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Britannia rules the waves
Evan Rogers
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Nolan Nelson
That's just sad at this point
Cooper Thomas
Lincoln Perry
UK is a joke that lasted for too long
Isaac Clark
I'd say we should just put the country out of its misery and annex them but we've already got too many niggers and dune coons.
Lincoln Gonzalez
British = cuck
Colton Long
To go from ruling the waves to not being able to defeat a fucking speedboat pirate navy is pretty sad. The UK should consider selling itself to us at this point.
Angel Garcia
Given the state of London ect., sadly in 100 years I hear the UK might just be the Iran threat itself.
Kayden Moore
Part 2
Elijah Price
British Police is the single most dangerous fighting force in the world
Connor Sullivan
What global role? If England needs more shekels, cut the Royal family's allowance in half and shut down the NHS.
Anything to serve Israel!
Landon Brown
Then gtfo of britain scum. Fuck the Anglo hate on /pol. They made the world their bitch, made Germany their bitch twice, and you're all just jealous haters
Levi Lewis
Gee that's what happens when you spend all your government money on "research" done by your buddies for kickbacks?
Gabriel Morales
I'm not in britan see thing, and never intend to be in this God forsaken hellhole. Im not some kind of collective entity that is responsible for what every Pole in the world do
Dylan Davis
Headline of the century, what a joke.
Is that a different Richard Spencer?
Jordan Johnson
britain is failed nogo country
Cameron Williams
look at
Who cares what britan done 200 years ago while now they are so weak and cucked they dont even fight back and propably dont know what dignity is
Evan Russell
And they used to rule the world...
Jose Sullivan
Hey man we cant say much... The gardai are even worse
Ethan White
>Can't even counter a 3rd world shithole
Nathaniel Powell
Europe is literally open for conquer, if only the USA decided to just go full imperial.
Ayden Peterson
At least we've been we've consistent in our irrelevance.
Levi Martinez
Tiocfaidh ár lá
Kayden Taylor
>A defence minister
A non article
Angel Flores
If it was true why would you make a news out of it and demoralize people? Ive also noticed they make news out of russian propaganda so wtf is that news site.
Jason Morgan
A fitting sunset to the Angl*id """"empire""""
Anthony Miller
It's not actually that bad. What most important is that they aren't speaking German.
David Baker
Most of Europe is more impotent than the UK. UK and France actually have some military, the other nations, what a joke.
Caleb Martin
Sorry but Schlomo has new shabez goy now, so old one doesn't need navy. How's it working out for you to trust the jew?
Isaiah Morris
There is no Iran threat. Iran has not attacked another country in almost 300 years. They've only ever defended themselves. Including the recent "attacks" in their territory.
Owen Lopez
We don't want them to be able to vote in our elections
Justin Murphy
The "Iran threat" is 100% manufactured because it's one of the only countries left that doesn't yet have a Rothschild Jewish Central Bank printing its money supply and therefore controlling their entire economy from the top down. Another being North Korea.
Camden Cook
Is that elder speech?
Nolan Campbell
>Q. Vic
You forgot all the shit she said about being jewish or how she started the practice of circumcising princes.
Lincoln Murphy
America will annex the British Commonwealth.
Josiah Hill
Europe is already occupied by Zion. Do you seriously believe that all the NATO bases with all the amerigolems stationed here are to "counter Russian threat"? Their real purpose is to make sure ethnic Germans and French won't attempt to topple genocidal EU regime, and kill them if they try. Amerigolems will be in complete, heavenly ecstasy while doing that - they finally to get to protect god's chosen people from evil antisemites just like they have been taught in holocaust class!
Isaiah Watson
no link no archive.
nigger tire post OP.
Blake Fisher
I'm literary cringing out of embarrassment for the Brits. Imagine selling all of your ships to pay for the Muslims hordes flocking into your country.
Anthony Gomez
It's really sad.
I don't really know why I care. Maybe because it's like watching a once strong and proud lion being felled by age and disease.
Maybe it reminds me of my own history of the decay of our Empire.
Hopefully, the Queen dies soon before her once great nation sinks any lower.
Samuel Lee
Fucking hilarious! I guess we'll just have to cancel Brexit and merge all the European armed forces together to counter this Iranian threat. Just as keikaku.
Nicholas Jones
I support an Iranian devastation attack on British soil in honour Oswald Mosley. Britannia is dead and now the demon occupiers of it's skeleton must also die.
Grayson Edwards
Can't we just drag the US into a conflict and then just stop paying attention to them both?
Zachary Jackson
I knew this was true, but it breaks my heart to see it finally stated as true in a public headline. It hurts.
Ethan Morris
No you can fuck off. We're taking Scotland with us and you moslems can burn.
Thomas Evans
>went bankrupt in 1946 (bailed out by US)
>defacto no longer an empire after Suez Crisis
>officially no longer an empire or even a "power" (according to Wilson's Labour government in 1960s)
>had to beg for IMF loan in the 1970s to stay afloat
>had its last imperial gasp at the Falklands.
Put a fork in the UK, because it's done.
Henry Fisher
Wait, you think British naval inferiority is a new phenomenon? 2 centuries ago, 2 British man o' wars were captured by a bunch of American fucking rowboats with a single cannon on them. Imagine that, being defeated at sea by a nation without a fucking navy.
Benjamin Sullivan
We can't pull out of NATO fast enough.
Joseph Torres
KEK......getting back to basics I see.
Ayden Morgan
working on it
Anthony Martinez
Time to have Trump as head of State
Sorry Queeny you are to weak
Jacob Walker
>British naval inferiority
In comparison to who? Greece? We could've thrashed you 2 centuries ago and we still could now. You have to go back a couple thousand years for that to be any different.
Evan Phillips
The NHS will save them... well not if they get a serious illness.
Adrian Rogers
If the UK can't/won't protect themselves, should they really be allowed to sit on the UN Security Council?
Angel Nelson
Propose the occupation of a country filled with Pakistanis, all sort of Middle Eastern and Niggers.
Connor Morgan
Yes yes, we're a third world shithole country. Why would anyone migrate here by choice?
Ryder Martin
How is that border/citizenship by birth going big guy?
Gavin Kelly
This. We should just pack it all in and accept fealty to the EU superstate.
Anthony Sullivan
You do of course understand that this is all playing up to another "coalition of the willing", right?
Eli Evans
Hey, they are are NATO allies. If the Russians or Chinese attack the USA, then the mighty German Navy and British Navy will destroy our enemies.
Seriously though - all of Europe is a welfare case for the USA to prop-up. I don't know why the USA has to do it. George Washington warned the US to stay away from dirty Europeans and alliances with them, but...
Wyatt Anderson
The Brits aren’t interested in this Iran LARP, plus, they’re leaderless at the moment so it’s unlikely they’ll commit to a military conflict for the new PM to inherit.
Oliver Martinez
Logan Peterson
You haven't seen many Brits if you think her nose is rare or Jewish. Caricatures of British dudes always have big crooked noses and fucked up teeth.
Oliver Harris
Don't make me slap one of your captains and demand his ship as reparations for colonialism, whiteboi.
Brandon Fisher
Maybe they shouldn't have tricked the world into fighting germany because they were jealous of their navy. Rotten teeth angloscum are getting everything they deserve.
Remember the Great Game? They've been getting cucked in this part of the world for hundreds of years now. It's British tradition at this point. I wonder if the British government has apologized for the tanker not immediately stopping and sucking Iranian commando cock right on the poop deck.
Joseph Kelly
Cutting it year on year to keep throwing money at the NHS etc.
Eli Smith
Owen Lee
To get the government to actually spend money on defence for once.
Jason Edwards
Well sick, lame, and retarded Muslims seem to like it there. Ol' Ahmad can have his 3 wives and 12 retarded children, while living in three counsel houses.
It is much the same with "my country." The USA bringing in millions of third world losers and attacks white men here. In another 10 or 20 years, the USA Navy will be a joke too. The Britfags are just ahead of the USA in that regard.
Josiah Gomez
Cameron annihilated the navy in 2010.
It will take years to build enough ships and steel to use them with force once we have them again. The frigates aren’t ready we have 6 destroyers now instead of the hundreds we used to have. No maritime patrol aircraft as Cameron axes them AFTER they had been refurbed.
He sold all our fleet air arm naval harriers to the usmc as spare parts to humiliate the admiral after they spoke out against him.
He diitched the catapults for the aircraft carriers meaning no f35c but the over engineered less capable vtol f35, meaning our 65,000 tonne carriers may as well be usmc 20,000 tonne fleet escort carriers.
The list goes on. Cameron was a tit
Thomas Foster
After the fucking disaster their last destroyer design was did anyone have any doubts?
Logan Wilson
*council houses
Caleb Cox
Because we're broke, pathologically lying pathetic weaklings with bad teeth and absolutely no redeeming characteristics. We might as well kill ourselves.
Evan Allen
What's better at this point Ivan? Throwing billions of dollars and the lives of your countrymen away for jews or for the muslims? You say I fight for the kikes well you fight for the ayatollah. Can't see any benefit to either.
Alexander Adams
Almost like it's being done on purpose. Really compels one to cognate.
Jace Sanders
The (((advisors))) told maggie she couldn't remove the argies
Xavier Scott
Britain cowers before Irans size
Connor Ross
>George Washington warned the US to stay away from dirty Europeans and alliances with them, but...
Low testosterone.
Besides you're full of shit and the American military presence in Europe came first and it was, and still is, for power projection. European governments cutting defence spending, because they don't need to spare the expense, came later. The UK makes all NATO costs too and you're specifically talking about Germany and like three eastern european countries nearby to Russia.
Jonathan Gomez
>meme flaggot
Daniel Kelly
Jason Flores
>The UK makes all NATO costs too and you're specifically talking about Germany and like three eastern european countries nearby to Russia.
Andrew Brooks
Like Poland could have done anything in this situation.
Dylan Morris
Evan Baker
i like to make fun of brits as much as the next american but this is just sad, guys. It's really sad. I'm not even gloating. This is where tales of knights and king arthur and all that shit came from. This is fucking sad as fuck.
Caleb Williams
Poland would have offered to do cheap construction work for them, all by "craftsmen" with 20+ certificates each of course.
Aiden Morales
"We" could not trash Iceland for fishing rights, you dumb fuck.
Angel Wright
Those countries aren't reliant on the US for defence like Germany which basically doesn't have an army besides from a few american military bases. They're just snubbing your government because every single mutt needs to fuck off home.
Joshua Watson
Hudson King
Build more ships.
Parker Bell
Isaiah Watson
Next stop an integrated EU army
Daniel Rodriguez
>"We" could not trash Iceland for fishing rights, you dumb fuck.
You're a fucking idiot and I can't even be bothered to explain to you why that's not comparable to naval strength. It wasn't even worth typing up.
Tyler Morris
Asher Barnes
How mad are you right now?
Logan Gonzalez
You dumb fuck immigrant. Those 2 times they btfo Germany they literally got slaughtered until Canada, Russia and the US saved their asses.
The Britain of today is more cucked than Canada, and our prime minister is fucking Trudeau. How pathetic is that. They literally went from conquering the planet to gays, mudslimes, cuck, and loicenses.
Luis Ortiz
>They're just snubbing your government because every single mutt needs to fuck off home.
I'm ok with this.
Parker Phillips
holy kek
Isaiah Morgan
Jayden Gomez
Now Iran made them their bitch.
Matthew Barnes
Now, now. That driver could have done some serious damage to a stick of butter with those.
Levi Thompson
My ancestor gave up their empire to be EU cucks.