Ai Portrait Game

In this thread, upload an AiPortrait picture of yourself, and then we guess each other’s ethnic and/or national background. Pic related is me. Can you guess my heritage?

Attached: 4E94E931-D7AE-4949-AB53-8013D7B54181.png (512x512, 193K)

You look British, but also have Med features. Are you a mix of British and Mediterranean?

Close! I am 50% British/Western European, 25% Ashkenazi, and 25% Iraqi.

Attached: E5219C9C-65F6-47EC-92C0-469726254999.jpg (422x434, 35K)

Makes sense. Your portrait turned out better than most; it looks close to the real deal.

Kill yourself faggot

It’s very easy to reverse the algorithm. I seriously hope no one is this fucking stupid.

Your skin looks like American Indian, but I think you’re more likely some kind of South Asian.

Attached: ai.jpg (448x448, 31K)


Attached: 2B32EB26-7F1F-4E67-B83E-2940CECFF1EB.jpg (602x602, 66K)

What an entertaining way to self-doxx yourselves. Upload Antifa's faces instead.

Attached: 794BDC38-D093-4CD5-884E-BCAA1FE3846F.jpg (512x512, 16K)

I would say french

a nigger

Attached: ai.jpg (452x447, 43K)

Nice try glow nigger

Attached: 244C40F6-9DFC-4603-A08B-A32CB111FE66.jpg (512x512, 13K)

Attached: AF43619E-EDA6-40AA-BF01-F4228CD0B2C7.jpg (512x512, 25K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563762855.jpg (512x512, 14K)

A fucking skinner!

Attached: aiportraits_1563604947.jpg (512x512, 18K)

I sense a hint of kike. Am I wrong?

Attached: IMG_2552.jpg (750x744, 166K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563762595.jpg (512x512, 12K)

You look like a mestizo.

>in this thread we feed massive amounts of user faces for shits and giggles

glow harder

Attached: ciaglowingnigger.jpg (1024x544, 60K)

this one is actualy me guess my race

Attached: aiportraits_1563762969.jpg (512x512, 13K)



You’re not wrong:

Your heritage is gay.


Attached: F8EDC7BF-F56A-4DB9-A055-34EA6CA1D685.jpg (512x512, 13K)


Attached: aiportraits_1563636378.jpg (512x512, 16K)




tranny lol

how do i look guys?

Attached: 1563490641830.jpg (512x512, 15K)

Attached: 00E4D5B2-676A-422B-87E0-FECCF45D43BE.jpg (512x512, 26K)




Attached: melons_480.png (640x480, 321K)

I think you are either Spanish or Italian.

Attached: aiportraits_1563763165.jpg (1024x512, 58K)


Attached: 454602B0-B3AC-433D-923B-CE43DE9106F5.jpg (500x533, 77K)

The AI portrait turned my skin alot lighter for some reason.

Onions, sugar and low carbs

Attached: test.png (484x564, 381K)


If only if you had straight hair and grew out a mustache and a beard.

Attached: D9B40C3E-4A2F-453A-A961-557CF3879A43.jpg (750x739, 399K)

Attached: ED862265-B278-461E-99EC-17ABE291E8B5.png (640x1136, 524K)




Shit I forgot to post pic.

Attached: 300px-Gustave_Courbet_-_Le_Désespéré (1).jpg (300x246, 26K)

You’re a big guy

second this, or some other facet of Moorish rape baby

potential master-race material but you're from america so most likely mid-western corn farmer or cattle herding type german. definitely a good haircut though

>Help with my AI Facial recognition goy
Go fuck yourself.

and then we all pay a corporation to put our dna into a data base and post our results. faggot.

extremely painful
>we are experiencing huge traffic, please try in a few minutes
thanks Jow Forums you crashed it again

Open bob plz

Attached: YEp.jpg (512x512, 13K)

Please data mine less obviously.
Anons, this is clearly a doxxing effort.
Your image is saved.
The portrait always populates identically for each image.
Correlation to your face via the portrait is simple.
You're just giving them your face.
Please stop.

someone should put the bianca neck cut picture into the filter

This’ll be the cover of my autobiography.

Attached: B6DF1B86-2579-4880-AFDA-EC74930373EB.jpg (1125x1099, 461K)

Idc. I don’t post anything from this device that I wouldn’t say in real life.


Attached: 46CBBCF8-D4AB-4F5A-8131-7CA996FCBF28.jpg (1024x512, 87K)

fuck off tranny

Attached: aiportraits_1563749939.jpg (512x512, 24K)

and vagene

actually mostly angloid

it doesnt matter i dont plan on bombing anything soon and i am pretty shameless in my porn tastes

Spanish? I’m probably basing that entirely on the facial hair.


Attached: 7ED1C84E-8745-45F0-9BFE-7531440FC949.jpg (750x739, 510K)

ive been trying for the past 5 minutes

Attached: fug.png (1193x544, 481K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563751614.jpg (512x512, 23K)

>we are experiencing huge traffic, please try again in a few minutes


Attached: BadVCRHappening.gif (320x213, 851K)

Apparently, I'm toe-headed.

Attached: aiportraits_1563560143.jpg (512x512, 14K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563751560.jpg (512x512, 24K)

Take this faggy glowthread to /soc/

Are you a member of the Sassoon family?

Attached: 1C2DFC3A-E2AB-4936-A5DC-227DA110E84D.jpg (512x512, 14K)

This is what humans would look like in a hundred years if the Nazis had won

Attached: aiportraits_1563567886.jpg (512x512, 20K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563568410.jpg (512x512, 23K)

thank god,its hard being bald.


Not that I know of, but it’s entire possible because my paternal ancestors are from the same community as them.

Well we shut down the website temporarily.

>reverse image search
>wow that was an easy doxx


And I don’t even have facial hairier just a dark 5 o’clock shadow

I fuckin love these data harvesting threads xD

My eyes are blue in the portrait they browned me

you are a lightbulb my friend