We were boiled alive


Pennsylvania school district tells parents to pay their lunch debt, or their kids will go into foster care

We were boiled alive, walking around, but death didn't hit us yet.

Attached: aCHJoPH.jpg (377x304, 85K)

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Why are Americans this fucking retarded?
If you have a law that forces kids to go to school, then school must be free of charge including lunch.
It's a little bit cheaper to provide free school lunch than foster care.
Parents save a lot of time and effort when they don't have to worry about kids lunch.
But nope, can't do it because muh Gommunism.

>We need property tax to pay for public schools. Think of the children!

Nope. Goyim are nothing more than cattle. To think the deserve even that is ludicrous.

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What is the source of this image?

There is a law that forces kids to go to school? I was "homeschooled", and just spent my time jerking off to porn when my parents were at work. I did my school work, but I could usually do it all in 2 hours or less. never even actually went to highschool really. but I did go to college, I've got a degree and work a pretty decent job making 55k per year.
I think highschool is useless.

That's the worst fucking picture on this sight and it actually makes me feel bad for both of them

Don’t have an exact source but off the top of my head, he’s some ZOGbot that got fucked up by subhumans he chose to go fight against because he wanted to serve the jews. And God then made him suffer because of his horrible choices. He came back and got married but it isn’t really a marriage, if we’re being honest.

>foster care
How about I dont have to pay for any of this crap

As gay and jewish as Snopes is, they summarized his relatively short life quite well here: snopes.com/fact-check/marine-wedding/
Wikipedia also sums his life here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_Ziegel

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I suspect there is a law that forces kids to go to school. Either public, private or home. But there must be some law otherwise kids wouldn't go near one.

Ok why does that mean we have to feed them

Then you have to live somewhere else than USA because it seems that you have laws for both school and foster care.
If you want to pay less taxes then at least abortion and contraception should be subsidized.
OP posted a link to a story that is something so retarded I can't even believe it's true.
Tax payers will pick up that bill anyway and the cheapest bill actually would have been if the school cafe just stfu and writes it off.
I just can't believe this level retardation. Don't you pay any attention to who you vote in?

>jews are to gentiles as gentiles are to insects, infact to jews, gentiles are beasts and cattle

So which is it?

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Because you wrote a law that forces them to go there in the first place.
Can you imagine your military forced to go overseas by law and having to pay their own ride, food and gear out of pocket?
Where the fuck do they store their lunch anyway? Does each classroom have their own fridge and kitchen where they can cook? Please don't tell me they only eat that shit shown in the pictures on their trays?

I didnt write the law

The lunch is in the cafeteria. Lunch ladies prepare lunches for the kids to eat at a designated time during their school day. Pretty sure they use paper plates instead of trays now

It means that as a whole Jews are a parasitic species. They cannot exist side by side symbiotically in other societies; that is but a front that enables them to parasitize the host culture and subvert it to something easier for them to control. Simply put, Jews are not human.

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Seriously even the poorest countries in the world feed their kids better.
Never seen a nation to hate their own people that much.
That shit is disgusting and you have to pay for it?

Attached: schoollunch.jpg (960x720, 209K)

Dont send your kids to public school

I think we have found why there's so much violent crime in USA vs rest of 1st world.
Your kids have chronic vitamin and tryptamine deficiency. That shit has no nutritional value.
It even looks depressing. Add meaningless TV, social media and shit salary """jobs""".

i wouldnt pay for this fucking shit either

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White Genocide Isreal

chicken nuggets were a based meal. You get the wheat roll you open it up, you put the nuggets on it and then the mashed potatoes on it and maybe some bbq sauce and you got a badass sandwich with peas and fruit AND a cookie? Fuck off other ocuntries with ur fucking pasta salad mayo garbage.


Yeah France has good looking food, but look at their country now, overrun with algerians and nogs. What good did it do? Meanwhile I ate nuggets and am based and redpilled.

>chicken nuggets were a based meal. You get the wheat roll you open it up, you put the nuggets on it and then the mashed potatoes on it and maybe some bbq sauce and you got a badass sandwich with peas and fruit AND a cookie?
this is why americans are fat
>That shit has no nutritional value.
the government lied about nutrition through the food pyramid for like 50 years. they have no incentive toward wanting americans to be healthy because a healthy population means less money funneled toward the prescription drug industry. plus the lobbyists for wheat corn and onions do whatever they can to influence government policy and so we have to eat their nasty shit instead of real food.

fucking filter i meant wheat corn and S O Y A