Hitler Ritual

It has been over three months since we performed the ritual of the 20th of April. What was your experiences during it, and what has come of it?

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The way I did the ritual was quite simple. I placed the New Testament around my feet in order for the Hindu avatar of Jesus to protect me from any demons that would attempt to cause mischief, I closed my eyes and repreayes several matras I’ve been instructed to repreat, once I felt a presence I began playing Horst Wessel lied, Deutschland Uber alles, and the Konigrattz merch over and over to satisfy the being. This went on for 45 minutes until I was finished.

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it was pretty autistic, not gonna lie


Nothing happened to me personally
Some of the others said they got hallucinations
One guy said his dog talked to him
Feels like wasted time tqbh
>inb4 confused newfags flood the thread

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Turned me into a homosexual.

Pretty much the same, I didn’t greet or even see Hitler, at best I felt a slight presence. Not sure about the guys that did DMT

learned what the sonnenrad actually means

Did you perform the ritual?


What were your experiences in the ritual if you performed it? I want to keep this thread alive, we really need to talk about this shit instead of having another slide thread to distract us

Nothing, unfortunately. But I didn't follow the ritual the way they told me, I just did it my way.

I did something similar, I didn’t light the candles and shit, though I did use the mantras, I didn’t take DMT because I’m not a degenerate, I acted as support for those who actually took the drugs

Not gonna lie I half assed the ritual.

How long did you do it for?

For 15 minutes...But an hour late after everyone else was done lol

Oh shit haha, I did it on time and did it for 45 minutes.

And they say Jow Forums isn't just schizo browns LARPing as Nazis...

Unironically thanks for the bump

Barely keeping this thread alive whilst some shittu shill thread maintains a consistent state of bumps, the absolute state of Jow Forums

I felt the disturbance in the force. Kalki stirs, we need more.