Just got back to Jow Forums, redpill me on so.y and why it's filtered to onions

Just got back to Jow Forums, redpill me on so.y and why it's filtered to onions

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It hit too close to home for the jannies who do it for free.

Its shit. No reason to eat it unless you're starving

"just got back to Jow Forums"
You know you can't leave, so probably you weren't even here to begin with. Lurk more newfaggot.

It gives you fat tits. Just drink proper milk. Tofu and onions sauce are fine though I think.

so[y fats are in pretty much every processed food available

nobody realizes this, but regular people consume more so[y than vegans who usually are more health conscious and avoid so[y altogether

dairy milk is much more feminizing than so[y

No, milk makes you strong like a Viking.

>believes dairy industry propaganda from post world war dairy industry that wanted to sustain their market after dehydrated milk was no longer needed for rations

youre stupid, dairy should only be consumed if no other protein sources are available, it is terrible ass an every day staple

Real question why is the word "tranny" not filtered yet? Not much of an issue on Jow Forums but a plague on other boards.

Have fun with osteoporosis.


there are much better sources of calcium pea brain

Non-white detected.

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lmao you actually thought the meme was real

oh diddums, baby can't drink milk without getting the shits

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Eat your onions goyim

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It’s just a silly joke the jannies made because a lot of true memers on here kept using so.y unironically. My favorite is to be h.onest is changed to desu.

unpasteurized milk from goats carefully selected and bred for milk quality and then fed a strict diet of alfalfa is god tier.

getting processed cow milk from the supermarket is dietary suicide.

Jew detected.

Jewish diet is known as Kashrut. Its rules, with attention paid to dairy products as well as meat, marks the Mesolithic Turanian divergence from the Gentile diet via availability of milk from herd animals. (Strictly speaking, drinking the milk of a different species is a form of vampirism.) The term “land of milk and honey” as a metaphor for prosperity originates in the Tanakh. (Honey as human food also appears to have been originally introduced from the Turanian steppe to the surrounding civilizations at times corresponding to Turanian incursion.)

Pic related. David Cameron (Jew) demonstrates Jewish corruption of our food.

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>and why it's filtered to onions
mods love soj and got really pissed

It has been 100% proven that eating it increases your estrogen levels. It's the number 1 reason why vegans are far left, feminine and have a very high chance of becoming trannies. People who want to become transsexuals will intentionally drink a shitload of s o y and grow tits without their family knowing about it.
Mods got butthurt that people were talking about it so they filtered the word. The majority of Jow Forums admins are left wing communists who hate racism and males.

>doubles down on post world war dairy industry propaganda

Drink unpasteurised buffalo milk. Trust me, it is the good shit.

Attached: Indian_Water_Buffalo_Bubalus_arnee_by_Dr_Raju_Kasambe_IMG_0347_(11)_(cropped).jpg (1290x923, 1.69M)

>"just got back to Jow Forums"
>Lurk more newfaggot
get out

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only if i were starving, disgusting


i'm immune bitches

It's GMO. You aren't allowed to grow real basedbeans, or mansanto (ir FDA?) will come after you to (((shut it down.))) Supposedly the real stuff has all 8 or 9 amino acids.

I always thought it was because jap moot took it personally.

Schizo-pilled. Care to explain more? All I can get from this is Jews drink milk. Jews also eat beef, should we stop?

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many jannies are trannies and it makes them really sad
pls be a bit more respectful towards our tranny jannies, they are human beans too


Healthy animals sleep immediately after eating in order to optimize digestion by focusing blood flow to the stomach and intestines. Not sleeping after eating results in less efficient absorption of food, as blood flow is diverted to other active parts of the body. The same applies to Aryans. (Hitler himself was known to often take a post-prandial nap after lunch when he was not too busy.) Only those with non-Aryan metabolism have trouble with this, as they have lost the ability to focus blood flow. Instead, when they sleep, their metabolism simply slows down overall, leading to poorer digestion.

The popular meme “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” originated with Franz Kafka (Jew). It is a flagrant inversion of the above rhythm by encouraging a large meal (sometimes the largest of the day) immediately after waking up, a behaviour unknown in the animal world and wholly incompatible with Aryan metabolism. To digest a heavy breakfast and at the same time begin a day’s work conditions the body to split its blood flow rather than focus it. As always, it is the Zionist agenda to divide our energies and set them in mutual opposition.

Symbolically, we should follow the principle of eating after working, so that the food replenishes the energy spent in labour, mirroring the Aryan economic principle that the food is a product of the labour. (In contrast, eating before working more closely resembles the non-Aryan practice of investment.) Hence, breakfast should be relatively light, whereas lunch and dinner should be larger meals depending on the kind of work we do.

Attached: Aryan-food.jpg (440x440, 33K)

It's literally the biggest redpill of our time. Think about it. They allow us to talk about niggers, jews, kikes, mudslimes, degenerates, discord trannies, globalists, EVERYTHING BUT ŞOY.

I personally don't eat beef. I do eat chicken, but not very often.

"Our children to-day are much healthier than those of the Imperial and Weimar Republic periods because mothers now realise that they contribute far more to the health of their children if they give them raw vegetables and roots to chew than if they give them boiled milk.” – Adolf Hitler

In modern terms, the Aryan diet resembles the high-carb, low-fat diet favoured by endurance athletes. People with non-Aryan metabolism who consume carbohydrates in large quantities easily become obese and/or diabetic, because their bodies are biologically incapable of processing carbohydrates. The observation that high-carb intake leads to obesity/diabetes among many people is evidence not of the Aryan diet being a low-quality diet (contrary to what Jews and Gentiles like to claim), but of those unsuited to such a diet having defective metabolism, which in turn is the result of genetic defects accumulated either during prehistory, in Savitri Devi’s words, of: “… hunting and fishing as practised by the men of the Old Stone Age, who had forgotten how to live on wild fruits and not yet learned how to till the soil …” or in later pastoral and complex economic societies. Conclusions about other ingredients can just as easily be drawn using similar lines of reasoning.

“At the time when I ate meat, I used to sweat a lot. I used to drink four pots of beer and six bottles of water during a meeting, and I’d succeed in losing nine pounds ! When I became a vegetarian, a mouthful of water from time to time was enough.” – Adolf Hitler

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Aryan diet developed from the Neolithic domestication of cereals (wheat, barley, rice, millet, sorghum, maize, quinoa, etc.). The word “meal” itself refers to milled grain (from root “mel-” meaning “to grind”), encapsulating the Aryan conception of food as cereal-based. The word “military” also derives ultimately from the same root, referring to an assembly of people to whom food was distributed in equal portions, which is only precisely practicable with cereal food.

Prior to modernity, the overwhelming proportion of food was not imported, but grown locally. I recommend a return to a diet based as much as possible on local, in-season produce. Besides economic and environmental benefits, such a diet thus reflects the character and rhythm of the local region, as the soil and climate of each region are suited for cultivating some crops but not others, and which may yield different crops at different times of the year. On the other hand, in parallel with the authentic National Socialist principle of folkism (as opposed to ethnocentrism), there is no reason to exclude crops which originated elsewhere but which prove cultivationally compatible with local growing conditions. Indeed it is often enough the case that such transplanted foods eventually become definitively associated with the local menu, such as the tomato (a crop of Central American origin) in Italian cuisine.

“In former times, Berlin was a simple and dignified city. Then came the epoch of the nineteen-course dinners.” – Adolf Hitler

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