I'm so sick and tired of this shit pol
I'm so sick and tired of this shit pol
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I think most people are
I saw a mudshark with her chubby black bf earlier. Complete opposite of the meme. He straight up did the virgin looking at the ground thing and WOULD NOT look me in the face, even when I was two feet away from le shark glaring at her in disgust. It was pathetic.
Everyone is really.
Have sex dude
Theoretically this could be Asian man with African woman.
Theoretically that could be your first thought if it wasn't for Pavlovian conditioning on Jow Forums
Theoretically you could drop Jow Forums for a few years and see if it does anything to your brain.
>Theoretically this could be Asian man with African woman.
That's not any less disgusting.
How will that fix interracial relationships being forced everywhere by the jews?
this, if your first thought is being repulsed by it you need time away from pol and go out into the real world
There's only one way to stop it.
ive saved quite a few of these, ill post a few
Don't Google image search "pregnant white woman" then.
the netflix stock crash this week revealed as much, but they won't stop pushing!
they all must fucking die
Then do something about it bitch
I get repulsed by repetitive shit that gets pushed into the forefront. I hate pop culture, I hate forced romance plots in stories and I being able to predict what stupid people are going to do.
>I saw a mudshark with her chubby black bf earlier. Complete opposite of the meme. He straight up did the virgin looking at the ground thing and WOULD NOT look me in the face, even when I was two feet away from le shark glaring at her in disgust. It was pathetic.
They at least know their target audience.
then you're just a contrarian and still need mental help, its not healthy hating everything that others enjoy
White women are trash nowadays follow goys errr I mean guys. Racemix now!
And I forgot to change my stupid meme flag
>having a google account
I don't think he hates everything others enjoy, I don't know where you got that from.
so change it already
hating annoying shit isn't being a contrarian.
things he listed are what most well adjusted people enjoy
hes a contrarian
at least the woman is a tatted up skank with personal issues
honesty in advertising
>hate what most people enjoy is hating everything
Go away kike.
I know I'll get flack on Jow Forums for this, but I honestly don't care at all about interracial relationships. But it is super curious and tiresome that literally EVERY commercial, graphic, and advertisement pushes interracial couples, despite not being super common. I can't figure out why that is. Is it so the Democrats stay in power? That seems to be the bulk of it.
I enjoy some other things people like for example the original Star Wars in a cheesy way or Indiana Jones movies or most classic rock songs. Almost everything today is so formulaic and its ok to hate that.
>great body
>cute face
>ugly fucking slave hair
Why do otherwise attractive black men do this?
>t. room temperature IQ nigger
>and its ok to hate that.
nah you're just being edgy on Jow Forums where you get brownie points for haiting on those things
Rightoids seething because blacks and whites co exist is the funniest shit.
I see this shit daily, and just walk by it without a care. Must be hard to be so retarded.
It's everywhere.
this, i have friends in relationships like that and they're super happy and well adjusted
i fucking hate the retardation itt
Those in power think Blacks are subhuman so they wish to interbreed them with all other humans so that no one will be able to rise up against them.
They want to be a supreme species above the mulatto subspecies they create by augmenting themselves with technology.
Aight sure let me go start a career in advertising, and put my own propoganda in
Right wingers mostly don't care that interracial relationships exist. But when media is created, whether for entertainment or advertising, casting is a deliberate, precise choice. Despite not being all that common, why are so many media creators choosing to push an mixed narrative? What is their purpose?
>Facial expression implies regret or rape
dont you agree tho?
it does look a lot more aesthetic like here:
>this one guy spamming cherrypicked ads
I didn't think so, but today my sister pointed out a minimum of three commercials where the kids didn't match the parents or there was a mixed race couple or other similar bullshit. It's reached the point where even the most blissfully ignorant of people are catching on.
It's like you never, ever look at media because it's fucking rampant.
>cherry picked adds
Why are you here then? Fight le ebil nazis? Go back to where you came. And you know where that is.
I would hate those things even if I never went to Jow Forums. I guess you just can't understand the concept of people having different tastes and personality's that isn't a consumer or "edgy contrarian" as you put it.
This is exactly right.
Top kek
theres a thread talking about this image right now
came from snap chat news or something
I fucking hate this.
We can't let the democrats win, Jow Forums
We can't.
Schlomo's boiling the frog too quickly.
you're a retard if you think anyone outside of this schizoid website cares about this stuff
> Those in power think Blacks are subhuman.
They don't just think, they know.
>Theoretically this could be Asian man with African woman.
ooo just found this video, watch with me
Jews are obsessed with black male/white female pairings. Did you think it was just a meme?
This guy made a good documentary about the race mixing advertising industry and agenda, they banned it on jewtube though
hurry up and mix goyim
Pick 2 random humans on Earth, they have sex, odds are they aren't the same race
have sex
Oh god the fucking ukulele - I didn't even realize why commercials irritate me so much until now.
Thank you maple bro
No, it couldn't. The hand on top has a thicker width of finger, and is also in the dominant position. 0.0% of the human population who aren't doing retard mental gymnastics will think it is anything other than a black male and white female
this dude looks like a chimpanzee
If you don't turn the heat down on the water your frog is going to jump out of the pot, Schlomo. Your niggerball shitshow turned off a fuckload of my customers that come through my store. The forced racemixing shit is also turning off a lot more people. The one guy pretty much said he's done with Spider Man if they make him a fag. Bad bait btw.
>The tattoos and hair
Alright. Gotta give it to them. At least they have a sense of humor
Pro tip:
There is no point in wining about this and blackpilling yourself too much.
It's ok to a degree to fill your rage.
What you need to do is to fight the memetic war in any trench you cand find.
The memetic guerrilla needs to meme how disgusting is racemixing and how disgustings blacks are in general.
Don't let them demoralize yourself.
Ive been ready for war for a long time.
No wonder they grow up to be devoid of any emotion and rational thinking.
It won't stop until Jews are afraid to continue. They must be made to feel the consequences of their actions.