Xi: China Must Never Adopt Constitutionalism, Separation of Powers, or Judicial Independence

The West absolutely, irrevocably BTFO

>President Xi: We must never follow the path of Western "constitutionalism," "separation of powers," or "judicial independence."

In 200 years (at the most), Western government will be a thing on the past. Hollow capitalism will have destroyed the foundations of Western countries (which will anyway now be composed mostly of Africans and Arabs) and their economies will be miniscule compared to the Asian behemoth. And the age of totalitarianism will be upon us.

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aka kiked

Sounds like China is ripe for another event on the scale of the Taiping rebellion

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They should tell that to their middle class.

When polled a majority of Chinese people say their country is heading in the right direction.
When polled a small minority of people in Western countries say their country is headed on the right direction.

The soviet union adapted that shit and look what happed to it

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Its almost as if the chinese have no freedom is speech

>tfw can't go back and join the communist party due to naturalised citizenship overseas :(

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>freedom of speech

>When polled a majority of Chinese people say their country is heading in the right direction.

No shit. They've gone from eating their children to relatively well off in a few decades. That growth is already starting to tail off. Let's see how their system fares when the economy reaches first world GDP levels. Fuck off Zhang.

Do you really think any Chinese would openly say anything remotely bad about their country?

China is paper tiger propped up by US economy.

No US, no China. Vietnam is not afraid of the chink kikes.

Don't use "the West" as a catch-all term for ZOG, the PRC was also jewed from it's inception. The US vs China trade war is a cold war 2.0

Damn, that would be amazing to watch

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China is based af, I'm jealous.

Absolutely based, these things are so easily emptied of their content and then become an insurmontable burden upon people who tries to change things. Self preservation should be the first axiom, that and nothing else

The problem with dictatorial powers is that they stand in the way of competent leaders coming to power.

The Chinese communist party stopped being communist a long time ago.

The communist party OUTLAWS trade unions.

Modern Chines Communist party acts like a huge mafia mob that runs the country.

Unless the communist part allows real democratic reforms and a real honest court system there WILL be a revolution in the future.

I can't wait for all the Jews and shitskins to see how Asians treat them. They will yearn and cry for the white man and in return they will receive silence. Tick tock.

They killed the only thing that brought them up.

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>Unless the communist part allows real democratic reforms and a real honest court system there WILL be a revolution in the future.
Democracy is shit.

>Democracy is shit.

Without it new groups that want to express their views are suppressed, until they have no choice but overthrow the oppressors.

Democracy leads to continual short term social unrest BUT also lead to long term social stability.

Get fucked gwailo

They don't have communism, its an absolutist state lead by Party dinasty.

I think the biggest mistake western "intellectuals" do in regard to china to measure it by western political theories.

Democracy, liberalism, capitalism, communism and all models of power separation or market positioning are western inventions.

While faggots argue if it is capitalist or communist, the most similar western model is absolutist monarchy. Which is their traditional form of government.

>Modern Chines Communist party acts like a huge mafia mob that runs the country.

Bill Clinton - president for 8 years
Hillary Clinton - most influential politician in the Dempcratic Party for at least 20 years
George Bush senior - president for 4 years
George Bush junior - president for 8 years
Jeb Bush - president candidate

US politics was ruled by two families for decades until Trump.

>Unless the communist part allows real democratic reforms and a real honest court system there WILL be a revolution in the future.

Aw as much as you want it to, there won't be. Most chinese are apolitical back home, as long as there is food and shelter and entertainment, the citizens pledge loyalty to the state. We have been ruled for centuries by emperors, this new system is reminiscent of the dynasties we used to have. Unlike your shitty governments who serve the jews and hate the people, our government actually cares about its citizens. The borders, online and otherwise, are to keep foreign influences like western degeneracy out while keeping our own people unified.

It will be their Zoomer generation, the ones who didn't eat rats and grew up comfy. They'll demand freedoms that Western nations enjoy but their parents were unconcerned with due to their hardship.

You have no idea how China works

>US politics was ruled by two families for decades
they didn't rule anything all politicians here are bought and paid for figureheads for the elite who control them through the monopoly on all media
where Xi/the party are the elites in China with real power and could pretty much do anything they want and are owned by no one but the party itself

Get the fuck out of my country you subhuman chink.

>US politics was ruled by two families for decades until Trump.

Note the non-violent transition of leaders. THIS is the POWER of democracy, new ideas and leaders can arise WITHOUT violent overthrow of the old leaders.

The Chinese communists party does NOT allow for the transition of power to another group.
They and they alone wield all the power, they even stand above the law.
Eventually this leads to massive internal corruption and extreme unfair court system.

This WILL lead to massive social unrest in time.

it doesn't matter how China works, that's how people work universally. The grandparents were just happy to make it trough the revolution, the parents were happy to have stability, the kids will naturally want more

we need to firebomb china and israel

Mexicans in the united states are absolute units of ethics and morals. Their children however...

>our country

It's my country now faggot, your government sold out. Also bottom of barrel british filth has the audacity to call others subhuman kek

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>The Chinese communists party does NOT allow for the transition of power to another group
False. Inside Central Committee there is an actual fight for power among different groups. Yes, it is not as transparent as in the west, but it is not as manipulated by the press also. Maybe they don't have politicians who cry in front of the camera for higher polls, but they must be effective as hell. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Committee_of_the_Communist_Party_of_China
>They and they alone wield all the power, they even stand above the law.
True. And the same happening in every country or you want to tell me there are no elite above the law in the US?
>Eventually this leads to massive internal corruption and extreme unfair court system.
False. Your country's Democratic Party is fighting for a bill that let men compete in women sports. If there is a perfect system that is ruled by maniacs and lunatics, it worths nothing.
>This WILL lead to massive social unrest in time.
False. It WOULD lead if they were individualists like Europeans, but they are Chinese. Their mindset is totally different. Also as I experience there is wide and deep social dissatisfaction in the US.

Do you actually believe your elections are worth anything?

>Note the non-violent transition of leaders.
Leaders change, aka the representative you call president, head of the PR department. Power never changes hands.

you post as though you know things however anyone's post worth reading can see your posts are very clearly opinions. Not even very good ones.

>Do you actually believe your elections are worth anything?

Trump got elected !!

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>Without it new groups that want to express their views are suppressed
As it is the case nowadays? Democracy does not promote new views (that doesn't come from the top) much less new groups

At least better than yours.
Nice Satan trips by the way.

>Democracy does not promote new views (that doesn't come from the top) much less new groups

I often wonder just how poor European education is?

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Power never changes hands.

The deepstate and their media minions still running the show. And that's not even taking into consideration those who print the money that buys your politicians cooperation.

the real question is what happens when the economic miracle stops working in china. They're running out of tech to steal and it's time to see what's next. everyone i know in china gives zero fucks about privacy or liberty, unless they've schooled abroad, then they get mildly annoyed they can't use gmail without a VPN, but that's about it.

Taking your own country as an example, do you think open borders, free trade, gay marriage and secularization of the state were a bottom up or top down ideas?

Border control, forced assimilasion and expulsion of problematic populations and vaguely christian morality is what majority of american population has historically wished and wanted for, but never gotten despite being a "democracy".

Democracy means continual social unrest and change BUT over the long term great stable societies.

There is a reason people migrate to USA more than another country.

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>Democracy promotes new ideas
The America you live in promotes the slow genocide and replacement of your citizens with mongrels lol

>C-China is about to s-stop kicking our ass! I s-swear!

Anglojewry is repulsive.

Actual China strategist here, it's my job.

Summary is, if you're a Chinese citizen, get the fuck out of there and renounce citizenship ASAP before it's too late.

Some basic facts:

- China population will decline in actual number by 2030
- Very slim chance of internal revolt, urban elite have all been co-opted
- Economy has run out of steam, all that's left is efficiency input growth
- There are already more houses than there will be people to fill them in 20 years time
- No one in China actually owns their own house, every residential property is a 70-year lease

Overall, people overestimate chance of internal revolt, and underestimate how bad China's economic future is.

Here's a breakdown of China's economic situation, past, present and future:

1980s = Major reforms, small business boom
1990s = World manufacturing shifts from Japan and elsewhere to China
2000s = Manufacturing growth continues until US recession, shift to construction boom
2010s = Construction bubble, low global demand, manufacturing shifting to SEA as China becomes middle income, Trump's tariffs are the shit cherry on top for China. China stealing tech & creating a walled domestic economy to get growth through efficiency inputs (hopeless)
2020s = China in middle income trap, iron fist governance, increased military budget results in less for the rest
2030s = Absolute chaos. Dodgy skyscrapers literally falling down by the dozen each week, negative growth, state budget cannibalized for increased military spending to keep a lid on the populace, most land leases come to an end with economic situation forcing government to demand large lump sum payment to continue living in your own home. Meanwhile, US is flooding the world with cheap commodities, to deliberately undercut China & Russia. If you are still in China by this stage, it's over, the gates to the West will be shut on both sides. West will come in to pick up what's of value, including the prime real estate the government reclaimed.

as usual chinese are based

>their economies will be miniscule compared to the Asian behemoth
irl the chinese "people' will just have their usual centennial civil war, kill off half their population through war and famine, and no one will care

You're living in the past, spouting clichés.
People used to come to the USA for opportunity. Hard work meant success, immigration standards were high and so was the qualified candidate list. Simple
Now competent immigrants are hard to find, and all countries with a retirement ponzi scheme needs them, especially since women joined the workforce and no longer having kids.
So we get the less qualified, they come to the US for economic perks, free shit, comfort... they come because it`s better than their shithole, and the USA accepts them.

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It’s already happening in Hon Kong.

So did monarchies but that's beside the point, we will see how "stable" the US (and Europe) will be in the future. There are already two irreconciliable blocks and no transcendence whatsoever to keep the country united



>we will see how "stable" the US (and Europe) will be in the future. The

USA has been here for over 250 years.

fine enough to have read more authors than just liberals, besides there's a difference between the wonderful theory (your viewpoint) and reality

Go and make auspol threads, Zhang. That is your life now.

>2030s = Absolute chaos.
That is when empires start wars.
Do you think this will happen?

>only 250 years
>already a fucking civil war under belt

250 year is fucking nothing w/r/t a country

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Are you retarded, perphaps? And I do remember a little something happening during that span of time

slaves gotta stay slaves

West btfo because insects will never be free and live like roaches without invididuality forever. How will i recover

You're probably wasting your effort but it's appreciated. I've been over here for a while now, trying to warn people of the upcoming consummation of the west by China. People keep falling back to the same lines they heard as a child. 'Any day now, China will collapse.' It's not going to happen. They don't play by the west's rules. They're just pretending for free shit.

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And in china they will be lined up against the wall and executed. Yes, all of them. No, no remorse will be given.

>The problem with dictatorial powers is that they stand in the way of competent leaders coming to power.
The chinks have a fix for that, it's called purges
>Eventually this leads to massive internal corruption and extreme unfair court system.
The second is there to fix the first, this mob think in decades mate, hence OP
>They're running out of tech to steal and it's time to see what's next.
They're rolling out HIV vaccines and have made genetically modified babies being born
They're using ai to keep track of which kids are paying attention in class
What do you think is coming next?
If you're not just bluffibg recheck your assumptions and start again from scratch for the sake of our country kid, this isn't the kind of predictions
Assume their strategists see everything you're seeing, have a longer term view of governance than you're used to and are making plans that factor in everything that you know

There won't be any war, for many reasons

US will maintain military dominance, and the focus will be on keeping China contained by maintaining control over the southeast china sea and indian ocean.

China knows it has no hope of challenging US militarily, that's why it's going down the route of chipping away in the long term. Buying up ports, stealing tech, the new silk road plan and the exploitation of africa that goes with it, it's all part of the plan to build up and take over WITHOUT direct conflict.

If someone does start a war, it would be the US, because they have to interrupt China's long term plan somehow. But that likely won't be necessary, as China will implode simply due to its demographics, its infrastructure quality and its political system. These factors aren't going away anytime soon.

The thinking in the US at the moment is that if action is required, then it should be economic. That is, to flood the world with oil and other commodities to take out both China and Russia with one stone. It doubles as a way to invigorate economic growth in the US, but it will be at the expense of pollution aims.

The thinking of Chinese leaders is obviously not as accessible, but what we can glean is that they have idea of creating task forces to send overseas, in places such as Africa, to gain combat experience. They also want to take Taiwan in a few decades time. An amphibious assault of Taiwan is a pipe dream for them though. They are mindful of the fact that US presidents come and go, but that the communist party can employ very long term strategies.

>China will implode from demographics
>not America

ayyy lmao

*this isn't the kind of prediction I'm hearing from the old China hands
Sorry there kid grandpa had to reach for his ventilator because your callow naive attitude gave him an asthma attack
What I'm hearing from the old China hands is that china's governance is more dynamic and responsive to the ground than what's commonly being assumed
Precisely because they're extremely aware of and are putting in place mitigations against the 150/300 year dynastic collapse cycle

The problem is Taiwan. The people there no longer consider themselves Chinese but Taiwanese.

There is ZERO chance the Taiwanese will want to allow Chinese to control them after looking at what they did with Hong Kong.

Conquering a hostile island nation of 25 million people will be extremely difficult.

Very few other countries will support China in doing this the vast majority will just condemn them and refuse to trade with them but offer no military resistance; BUT the USA will send over HUGE fleet to offer as aid. I do NOT think China and USA will directly attack each other (no nukes used on China or USA) but it would be very expensive for China. Militarily taking over Taiwan would destroy China economically and have a permanent internal pro-Taiwan resistance

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I've only ever seen Anglos talk about how China will collapse, or how they're weak and so on and so on. It's just a massive cope. China isn't going anywhere, they are already the dominant force on the planet and they'll only get stronger. Likewise, the imbecile notions about how the West can go toe to toe with them are just downright stupid. The US is vastly inferior to their military might, precisely because of the people. The US has exhausted its human resources, it's just nigs and trannies now.

Also I'm utterly baffled by the "asians aren't creative" schtick because they seem dynamic as fuck, especially compared to the US which has become a dogmatic ideologically driven fossil. Which is fighting itself.

What I mean is that rising up nationalistic tensions to cover the causes of internal revolts is an ordinary tool in politics and China is extremely nationalistic.
I don't think war is necessary, I think Chinese politician would use this tool to stay in power.

>An amphibious assault of Taiwan is a pipe dream for them though
Yeah, real "insider" info here, you fucking retard. The fact that they bother building 3 america-class LHD means that attempt on amphibious assault is very much on the table

Western Democracy stopped being the beacon of light for the world when we let the jews ruin it.

I hope the chinese win. Seperation of power, democracy etc. Just means outside political interrest can infiltrate your country easier. Btw, china using face recognition etc. Is probably more of a defence of western nations trying to instill chaos. They sending uyghurs to brainwashing schools is trying to stop radical muslim groups from taking hold there amd these radical groups would be supported by western nations especially us, cia etc. I hope china wins, economically and overcomes harassment by the us. The chinese will imo win. Xi isnt getting blocked everytime he is trying to do something like trump does.too much people have a say. Some lowlife feredal judge can just stop trump for example, them you have the house, senate. They always say the president is the most powerfull person in the world wich is absolute bullshit, he cant do shit for 90% of the time. Its incredibly inefficient, thats why that system will fail. The soviets were inefficient compared to democratic western system. Now the western democratic system is inefficient compared to the chinese one. I hope it comes down crashing and we have cpuple of werks of carnage, so we can get rid of the necrossis that is killing us slowly, all those weak people, ideologically posessed scum that are beeing propped up. We dont live in a free society, we are worse of then chinese in many ways.

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Holy hell user
That shouldn't have made me giggle
But it did

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I make this point all the time. We still have better/on par military tech for the time being, but China will eclipse that shit comin' up, and it doesn't even matter because Western men won't fight in a real war unless it plays out like Call of Duty. droppin bombs on shitty brown farmers aka unless its easy as fuck with a .2% chance of dying

The whole point of communism is to get rid of class. How can the majority of people be middle class? It makes no god damn sense.

>real war unless it plays out like Call of Duty
That is exactly how wars will look like in 30 years.

American public school is shit bro.

In Scandinavian countries 80% of the population belong to the middle class.

Here, watch this webm. All of you. Unlike that shitty anti-chinese stuff that usually gets posted, this one will actually teach you something. This is how the chinese approach to everything appears to me and what I think motivates their actions.

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>The thinking of Chinese leaders is obviously not as accessible,
There's article in here somewhere of a talk given in Canberra that tells you everything you need to know to find that thinking accessible
It's one of the free ones

>The whole point of communism


Now you see. The Chinese Communist party is not communistic, it is basically an authoritarian one party govt with the number one goal of staying in power.

>competent leaders coming to power
if you think this can happen in a democracy or a republic you are naive, the type of naive that will vote for drumpf in 2020

>The West absolutely, irrevocably BTFO
No, it's a self BTFO by china, they have proven their word is worht nothing.


You don't get it, do you. None of you got it.

China is an empire with an emperor. Again, like they once were. Only the outer, meaningless FORM is different but the SUBSTANCE is the same. They returned to themselves after experimenting with communism. Just like Russia. For all intents and purposes Putin is the tzar of Russia, Xi is the emperor of China and Erdogan is the sultan of Turkey.

The whole western system of governance has begun to recede into history and we're going back to more reasonable things. Hell, Trump was elected because the US wants a king or emperor. It's all coming back and I'm laughing at you all for not seeing the obvious. North Korea? Juche? No - it's a hereditary absolutist monarchy. Japan? As always, Japan is Japan. The emperor reigns forever.

You sad fucks can't see shit even when it's right in front of you.

Then I hope at least a few hundred million of them start demanding more privileges.


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Thats a movie you fuckn retard

>American public school is shit bro.

Depends. My public school had money. We had a gym classes with Archery, football, softball, basketball, soccer, a track, etc.
We had a band and music classes.
I took Biology, Zoology, chemistry, physics, etc (we had chem labs, animals for dissection, etc).
We had a computer labs, and drivers education with cars and simulators, home economics with cooking, drafting classes, etc.
My public High School was Awesome!

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I'm revved up to murder these bastards. The shit nips did will be a fond memory when we're done with them. Fuck policing the world, kill these chinks, if they surrender they can live in a reservation/concentration camp according to gender.

Take their land. Homestead it with white people.

Missing the point entirely, as usual. But I forgive you because you are a child, roughly 12 - 15 years old.

I will even educate you - the man doing the speech is espousing the basic tenets of taoism as applied to real life.

Now go and do your homework. Yes it's summer, but you sure as fuck shouldn't be given a break from studying.

and... on cue the crazy come out.

Hello insane crazy kid!!

Please take your meds!

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Thats true
Democracy is the wishful thinking on global scale, most people dont know whats good to them, not to say to others
Representative democracy is a a miss universe contest but with men allowed too
The chosen puppets serve the ones who poured money into them, there has never been on earth a mechanism ensuring the completing the obligations of the elected officials electoral promises or programs
Separation of power is a sham, all branches are but fingerpuppets moved by a single hand from the shadows
Weak people indulge in their mercantile cheap materialistic desires to flee from the hardships of real life and it is the downfall of contemporary humanity


This isn't the YLYL thread, you seem to be lost.

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Your blind belief that all people are the same everywhere is why your empire didnt last even a single century