Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?
>US rejects ban on pesticide linked to brain abnormalities in children
Shouldn't the health of your citizen be priority instead of fiat currency profit made by giant corporations?

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>Shouldn't the health of your citizen be priority instead of fiat currency profit made by giant corporations?

How dare you insult muh glorious murica, you commie faggot?! *autistic screeching*

>How dare you insult muh glorious murica
Not trying to insult them, it's a honest question. Pol became baiting board to cause divisions and make whites hate each other on small issues but rarely anybody points up what their big brother is doing. Fact that this is allowed should be priority, beside governments allowing shitskin immigration while ignoring the law. Money from private businesses bribing politicians and lawmakers should be illegal.

No. Fuck citizens and fuck children. Don't want brain damage? Stay the fuck away from where you don't belong. This shit is why America is going so down hill "Muh regulations" "muh fee fees" "muh rights" what a fucking joke. You don't deserve or have rights. You don't "deserve" anything unless you make yourself useful. Do you think China cares about its citizens welfare? It doesn't and look how successful they are. Intelligent and homogeneous, capitalistic and rational, they have no Christards and they don't tolerate r*ligion. Literally utopia and its something America should strive for too. Remember Chernobyl? That was caused by a commie over regulating government. Khmer rouge? Over regulating government. Banning these chemicals pushes us closer to those. We should be actively pushing ours AWAY. Otherwise this country is going BACKWARDS. Corporate interests are the interests of the people. End of discussion commie faggots.

>You don't deserve or have rights.
Then democracy should be removed. I'd always choose honest fascism instead of lying scummy politicians and their empty promises while dealing with the oligarchy under the table.

Also, US is most regulated country in the world, while people think they're free, interesting. Every excuse used to rob them blind with slap on a wallet once some bullshit law is broken.

Fun fact: The definition of Autism was recently changed so it now include hundred of different cases that were originally considered their own thing, with many being so benign you'd never realize someone has them unless they specifically tell you so, from severe aphasia to SLI, surely as to artificially augment the number of case as to justify more research grant on the subject.

And people fucking wonder why the number of autism case exploded out of fucking nowhere, all of a sudden...

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I dont know im not your doctor

fixed your map for you OP

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Picture was required to start a thread, and just happens I had one with sufficient relevance to a question of why is poisoning your citizen allowed in first place.