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He almost died from being a fat ass

He had a heart attack and didn't want to die young.

He goes into detail about it on one of his smodcast hollywood babble on

he's actually in good health.
This is a sad fact of fat people losing all the weight. They look like emaciated shit afterwards


not if they lose the weight in a health manner. This guy looks like he has stage 6 cancer

He has kids too. Good motivation. Actually amazed Mewes didn’t / hasnt ended up dead with a needle in his arm ...

and the pink suit jacket with a t-shirt combo along with the backwards baseball hat makes it worse. he looks like a shitty prop comic


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>Actually amazed Mewes didn’t / hasnt ended up dead with a needle in his arm

looking pretty rough though

He had a heart attack and got skinny. Those guys usually die while going for their morning jog in their 50's. That might be his penance for making clerks2

Also not really politics.

South bronx paradise diet

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I checked and it says he weighs 205 pounds now wtf I weigh 180 and look way fatter than him

go to bed kevin.

Nha when you loose lots of fat rapidly, the skin doesn't have the time to return to its original tightness. It will eventually, but for a while you look like a shriveled scrotum due to the skin being used to a far greater weight and tension. Not that I'm saying it isn't possible to greatly diminish the effect with physical conditioning and exercise, but it isn't a requirement either.

T. Some guy that went from 216 to 160 in less than 2 year whitout any diet, just massively lowering his overall calories intake

Is he making a joke about his profile picture?

He’s an idiot man child but at least he got physically healthy so he’s at least has a good sense of the finality of this life. Still an idiot.

Recently saw a new Jay and Silent Bob movie trailer and it looks like shit and features his Jew daughter prominently. Gonna be shit.


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>but at least he got physically healthy
it looks like he has AIDS and cancer at the same time

That’s what happens when you lose over 100 lbs at a time.

Penn Gillette did the same thing.

He's too skinny now. He looks like Will Smith, without the abs and muscle.

Went vegan

>Actually amazed Mewes didn’t / hasnt ended up dead with a needle in his arm ...
You're joking, right? You are aware he is a recovering heroin addict, right?

He survived a Widowmaker heart attack and immediately went into a diet afterwards.

I hate this faggot

he always dresses like a retard

look at this idiot.

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>I checked and it says he weighs 205 pounds now wtf I weigh 180 and look way fatter than him
t. manlet

don't pick fights in the bagel shop unless you can back it up

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>you’re aware he’s recovering..

Exactly. But he was a legit heavy junkie for years. Teeth rotted out. Almost burned down his home passed out. Dude is lucky...
