Daily reminder to redditors and newfags that theres a difference between "black people" and "niggers"

daily reminder to redditors and newfags that theres a difference between "black people" and "niggers"

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Nevertheless I don't want them in my neighborhood or country

They’re all niggers.

Fuck off, nigger

spoken like a true summer nigger newfag reddit kike fuck off all blacks are niggers and all niggers must hang

Fuck off R*eddit

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>here, have some candy
>it's only 70% poisonous

No you retarded nigger THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE

Niggers, the lot of them. Fuck off to where you came from

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Nigger, YOU are the redditor and/or newfag.

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Eco-fascists rise up!

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plants are one of the few redpills that improves your life. it teaches you so many lessons
>having a schedule/being consistent
>effort + time = reward
>your ability to impact life depending on the amount of research and care you put into it
>understanding of the nature we inhabit and getting a personal connection to it
i could go on, its indescribable how useful gardening is for the man and the soul. its peoples test run before they have kids for my generation ive heard.

reminds me of that movie look whos back, and out of all the modern german political parties, hitler decides the green party aligns most with his ideals.

Based,I dont care about race or country anymore,only that humanity survives and prospers,of course there are people that can be considered an obstacle in that goal.White supremacy and ethnostates are for sad incels who think because they are white they deserve the world,they are the same useful idiots as those yuppies in colleges who dress up as che guevara and talk about how communism is the future while they dress up like women and talk about how they love to date trannies.

Niggers are black people and black people are niggers


I’ve been telling people that for years.... a beaner and Mexican aren’t the same a Jew and a Kyke aren’t the same a gook and a Japanese person aren’t the same

God bless the nips

The word Nigger is derived from Niggardly; slow and/or stupid. I use it a thousand times more aimed at white people than I ever have a black person.

>brown spic hand

>The word Nigger is derived from Niggardly

>slow and/or stupid
also no. it means "stingy"
3/10 b8 made me reply.

That’s bullshit
I’ve lived in a neighborhood full of these creatures
They are all the same
Hell they fucking left a dead cat in my pond

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tan white hand

Fuck off faggot OP, I don't want any Groids in my fatherland.

And if you ever post sweet Senko-San again, nigger faggot, I'll fucking flay your skin, use it as a tapestry, carve out your lungs and play bagpipe with them.

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daily reminder that this series is just a repackaged version of Yellow Pop, and the superior silver fox won out in the end of that.

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It is a repackaged version, but never understate the value of any Kitsune.
Kitsune are pure.
Today, they represent everything that a housewife should be.

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Noted, but Senko try to understand that it doesn't take many niggers to ruin any neighborhood. They aren't all impulsive obnoxious violent brainlets. But enough of them are to be a huge problem at any concentration.
>I live in Oakland

Kitsune are all Japanese shinto-spirits called kami, so it makes no sense as human being to root in the competition between two.
The zenko, associated with the inari okami, are all good foxes.

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The mere presence of one Black person is enough to cause social unrest.
>I live 80km outside of Cologne

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A nigger is a nigger. Some niggers are just more civilized than others

Every black nigs out sooner or later.

Not all black people are niggers, but all niggers are black people.

Slide. Ignore

Niggers exist.


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Hey you Nigger, Yea thats you reading this post, you're still a Nigger.

So which one of your parents is a fucking wetback, ya spic?

>Appreciating your Kitsune lore
1 is a bad sign. but a once they build a little entitled community they become a real problem.

Yup. I want to see someone like Thomas Sowell and a bunch of other blacks pool their resources and start their own gated community where they essentially have their own black ethnostate, which current society would probably allow, which would then provide a proper modern precedent for others to do too, such as white people, Asians, Eurasians, etc. But simple faggots have to go and fuck it all up by not realizing expanding the prevelance of what are considered outliers within the black racial demographic until they are no longer considered outliers, but part of the standard, is the key to destroying niggerism once and for all.

daily reminder to newfags we support separation of races besides the white/yellow alliance.

we actually already did that, its a nation called liberia or something and foreign aid is like 400 or 500% of its government spending. that is to say, it spends so little money compared to its foreign aid that it could go 5 years with its current amount of surplus before it goes bankrupt. or maybe its the other way around and it actually spends 500% of its foreign aid budget. im not an economist, look it up

Opie the faggot. Every shitskin is a nigger

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