Jow Forums humor thread
Jow Forums humor thread
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>1 post by this ID
Yep. This one's going in my slide cringe compilation
Fuck it. Im drunk.
You laugh you lose anons.
no thanks. these are usually containment for reddit
This is cancer.
And Steven Universe is better?
Those faggots will always whine no matter what.
what have israelis done to deserve this!
Hahaha holy shit based.
Wait, I don't get this, can someone explain it please?
top kek
Chile is pretty based
now its left who wants the war. you cant win.
Haven't you heard the news?
Everything Trump does is very very bad and he's a fascist and racist or something and has a small cock
This thread sucks
>summoning a BIG evil to a YLYL slide thread on Jow Forums
why would anyone
Why don't we just let them all starve? As long as they're not building hundreds of Russian military bases there it doesn't concern us in the slightest.
The irony - I suppose it's irony - is that as a white being "bluepilled" is just as painful as being "redpilled" because the zeitgeist wants you to reject who you are and wish you were something else, so you end up inadvertently hating yourself or acting as if you wished you weren't who you are. If you grow up in a "diverse" area you try to fit in, you wish you were less white. I wished I was less white. When you finally realize this, however, you also realize you can't let them know because then they will hate your for going against the programming; this conditioning. You end up accepting yourself more and loving yourself more, but there's the underlying rage that's always there, always wispering in the back of your head about "those people" and what they tried to do to you; what they're doing to people like you. So it hurts, it might be just as painful, might be even more so, to be angry and sad for all these people who have been tricked and fooled. But it isn't suicidal. It isn't wishing you weren't something else. It isn't hating your own whiteness and taking solace in the idea that one day maybe there won't be any more of your kind left, maybe we'll all be blended in and it'll be ok. No. It's rage, it's will to live, it's loving yourself and your people and taking solace in the idea that one day maybe me and my kind will be able to live in peace.
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your ”pol humor” threads.
Face it. most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers
I’m almost 100% sure the kike just drew it himself so that he can get some more oppression points, as kikes do.
>the Allies tell nazi Germany not to attack Poland because they are their allies
>it's totally fine
>Russia tells the USA not to attack Venezuela because they're their Allies
>sad beep
Seriously, fuck that KGB manlet regime!
When will Russia be nuked? Now that would be funny!!
great journalism
>great journalism
Based leaf
I agree with you but it's no use trying to talk to them. They'll just be even more racist back at you. They do the same thing with LGBT folks and don't realize that everyone is gay so they're just making fun of themselves. They're animals.
Hey rabbi.
Die for Israel or Die for Muslimes; you choose bigot!!
Had a chuckle thanks
What are blacks at this point
basically french but pretending (badly) to be english
so like dutch without anything german
>What are blacks at this point
Translation for the mutts among us?
Notice their is an entire article over this.
Jewish privelege
I used to play a game with my friends in high school where we would think of the most absurd imaginable black names and search facebook for them. You would be shocked at how many actually pop up. It would be absurd shit like LaSquarious Johnson or Shandiqa Brown lmao, you should try it some time.
>It's a circumcised penis
You know, you're probably right
Bless you brother
The taxpayer says thankyou
What’s a “racist”?
I can relate to this.
Came here a few years ago to see what this place was all about. Had a few good laughs while trolling but I started notching patterns. Things that seemed to be happening at a rapid pace, especially in the U.S.
I stared despising what my country has become compared to 70 years ago. I began to understand why my grandparents were disgusted with where the country was heading and what it has become.
I then realized that I'm here forever and have no intention of leaving.
Welcome newfag.
Masochism become justice when you share your pain with others rather than keeping it to yourself.
Don't be selfish. Open the hurt box and let others look inside it.
I'm fugging dying KEK
Can you imagine if ayys showed up and shitposted a Hitler clip as their initial contact? Jow Forums would completely lose its collective mind
You need to be 18+ to post here.
I can't relate. Most of the "redpills" of pol such as the JQ, globalism, the zogged state and how fucking awful immigration and nonwhite people are were things that my parents (and grandparents) (on both sides) would rant about almost every day since as long as I could speak.
I always find it difficult and bizarre to imagine what it's like to have ever viewed the world from the perspective of the NPC retards. Like if you were to tell me that you grew up without ever seeing the color green until you were in your 20's.
Wow, that's an identity crisis if I've ever seen one.
Some explanation.
just a regular day is Israel
Short the pants, long the skirt
Nose and stick is bend
Eyes are black and soul is grey
Hat pulled back and looking smart
That is Schmulchen Schievelbeiner
(We are certainly better looking)
>it's now a left-wing position to support a coup in South America to topple a socialist government
It's like I'm taking crazy pills
An uppity white person.
I knew a guy who was dyslexic but didn't find out until he was in his 30s. He lived his life, joined the military, became an alcoholic, and gave up drinking before he learned. It was actually treatment for alcoholism that got him tested for dyslexia, and then suddenly he realized he wasn't stupid his entire life, he was actually damn near genius level for functioning as well as he did without being able to read.
But the thing is, you're as abnormal as he is. Everywhere in the west (white) people are 100% indoctrinated into the lies of the NPCs. It takes a lot of effort to break free and see the truth.
Chile has a large palestinian diaspora, and ever since the the end of the helicopter ride days (which werent all that great for the majority) they have a pretty strong leftist bias. I saw frequent anti israel demonstrations when I was there couple years back, and literally everyone you meet is somewhere between just anti-zionist to full blown antisemitic...
Its honestly one of my alltime favorite countries Ive seen.
Fuck me, is that really their armor?
Jow Forums version of you ylyl you loose
They don’t know. They have no culture. This is why they are always looking for validation from the white man.
The Liberal, Boomer, Zogmachine is the new pro-war force.
You responded to the oldest troll thread on /pol. Get rid of the meme flag new fag. Lurk more new fag.