Modern "Men"

The state of Western "men" today:

>live at home until acter age 30
>play video games and watch anime all day
>masturbate daily
>have poor hygiene habits
>eat poor diets revolving around fried and microwaved food
>are hopelessly skinny or grossly overweight - no in between, no muscle mass
>are balding after age 22
>lack ambition
>lack goals
>lack self-esteem
>will never fulfill the most basic biological imperative of reproduction
>will forever be an embarrassment to their families, communities and societies

If the West plans to survive past the 21nd century, something has to change.


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That post has so much projection I'm wondering how it can be seen with the lights on.

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>I spend my hours off work (and sleep/eat) playing video games, using social media, reading pop lit, watching superhero and Star Wars movies, and reading intellectual insights on Reddit!

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Have sex...but only if you’re a white woman fucking a black male! Goy.

Yeah life is a lot easier if you don't reproduce you get lots of free time to really enjoy life. Get back to work Workie.

This image is oddly specific to my demographic.

Personally, I blame public school and nonwhite activists for teaching me that I should be good, non-assertive and unselfish even though acting in this way in weimerica causes me to have zero sex, zero land, and zero children.

But simply faking selfishness causes me to still lose to the pajeets and juden to whom selfishness comes naturally, and causes my future children to lose as they are enslaved by the techno-feudal aristocracy.

The galactic future of mankind requires self-sacrifice: winning harder than the financebros while compounding the fruits of victory back into more winning, until true freedom is won. Merely winning enough to enjoy the corrupt pleasures of global finance is not sufficient to provide freedom for my future grandchildren.

If I stop working, I die.
If I sin, I die.
If I trust what I don't understand, I am enslaved.

>Get back to work Workie.
>After work:
>Video games
>Pop Music

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