Kim dot com is talking about Seth Rich again.
Kim dot com is talking about Seth Rich again
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I guess that makes sense considering the Mueller stuff is coming back around.
He isnt babbling about all the evidence he has but never delivers?
Honestly put out of stfu you fat cunt.
>the Mueller stuff is coming back around
New investigations on Trump or is Muller getting investigated for malpractice?
Congress is going to question Mueller.
Can that end up on an investigation into his Trump investigation or will go as far as a couple of questions like it played out with Hillary?
Hi Kim! You're pretty cool but you could sure stand to loose about to a 100lbs.
Can wait until Mueller is asked "When you were director of the FBI, are you the one who ordered Acosta to lay off Epstein?" Go get extra popcorn, the fun is about to get real. MAGA
thats because of the news today, proof the wikileaks drops were seth rich not russia.
Media is distracting people with Al Franken and Kamala Harris and 'I saw RBG' Lakshmi
Yeah, they're going to question Mueller about his Trump/Russia investigation. I don't really know what they have planned, but obviously the democrats are going to try to find something wrong with the investigation or some other reason to keep the Muh Russia and IMPEACH NAO narratives going. I'm not really sure what to expect beyond more circus.
god bless kim dotcom, julian assange, and edward snowden. three pariahs in this dark, ignorant world.
Wonder if it's like last time:
>Claim to know who really killed Seth Rich
>Get tons of clicks and people talking
>Tweet that information will be forthcoming in a week, tune in
>Talk endlessly about Mega Upload and US screwed me, wannnnna, leaving Seth on the curb. Who is Seth Rich, muh, Mega Upload.
>Release ridiculous list of demands the US Gov has to deliver before you'll talk about Seth Rich (knowing they'll never meet them, so you're off the hook). But you got to exploit your 'friend's' death to talk about Mega Upload...
A sworn affadavit sent to the press and published online along with copy of digital proofs is all that is needed. For some reason, the master hacker just can't do get justice for his friend. :(
Am I wrong? If dude knows, he needs to prove it and not milk it to his own ends...
So Dems are disappointed because Muller failed to deliver and Reps are pretending to like Trump and be mad that Muller opened an illegal investigation on phony evidence.
Dude is getting DPed by all sides I expect.
any day now user
>dude trust me
Yeah Mueller's really in a tight spot. Similar with Comey. So now he's stuck trying to figure a way to slither out. Perhaps we'll finally get more of reading on whether he really did flip or whether he's just trying to cover his ass and maybe get a few of his friends sent safely off to early retirement while buying everybody more time until Trump can be neutralized.
You’re right Kim is a bullshitter.
Kim dot come is a faggot that never delivers. Fuck him
Dont understand why he keeps opening his fat mouth if aint releasing the evidence.
Same thing with McAfee.
publicity. People google his fat ass and they see he owns MEGA and other companies. They research them and try them out.
Its marketing.
fuck that fat POS
Man that is so fucking revolting Im inclined to believe it.
What a sick world we live in.
>Congress is going to question Mueller.
If they don’t ask Mueller why he never interviewed JA or inspect the server then they are just controlled opposition
The whole point is to gin up hostility between the red team and blue team right before the country is collapsed. Trump isn't the outsider guy who came to shake things up, he's just another stooge who promises but never delivers. The constant attacks on Trump by the media guarantees he keeps his base intact while he betrays them on the immigration issue. Similar to how Obama was going to end the wars, he never did, and in the process he neutralized the anti-war left.
If Trump was truely concerned about the border he would use his commander in chief ability to settle troops, bases and drones on the border to monitor, and intercept the invaders, not push for a physical border wall that takes years to complete. Isnt it funny that he can send troops anywhere around the world, but not our own border? Why have a military that defends only foreign borders instead of your own?
One of these days you will realize the "wall" was a metaphor the elite had for dividing the people. The wall has already been built.
Of course Congress is controlled opposition. But every once in a while you get a question that isn't a complete waste of time.
the illegals will be allowed to stay in their "sanctuary cities" and are going to be killed as sacrifices
>the illegals will be allowed to stay in their "sanctuary cities"
Remember a couple of months ago when people were cheering about this.
>Le epic liberal triggering
Jesus christ.
Kim dot com, the chubby Viking of the inter webs. God I miss early 2000’s Mega links
I never cheered about this because I live in a sanctuary state, I don't understand how this was a win.
do you understand?
>Zechariah 5
Somehow it was a win because this old bitch Chere or something freaked the fuck out and started twitting about how California couldnt take care of the homeless and now Trump was flooding them with immigrants.
Dunno how that was a win either.
>kim dotcom is trying to stay relevant again
is he going to deliver a big nothing burger with double cheese again?
It's sad that 'conspiracy theory' has been coined as negative jargon with a different meaning than it's actual word definitions. Now it's a synonym for lunatic talk, sucks and makes it hard to articulate/talk about conspiracies in general.
>le based anarchits
I mean I'm one, but seeing a millionarie pose as one makes me cringe hard af.
I guess because Chere hates Trump and was being contradictory.
>Let epic XD
It's like dumping poison into the other end of the pool and laughing at the people on that side of the pool.
Fuck that fat walrus and the bullshit he spews
Skippy and his Mossad/DNC mafia cleaner-Crew took Seth per the Assange email drop...At this point in time the Democratic Party and about 80% of those in the GOP are Suspects in his murder. It's just so obvious. US/Western politics is just one biblical crime scene.
Well apparently we are both wrong and it was a win worthy of trucking hundreds if not thousands of illegals into the country.
Tired of winning yet?