AUTISM Red Pill me on autism

So, my brother in law has been arguing with his childs doctors a lot lately. And after speaking with him about it, I wanted to bring the issue here.

If his child likes books, and doesn't play as much as other kids
If his child likes playing the most, and isn't interested in books
If his child looks at him too much
If his child doesn't look at him much

Is it me, or does it seem like the spectrum for Autism symptoms is really widening and getting to a point where just about anything your kid does or doesn't do can potentially be a symptom of autism?

I've heard it's bullshit, that it's nothing more than a kid with a lot of extra energy, or the opposite, that it's just a kid who doesn't have as much "play energy" as other kids. Is this true? Is it really just a money grab by BigMed here in the US?

I saw REAL, ACTUAL AUTISTIC KIDS growing up here and there, and they looked and acted like you would imagine. But now you have normal acting, normal looking, and essentially normal kids getting this diagnosis.

Is this all real?

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>Red Pill me on autism
not real.
introversion and awkwardness is normal for kids.
some retarded adults seem to forget that fact.

I blame parenting and the clown world we live in for this. We literally live in a world where doctors and people who make pharmaceuticals don’t want to cure you but keep you sick and dependant on them

Yeah, pretty much seems that way. My brother got in a yelling argument with the Dr, basically saying that he acted the same way as his daughter, and grew up fine, of course doctor just ignored this fact.
Well, I gotta agree. It's getting really silly. I find it funny that of the whole world, the US has so many diagnosed cases of Autism. Almost like that shit is made up.

Most ADD and autism diagnosis are bullshit. Unless your child is sitting on the floor and staring at the corner rocking back and forth going "Uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhh" they're very unlikely to be autistic. Children, much like adults, all have different personalities, likes, and dislikes. Not everything your kid does requires a poo in loo or a jew in a lab coat to tell you what kind of pills you should be stuffing down your childs throat.

Let your kid play outside.

Diff levels of autism I was low lack of emotion, accessive compulsive ticks that got worse stopped or changed in an instant complete obsession with something and only that thing ect I only realised it after I got older and learned how to control most of it.

It's genuinely bullshit, if your kid was autistic you wouldn't need some Jew in a coat to tell you, the kid's probably just a little shy

I find it interesting too, my brother brought this up, that ADD and Autism have almost identical symptoms, and are "closely related".

Oye vey, looks like ADD, take this..

Oye vey, looks like autism, do this, take this go here.

First all the boys had ADHD, now all the boys have Autism. See a pattern?

Autism is easy to spot, even higher functioning autists don't blend in well so it's probably a bad diagnosis. Adhd on the other hand is 100% real and I'd guesstimate that 80% or more are real. I have the inattentive type that doesn't cause the hyperactivity and noone has noticed it before medicated or not.