I turned 21 and I feel super old. Only 9 years and I’ll be 30. I’ll be graduating college at 24. Am I a failure?
Is 21 old?
Im in my 30s I used dialup internet when I was 14. We only had one computer in the entire house that we had to share, the first Iphone came out when I was in college.
Who's old now.
I'm 21 and I feel young
Don't blink, you'll be 30 before you know it. Get busy making a good life for yourself.
You're only a failure if you quit.
If you don't like what you're doing, change it.
Fuck what other people think, they don't live your life.
I'm not saying be a degenerate piece of shit, but don't let other people influence you in a negative way just to make them happy.
28 and still studying, you'll be fine
Ouch. Your life is pretty much over, gramps.
you've been an adult for 3 years and you feel old? i dont know how to respond to that
no, you're still a kid. When you reach 30 you'll just be mature, not old. What you're noticing is that your life is moving on into adulthood and that you're reaching crucial years. So while you're still a kid, you need to take advantage of the time you have right now to optimise your future as an adult. Now is the time to determine how advantaged or disadvantaged you're going to be when you reach 30. How much potential you're going to waste and how much you're going to use and actualise.
Protip: Don't focus on good times, fun and games right now, focus on accomplishment and your future. If you do that all the fun stuff will come naturally as a cherry on top.
I'm in my 30s and feel young. Ever since I stopped excessive drinking/drug use, partying and other degeneracy and started to exercise and I feel younger than what I did when I was 25 who doesn't drink and instead of partying likes going for nature hikes with me since we are both survivalist types.
Even though I'm currently unemployed I'm turning my life around and feeling comfortable about getting a job within a few months, or if not I've already saved enough to get my self some uni education so that I can have degree in business to seek better employment or just have more tools to start my own business.
Really feeling the 30yo boomer meme magic here. But it all started when I decided to stop being a degenerate fuck-up.
You are still young man.
25, according to trad asians you are supposed to be married and having kids already.
Have some white babies.
How long did it take for you to stop? What convinced finally? I’m 22 now, and I’ve been getting shit faced four days a week until I black out for the past 7 months. It all started when I lost my sister in January. Every time I say I’m gonna quit, I just fall back in it.
Try to realize what keeps getting yourself back there drunk and not sober.
Try to figure something else to do that makes you feel better about yourself rather than constantly being down.
Yeah that's pretty much the end of your life, and I genuinely mean it. It only gets worse from here on out my friend. At 25 you're half dead.
Keep an eye on that hair line and don't slack on being healthy.
you're not even an adult yet.
and your testosterone hasn't peaked.
Thanks for the advice, but what if I know what it is, but there isn’t a way to fix it? I’ll break the cycle eventually, but I feel so fucking angry all the time.
Same here.
You should be living in place of the dead rather than be focused on them and grieving over it, I mean think about it.
My fellow Finn said it.
I just realized I was substance abusing to fill a void that could not be filled. I felt alone even in crowd of "friends". Maybe I just realized solitude isn't the worst thing in the world.
Your testosterone levels are already starting to drop, it's only a matter of time until you go bald and can't get an erection. Neck yourself and go out in a high note
21 is super old dude, just look for a wooden chair and sit there until you die.
Yeah, I get that. Maybe soon I’ll be able to really set a plan in motion when I go back to college in August. I always know how to make my self stop drinking whenever I go back. She wanted me to finish school anyways and get an education. So, I’ll do that. Thanks for consoling a random burger.
>but I feel so fucking angry all the time.
So do I but I learned to channel it productively.
>Is 21 old? Am I a failure?
A complete failure. Anyone 21 who isn't a billionaire and still in college is a complete loser
I forgot to thank you as well. Yeah, I realize that now. I’m just going to channel all my hatred into getting through school.
Just keep your head down while your at it. Depending on how infested your school is with lefties you should keep a low profile and just concentrate on getting that degree. Once you have it you can tell them go gas themselves.
I’m from Texas, and it’s actually not so bad far down east. Most kids my age are pretty right leaning if not red pilled. Although, a bunch of them are just stuck up kids that have their parents pay for everything. But yeah. I’ll hang in there.
Turning 27 soon, I still feel like I'm 14 but now I have carpal tunnel from two decades of vidya, and lots of random aches and pains in my joints every day. I probably sleep a bit more every night, too. Lost my virginity a few years back and now it's easy to socialize and get laid, but on the downside losing my v-card was my only goal in life, so now I'm just waiting for death. Video games.
If I were ever to back up my shit and start my life a new somewhere else it'd be Texas. I fucking hate european gun-grabbers infringing on my freedoms.
Have white babies, that's your goal now normie.