This meme had thousands of upvote on r*ddit. It's meant to be insulting... It's actually perfect though...

This meme had thousands of upvote on r*ddit. It's meant to be insulting... It's actually perfect though. Imagine *accidently* memeing gold like this. I love it. Shit like this is on r/all daily now.

Attached: 7URo7a1.jpg (800x800, 446K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>ha ha it is you who actually wants to deplatform, checkmate nazis


White people are 2nd least populous race just behind native Americans

I want to deplatform most humans from life.

Jesus Christ the left can't meme.

Attached: cb12d84516872daf2c6dc41c1d279f4e4bbae0634aed43cc7611eeca1013573d leftypol meme gulag.png (458x550, 336K)

Same. It's hard to decide who to start with

Attached: zw72qjv2plb31.jpg (960x983, 151K)

That's not clever, it's actually retarded.


Pick one.

When was the last time a notable "minority" was deplatformed other than Farrakhan?


This too. How can thousands of people not understand that there wouldn't be minorities in an ethnostate?