AUTISM Red Pill me on autism

So, my brother in law has been arguing with his childs doctors a lot lately. And after speaking with him about it, I wanted to bring the issue here.

If his child likes books, and doesn't play as much as other kids
If his child likes playing the most, and isn't interested in books
If his child looks at him too much
If his child doesn't look at him much

Is it me, or does it seem like the spectrum for Autism symptoms is really widening and getting to a point where just about anything your kid does or doesn't do can potentially be a symptom of autism?

I've heard it's bullshit, that it's nothing more than a kid with a lot of extra energy, or the opposite, that it's just a kid who doesn't have as much "play energy" as other kids. Is this true? Is it really just a money grab by BigMed here in the US?

I saw REAL, ACTUAL AUTISTIC KIDS growing up here and there, and they looked and acted like you would imagine. But now you have normal acting, normal looking, and essentially normal kids getting this diagnosis.

Is this all real?

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>Red Pill me on autism
not real.
introversion and awkwardness is normal for kids.
some retarded adults seem to forget that fact.

I blame parenting and the clown world we live in for this. We literally live in a world where doctors and people who make pharmaceuticals don’t want to cure you but keep you sick and dependant on them

Yeah, pretty much seems that way. My brother got in a yelling argument with the Dr, basically saying that he acted the same way as his daughter, and grew up fine, of course doctor just ignored this fact.
Well, I gotta agree. It's getting really silly. I find it funny that of the whole world, the US has so many diagnosed cases of Autism. Almost like that shit is made up.

Most ADD and autism diagnosis are bullshit. Unless your child is sitting on the floor and staring at the corner rocking back and forth going "Uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhh" they're very unlikely to be autistic. Children, much like adults, all have different personalities, likes, and dislikes. Not everything your kid does requires a poo in loo or a jew in a lab coat to tell you what kind of pills you should be stuffing down your childs throat.

Let your kid play outside.

Diff levels of autism I was low lack of emotion, accessive compulsive ticks that got worse stopped or changed in an instant complete obsession with something and only that thing ect I only realised it after I got older and learned how to control most of it.

It's genuinely bullshit, if your kid was autistic you wouldn't need some Jew in a coat to tell you, the kid's probably just a little shy

I find it interesting too, my brother brought this up, that ADD and Autism have almost identical symptoms, and are "closely related".

Oye vey, looks like ADD, take this..

Oye vey, looks like autism, do this, take this go here.

First all the boys had ADHD, now all the boys have Autism. See a pattern?

Autism is easy to spot, even higher functioning autists don't blend in well so it's probably a bad diagnosis. Adhd on the other hand is 100% real and I'd guesstimate that 80% or more are real. I have the inattentive type that doesn't cause the hyperactivity and noone has noticed it before medicated or not.

I got diagnosed with autism at 22. As a kid i was also withdrawn and introverted, preferred reading over socializing. There were times when i really struggled, but I eventually learned and adapted. I still struggle with social interactions to a degree but its much better now.

I can't help but think that if I was diagnosed as a kid and given special treatment and more leeway that i would have ended up much worse off than i am today. Struggle promotes growth, and labeling a child as autistic will only hinder that

Austists are a more advanced race of humans kept down by the rest of society out of fear of autistic superiority.

Everyone has done something that would make a head shrink put them on the spectrum at some point in their lives. Modern medicine has become like a bad automotive technician; misdiagnosing issues, recommending expensive repairs and claiming more diagnostic work is necessary when the first repair doesn't work. We must hold the medical profession responsible for their failings!
t. Aut/o/motive technician.

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Mental illnesses have absolutely zero objective, measurable scientific diagnostic criteria; a diagnosis is purely some psychiatrist's opinion of how well his interpretation of you fits his interpretation of a list of vague symptoms out of the DSM. OTOH mental illnesses are every bit as profitable to treat as any other disease, and throwing pills and money at a problem is easier than anything else, so here we are.

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On the plus side, it's easier than ever to qualify for neetbux.

My 4yo son is non-verbal/pre-verbal (says token things here and there) and does all that you mentioned, plus more. He is profoundly disabled, I'll be caring for him until I die. I'll never let him get shipped off to an asylum where niggers will beat/rape/torture him for being white, so before I get too sick/old to do it, I'm going to humanely euthanize him. IDK which method is the least painful but I have 50 or so years to sort it out.

I agree, I genuinely believe autists should be the reference type of human and that normies are low-tier humans
And if you look at the "extreme male theory" by Simon Baron Cohen considering how most people nowadays cuck their soul for a salary and delegate every power they have to institutions
autists are probably just normal human beings and neurotypicals are "extreme menlet"

This is why I am not sending my kid to fucking psychiatrists or psychologists. My youngest son has some behavioral issues but otherwise I am impressed with him every day.
Over the weekend he diagnosed what the fuck was wrong with my lawnmower. He is 6 years old.
He has worked on cars with his grandfather and knows small engines.
He has dug out and built a roof onto a hole in our back yard (6ft diameter and ~3ft deep) and has proceeded to fill it with supplies such as food, flashlights, and tools.
He was kicked out of three daycares and has an aide in school because of his behavior, but reads 2 levels above the other kindergarten kids.
Does my kid have some problems, sure. Am I going to send him to some people who will shovel 6 different medications down his throat and stifle his creativity and learning? fuck no.

The pic in Is my kid.

Labels give schools excuses.

Do not label or drug your kid unless he is already a zombie on the floor babbling.

Do consider vitamin/nutrient deficiencies. Our food is grown for appearance and taste, not nutritional value. That field that get planted with spinach year after year no longer has the vitamins and minerals in the soil that it once did. That spinach is just water and whatever fertilizer they stuck on the ground.

We also used to do things like spend time in the sun (vitamin D), take Epsom salts baths (magnesium), eat liver (iron, which also blocks lead poisoning) and cod liver oil (omega 3s).

Autism is a gastrointestinal issue, not a neurological issue. He needs a better diet and probiotics. Look into fecal transplant to cute autism.

>fecal transplant
kys with your stupid shit, people have died from this

take the kid to loud busy places. if he doesn't have an autism rage fit then he's a normietypical and should be raped into submission

Pretty much agree.

It really pains me to see my brother have to literally argue and yell with the doctors. It seems all the doctors are standing in line, one behind the other, all ready with a prescription notepad in hand, ready to drug my little niece up with (fill in the blank).

It used to be like user said
>if your child is rocking back and forth in the corner, for 10-15 minutes at a time, babbling to themselves, not interested in anything, and screaming if you touch them then they have autism

But I can see what they're doing with my niece, my brothers daughter, they widen the goal posts for the diagnosis of autism. I think it has something to do with FDA kickbacks.

But yeah, everything is a sign or symptom of autism. Fuck, there was apparently a guy with a little boy in the same Dr's office as my brother, and this guys son loved numbers, along with all the other things kids do, but he really liked numbers. And what do you think happened? You guessed it

Good at music, autism. Good at math, autism. Good memory, autism. Good with your hands, autism. It's fucking insane.

Do they ever mention what sorts of deficiencies they have? I mean specifically?
Is it primarily Vitamin D, and Magnesium? Is it Omega-3 too?

I'm just curious, because I don't hear about these staggering numbers of autism diagnoses except for here in JewSA.


I think that people don’t get just how massive (and strangely subtle) the influence of socializing with your peers has on you as you grow up.

I think the best thing you can do to someone with minor autism is:
- don’t let them get a bowl cut
- don’t let them get absorbed into a fake world like anime, ponies, or video games in general.
- don’t let them seek out their ‘own type’
- make sure if they need glasses, they get respectable and modern ones, or just contacts. Absolutely NO standard wireframe rectangle/ovals.

- sign them up for sports
- take them hiking, hunting, camping
- when they make progress in a hobby or field, reward them with things that will help them further their goals, like new learning resources and equipment.
- do not let them consider themselves “mature for their age”. It will lead to social self segregation. If he thinks of himself as an adult in a child’s body he will no longer view his peers as a valid source of social correction and identity.

If this doesn't happen:

- he will be a weird kid in his youth, but grow up to be more normal but unable to fit in properly
- he will never learn how to properly socialize with peers, since he never truly had anybody he considered peers.
- he will forever be adjusting his behavior to fit in, but will always fail.

I have autism. Its honestly not so bad, i really dont like socializing anyway. But yes, they will brand any kid who is socially awkward and doesnt do what hes told in class an autist and pump him full of drugs.

Most of it is shit parenting and allowing kids to develop bad habits.

Tiny percentage is actual retard kids.

Sperg = bad parent
Mercury rising = maybe a bit brain damaged.

I hate how much this echoes my childhood and reflects my current social skills.

As others have pointed out, behavioral abnormalities in kids stems mostly, if not solely, from poor parenting. Take some time out of your daily routine to actually spend with the kid and don't be afraid to get a little physical (no I don't mean spanking or any of that sort) but teach him the limits of his strength or boundaries - and get him outside in the process.
But above all, fucking talk to your kids.

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i'm older... i can relate to a lot of this, we didnt CALL IT that back when i was young, i was just a weird kid. I was (am) one of the really smart but terminally shy kinds.I will say this though... I "learned" to be a comedian, and it became my "personality", and i learned to talk to everyone. ALSO, and this was KEY for me... "learning to fight well". BOY, does everybody like to physically pick on the 6 foot tall guy that is shy... BOY is the shoe on the other foot a few years later, when i was jacked and fighting was just one of my "fun hobbies" i obsessed about. I HATED "it" when i was young, but, older and having learned and grown wiser? I LIKE "it" and being different. KEY POINT: i had to (eventually) get the "trad success" of wife/marriage/good-job... out of my head. I learned to find a job that i LIKED, regardless of pay or status... so i could obsess about it and have a career. Drugs would not have accomplished SHIT for me.

The labels exist because of NCLB and the Obama replacement. Schools/teachers used to be able to accommodate for kids that were different. The problem came in because Tyrone was passed along with Bs and Cs for cleaning the chalkboard or whatever and graduated but couldn’t read. So now in order to treat a kid differently a teacher needs a label and diagnosis.

As for which vitamins are lacking, depends on the kid and what they eat and where they live, B12 is another one.

King nigger fucked that up too?

Autism is not the same thing as social anxiety, and it is definitely not the same thing as wishing you could be normal and feeling sad because you are not normal.
Both of those are a completely different illness called "Being a sad faggot", and not autism.
Please support your local autists by telling sad faggots to fuck off and stop trying to claim a diagnosis that doesn't fit them.

in the 90's my teachers 'diagnosed' me with some of their bullshit because I would not sit still in class.... well, I liked playing outdoors, shooting bows and bb guns in my backyard (and real guns once in a while when my dad took me to the range, i'v been shooting since I was five) so of course I would much rather be out in the woods fucking off than sitting in a chair board out of my mind. I did not do a lot of homework for the same reason, why do this boring repetitive bullshit when I could be outside.

I'm lucky that my parents are not retarded and said no to them giving me meds. I can only imagine the robot I would be today if I was drugged all throughout my life.

You could just tell them to stop worrying about that "fitting in" shit, that shit's for normalfags anyway.