Extra Credits tells the internet that video games turn people in to Nazi's

Extra Credits went from being a video game advocacy channel saying that violence in video games won't make you violent to playing as a Nazi in a World War II shooter will turn you into a Nazi.

The icing on this cake is there community manager who says everyone who dislikes and has unsubscribed from the channel is a "Bigot"

Figured I would ask any facists on Jow Forums if they became fascists/Nazi's because of video games?

Stop Normalizing Nazis - Socially Conscious Game Design - Extra Credits (video):

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No, although I never sucked a 14 year old boys cock until I became a priest. Crazy how God's plan comes together. Just like me and the boy.

So if I played as the Russians in BF1942 does that mean I’m now a commie?

Teachers are pedophiles infinitely more than priests, faggot.

You're going to hell for being a sodomite and a liar.

COPE, lol GTFO, catholics have an entire network of pedophilia than teachers do

>Extra Credits said thing thats stupid and comes from typical hardcore liberal brainwashing
Wow, really? Man you should check out this news site called VINE as well.

extra credits has been irrelevant for several years now.
Nobody kept watching them after they left Escapist, and those that did wandered off when they lost focus

Nah bro. Teachers have higher than average but it's not more than clergy.

>dislikes are still engagement
based and redpilled
more people should know this, outrage culture = $$$

>in the 1990s republicans wanted to ban video games and music like Marilyn Manson because they said it tainted children
>in 2019 it's now the liberals

This timeline is hilarious

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>extra credits
>the people who made the retarded bandwith video and are certified morons
Who fucking cares

The word "bigot" is so stupid

People became nazis because MSM decided cis white men who don't vote left are nazis. Pretty simple really, all painted with broad brush... they're still liberals, republicans, milquetoast conservatives, lolbertarians, pissed off democrats, men.

You can absolutely make a fucking shit tonnes of $$$ because of outrage culture no doubt about it but that's only in the short term, in the long term you alienate potential new viewers and old long time supporters, which can potentially lead to a loss in said $$$.

Ironically hardcore leftists benefit and thrive because of capitalism...

Guess I'll make a game where you're in the wehrmacht...

the wider point isn't inherently in correct, but using the nazi's as the example is fucking retarded. i don't disagree that games with a historical setting will always have one side in them that are the "wrong" side. this is simply due to adversarial nature of history, and pretty much victors justice.

>extra credits has been irrelevant for several years now.
While I'm not going to disagree on that, 2M subs is nothing to laugh at. I have to admit I never saw a second of that show, only ads for it on the Escapist, while I was watching Zero Punctuation.

...you don't know how wrong you are bro

it is, actually

>playing with toys

I wish I could unsubscribe again.

the lefts biggest mistake was probably messing with peoples entertainment.
its easy to ignore general politics. its hard to ignore politics when they get shoved into every single bit of media and people dont want to see this shit 24/7.

>we love losing subscribers
lol ok