Circumcision is good for Christians, because
imagine having your foreskin ripped off just so someone could pretend it was a holy relic
Makes you wonder if Jesus healed himself. Probably not, considering he left the holes in his hands, feet and side when he saw his apostles last.
The medieval church was such a joke in certain ways
What would Jow Forums's holy relics be?
I would love to, after my death ofc. Imagine hundrets of thousands of young sexy traditional Catholic qts littelary worshiping your foreskin
I wish I knew where my foreskin was.
Hitler's foreskin
Abrahamic religions seem to have a sick obsession of mutilating dicks, especially of small children. Fortunately Christians rarely practice this kind of shit, unless you count America.
Regardless if you believe in divine nature of Jesus or not, you have to admit that he was one of very few men with balls big enough to openly state that infant genital mutilation must end, despite suffering it himself.
Local chopped up mutts aren't like Jesus, they only cope and argue about how there's nothing wrong with being chopped up.
* Looks at the pic*
WTF is that!
He put all his stats to "heal" skill in order to unlock "resurect" skill. Thing is. While resurect can be used on others and is aito used on self - heal can onlg be used on others.
On some thots face as a cream, same as mine.
It holds the baby down while the jew sucks its foreskin off.
There really is something fucked up about Abrahamic religions. Just like how Jews and Muslims insist on slowly killing their animals without any stunning or sedation.
Thats probably its Amazon product description
Do people keep that around like a eunuch might keep his pickled 'treasure' that they might be born with balls in the next life?
Attempting to sell the idea of circumcision is an arrogant attempt trying to make it look normal when several Abrahamic religions do it to their kids. It has been proven to destroy the child both physically and mentally break them.
why does /pol spend so much time thinking about baby dicks? pretty gay. anyway like they arent even your kids though stop telling people how to parent their children
> a fucking leaf, opinion discarded
We live in a society, yes I don't want kikes dictating their rules / laws on us goyim
Circumcision is of the SPIRIT. After Jesus fulfilled the Law, the covenant was opened to gentiles and sacrifice and circumcision were no longer requirements.
It's isn't mandatory to circumcise your kids retard
Oh also, since Jesus was born into a jewish family, they most likely would have circumcised Him. However, He had not yet performed miracles so I would doubt them keeping his foreskin
it shouldn't be legal in a modern society
It's to be expected from that lot
we have far greater things to worry about right now than dicks but you can think about whatever you want I guess
>Fortunately Christians rarely practice this kind of shit, unless you count America.
Credit to based germanbro from his thread yesterday
Imagine needing literally anything to worship an "all-loving god".
Daily reminder: Circumcision is an amended version of blood sacrifice so that Jews didn't burn their children alive anymore, and Yahweh was AAAAALL ABOUT chopping up animals and babies back in the day. Literally in your bible.
how do you stand that tingling sensation as your nose brushes the monitor? are you posting on a phone?
I'm not sure what you're talking about, does your nose touch the monitor for some reason?
The same "Germanbro" who insists WE WUZ DA REEL JOOZ
By the way, virtually everything he said was wrong. Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef was Jewish (there was no one named "Jesus") who taught Jewish law to Jews in Jewish synagogues. He was an observant Jew born of Jewish parents in a land of Jews. There's no denying any of this, but Christian Identity tards have to try and bleach the swarthy brown Jew they LARP as a god because they cannot achieve synthesis between their white nationalist views and Jew worship if they don't. Unfortunately for them, doing so requires ignoring the entire compilation of Jewish-written book they pretend to worship, so hey.
As per usual, atheists have no legitimate arguments. The people they are commanded to wipe out had turned from God and practiced things like child sacrifice to idols, demons, and fallen angels. For 400 years, before God had enough. His mercy was long standing. As for blood sacrifice. That is whats required as payment to atone for sin. It must be the best, a blemishless sacrifice as pure as possible. Eventually Jesus Christ made this sacrifice of Himself as the God-man, eternally purchasing our eternal souls.
>that pic
kek, reminds me of pic related
also we must hang all circumcisers
>implying the Church didn't make up a bunch of shit about Jesus to perpetuate control
I dont see any evidence for your claims about based germanbro. Just baseless accusations, ad atheists do not possess the truth. Jews were of course Sumerians, as Abraham was a priest in the city of Ur, which was at that time part of Babylonia. Jews were created upon Gods covenant with abraham and had to keep their lineage pure to eventually give rise to the Messiah who is Jesus Christ. He fulfilled the Lae and the prophecies and then, "coincidentally" becane the most influential human to ever live and His gospel is the most widely circulated piece of literature ever. Also fulfilling that the jews would bring salvation to al the people of the earth.
Not an argument. Just pure buttrage. I quoted your actual fake and gay Jewish holy book and you could open it up right now and see the lines yourself.
>I dont see any evidence for your claims about based germanbro.
Wew. Anything else you'd like to be wrong about this morning?
So you think sumerians werent white? Better educate yourself. Also, I really enjoy your total lack of an argument in favor of a weak ad hom, which is of course baseless. Ignoring what I wrote doesnt make it go away or others unable to check the veracity of my assertions for themselves. Do keep that bloodpressure up though!
Buddy, whered you go? Its like once someone exposed the nature of your arguments (cherry picking, removing the greater context) you decided to reee and then vanish
The new testament actually tells us that circumcision isn't required to be a Christian. In fact it says that any man who would get circumcised as an attempt to be more religious has entered into the old covenant and must live by the Mosaic law, he has effectively forfeited Christ's grace. This doesn't really apply to infants since it's not their choice to have the operation done, but if we spread the word hopefully less and less parents will do it for religious reasons. I know I'm going to vouch for my son to not be circumcised if I'm blessed enough to have one.
nobody circumcises for religious reasons except kikes and muzzies
youre not going to convince american christians not to this way either because they dont read or understand the bible and they ignore the parts they dont like
That's the entirety of Exodus 34 you muppet.
All you can do is quote random fallacies that don't apply because you're out of arguments and soundly defeated. Rather pathetic! You made a statement, you were refuted. I made a statement, I provided evidence which you didn't and couldn't refute. Any lurker knows who won the argument.
The person who made this post should be unironically sentenced to death
Found the pedo-kike. This was easy.
Its ok, i understand that you necessarily must decontextualize it to try and make your deceptive, fallacious argument. You of course neglected to mention the repeated warnings by God and His prophets to these groups about their worship of demons and child sacrifice for 400 years before He finally passed His judgement. Of course a brainlet like you rationalizes their morality from God is immoral when God himself passes judgement. You must be very confused.
If you derive your morality from an objective source, that source cannot be immoral.
Its really obvious, especially when youve been refuted earlier with the same information, which of course you couldnt address and instead opted for meaningless memery and ad hominems. Heres the proof yet again
And when the procedure fails, it becomes even more sick...
division thread every fucking time. this is a fucking division thread. one of the few successful ones I might add. please stay away.
If your having a baby call your most trusted 5 friends and ask them what they would do. don't ask them most extreme propaganda site there is
Last stop for the small hat tribe.
Holy fuck, this is so fucking retarded. Yid have been following the Talmud since the time of fucking Babylon, he even go as far as to claim the Torah (aka the spoken Torah aka word of god as transmitted by Semitic oral tradition) is Pilpul, when that concept came with the creation of the Talmud. Like you open the first fucking page of the Talmud and literally the first teaching is PILPUL about what is and isn't stealing by playing with the definition of hosting by using the exemple of someone depositing money on different part of a window still, its completely fucking insane.
Holy fuck, the kike behind that post must be something special, jesus...
Thats incredibly ignorant, firstly, thats not being asserted. Your ignorance about whem the essenes, sadducees and pharisees emerged, and diverged is obvious. You have no basis for your assertions and are merely raging at your own ignorance and misunderstanding
Babylonian talmud not written until 200 ad. So you are obviously wrong
Written at least 600 BC
Thanks for playing, you can start your cope now
Nice fucking comeback you imbecile, you didn't even confront any of the things I've said in my post. You have literally no idea what the Talmud is, or you're a jew spreading misinfo because you know your rotten ilk would be hanged from trees on a moment notices were the goys to realize what following the Talmud implies.
Truth be told your ilk soul started to rot long before the creation of the Talmud, when you, Shem, decided to take upon the word of Cain over those of Abel rather than learn from them both. You're doomed, and there is literally no one to blame but yourself.
Enjoy Sheol I guess.
>citing wikipedia as a credible source rather than the references within the article itself
>Torah (aka literally mean ORAL TRADITION FOR FUCK SAKE, as given by Moses 10 commandment) ''written'' in 600 bc
Abrahamic scum are sick
>inb4 you don't know the difference between Torah and written Torah
Yes, the Truth of esoteric Christianity virtually mirrors that of India’s tantric traditions. According to the tantric traditions, the individual soul (the jiva, or contracted Siva) cannot recognize himself as Siva (the Self, or Son) until Shakti (the Holy Spirit) unites with the jiva in the Heart-center. And the union of Siva and Shakti in the Heart-center results in the Self (or Son) realizing its eternal identity with the Divine Being (the Holy Father). Just as Siva-Shakti = Sat (Being), Son-Spirit = Father (Being). The way to the Father is through the Son, but the Son cannot emerge as the Son until the son is awakened by the Holy Spirit.
The truth of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism also mirrors that of mystical Christianity. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the three bodies, or hypostases—the Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya, and Sambhogakaya—are analogous to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Thus, Buddhahood (the Nirmanakaya’s realization of his eternal identity with the Dharmakaya) cannot occur until the Sambhogakaya, the Light-energy (or Bliss, or “Blessing”) Body, unites with and frees the nirmanakaya (the contracted soul) in the Heart-center. Upon this Nirvanic realization, the awakened Buddha (the now en-Light-ened Nirmanakaya) realizes the three bodies, or dimensions, of Reality (the Trikaya, or “Triple Body”) as an indivisible unity.
Thanks for moving the goalposts, playing the muh wiki card (the sources and references are on the page fyi) and then pretending that there is an unbroken oral tradition of the torah. Nobody speaks original hebrew, it was lost to antiquity. But nice sperging i suppose. Furthermore, retard, you havent produced a single shred of evidence to support your claims
the same guy that got circumcision big in the US also wanted to burn girl's cunts with acid. Weird how one is acceptable but the other isn't.
Im a Christian, not a jew. You dont have to be jewish to know the old testament and the history behind it. You apparently think wallowing in ignorance is something to be admired. Sorry that us europeans prefer knowledge and truth. You can get back to fucking dogs now, leaf
Still waiting on your evidence (we both know you have none, right rabbi?)
The symmetries between different religions of the world is fascinating.
>Esoteric Order