How is society going to fix the pussy hyperinflation problem?

How is society going to fix the pussy hyperinflation problem?

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You don’t.

The world is becoming more competitive. Deal with it.

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>Now that I'm married to John, I can finally let myself go

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>hyperinflation problem
pump more of the commodity into the system

Stop feeding them so much. But for reals, sex bots/cyber VR waifus

>Everyone in the background faces.

Lol I've eavesdropped on my wife and her friends expecting to hear them talk like this but that shit never happens like ever. Girls are afraid to look like sluts to other girls for fear of tarnishing their image. The super slutty chicks like in your pic are a dime a dozen.

He could have gotten 10/10 hottie, instead he decided to upgrade to an Extra Large package deal.

LOL Some jokes write themselves.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with marrying a loyal, white woman with a few extra pounds. This picture triggers the kike shill. Knowing a white man will be reproducing with an extremely fertile woman.

Stop. Fucking. Animals.

no one looks happy in that pic.

Dude looks like Steve Buscemi if he got jaw cancer and had to have it removed, seems like they're a good match.

>Girls are afraid to look like sluts to other girls for fear of tarnishing their image.
while this is true, even average women end up discussing sex with other hoes because its often the most interesting thing going on in their life, because women are fundamentally boring

He's ugly as sin but even then...

Not really the point

>extremely fertile woman.
I'm pretty sure there's a law of diminishing returns when it comes to full on obesity. Sure, women with curves & chub are higher in estrogen, but all that goes out the window when her organs are struggling to function because she's 300lbs

>implying marrying a hog of a woman won't translate into your children adopting her disgusting habits
>implying the woman in the picture is white

The groom should be careful. She ate her last boyfriend.

shes gonna need a crane to get out of the house....

“A dime a dozen” means super common

Groom’s probably really into anal. Just can’t disappoint his family by marrying an outwardly dominant man.

Looks British...

Ding ding ding

And she looks american, the anglo romance is really endearing

I’ll fix it for you

Stop fucking, Animals.