jow Forumsfag and be crucified in the center of town

The UCs make y U do this in every class.

Than again it was Santa Cruz. I hate pot so I never got along with anyone there but man that stuff got annoying.

>America is for Whites only/Jews are anti-White
Any one who doesn't say this is a hateful Nazi. Bake the Jews, bigot.

The point is to make it common so that when Giga-tranny has pronouns on his profile, it's just a normal thing and not, "That dude wants me to call him what?" Then the tranny just needs to not include an actual photo of himself and can blend in as just a random woke cunt.

>honestly believing she stands a chance in hell
And I've watched this cycle before.
They'll play the game and cut at each other, and over the next year all the wackjobs will be gone until Biden, Kamala and a few randos are left.

This country is a joke

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He majesty/His majesty

You hated pot and were conservative and still went to Santa Cruz? I don't mind that crowd but are you a masochist?


Why is America trying to be like Canada? You guys should be doing the opposite in my humble opinion but I appreciate the hard work you're doing to emulate us. Thanks, I guess.

Pandering to cucks.
No really, there isn't any other reason.

Trannies are basically nothing in terms of population percentage.

they're increasing all the time.

being trans has taken over the flavor that once was being a fag

wtf, I love capitalism now


I use Caesar/Caesim, but if you refer to me in the vocative you must give the roman salute and shout "Hail, Caesar!". For example instead of "John, could you paas me that wrench?" you would salute and say "Hail, Caesar! Would you pass me that wrench?"

Learn them bigot.

>"legit willing to kill people in minecraft"
Is saying "in minecraft" the new method for not getting shoah'd by glow in the dark CIA niggers?

Can imagine a future Christchurch shooting where MSM acts retarded as it always does and makes some controversy about how the shooter was radicalized by Minecraft due to some old internet shitposts. Queue news stories about how the creator Notch is some alt-right extremist Nazi.

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My pronouns are fuck & off

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It glows, wow I guess you rhink you sound just like one of the kids.

learning/to use a rifle

I identity as Wesley Crusher, my pronouns are shut up or not now.

no im serious. you're just fucking retarded. sorry

Trump should update his twitter bio with pronouns too:
>He/His Majesty

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using a possesive pronoun what a dumbass


Well? Who are the politicians?? Also pronouns are bullshit



>thinking that a presidential canidate putting she/her in her bio is "forcing trans shit down your throat"

fucking snowflakes lmfao

k faggot


Identify as attack helicopter
Pronouns are soi soi / trtrtrtrtr

lmao this would really fuck with people

just use totally incorrect declensions for your pronouns and act triggered when people can't use them properly

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

wow wrong thread shit leaf

swing and a miss

pic related

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could you find four less likeable faces?