Israel illegaly destroying Palestinian Homes

Israel illegaly destroying Palestinian Homes.
Netanyahu claiming homes built "too near to wall" whatever the fuck that means...

nothing to see here Goy, move along

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I don't care, not going to fw sorry for goat fuckers.


typicall jews. i hope iran bombs the shit out of them

I only side with Palestinians because they hate Jews. I mourn for the days when Arab men rape Jewish women as they cry about their murdered husbands. Seeing those hooked nose little fucks getting what they deserve is so satisfying.

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Not a tweet from the orange kike? Really makes you think.

They also shot some kids in the face with live rounds over the weekend.

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call me when a war starts

>build without a permit

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Semite-on-semite crime, don't care

Based merchants

Let the kikes and shitskins kill each other

>builds country without a permit

It's almost as if normal countries had laws concerning building permanent structures even more so if they are for residential use. Shocking

>croation retard would rather live in a lego cinderblock cuck shed than a CHAD mcmansion

It's a health and safety issue. They were built in the wrong place. It's got nothing to do with anything else.


Israel will be destroyed sooner than this family can rebuild their home. Netanyahu is an inch away from fucking up and trying to start something with Iran and that's when Israel gets obliterated.

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imagine being this dumb

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>Anglo arguing in favor of his master
You should all hang desu.

i fucking hate pissrael

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>oversaturate law with talmudic bullshit
>goy what are you doing! That's the law!

you don't own that land you filthy kike

>imagine being this dumb
pretty sure it'd be a step up for you, Yitzhak.


I hate muslim dogs more than the kikes

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who owns the international court?

i know you're broke, Dino, but taking the jew shilling money?
that's just sad.

>talmudic law
see applies to you too
>you need a permit to build
>build without a permit
gee i wonder why the demolished that house
the fact that we enforce our laws there and able proves that you are wrong, Amir.
yeah, because you're on the floor above

"illegally", yet you'd advocate for more socialism allowing your own country to do it.

>implying not paying back the kike bankers is not the ultimate redpill

We cucked the jews beyond any level you can imagine but i hate mudslims more

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i guess you like refugees . your a leaf so it makes sense. maybe you like the idea of giving your sons to mud men to be raped then being thrown off of roofs for being a fag and taking dick in the ass but some of us arent bad parrents

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>and able proves that
proves that you are wrong, Amir.

its the kid fuckers you worship

Imagine Jews taking things that don’t belong to them. That’s crazy. Who would have thought?

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Based greek

>loicense to build on the other side of the border

I look forward to seeing your disgusting faces when you start to cry and shriek while you're being kicked out of the middle east. I'll buy a plane ticket to Palestine as soon as Jerusalem and Jaffa are recaptured and i'll dance a dabke on the bones and dead bodies of your families and compatriots. I'll also use one of their skulls as an ashtray for all the dank Lebanese hash I'm gonna smoke.

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>the jew fears the bulbhead

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You should probably start a travel company for this event. How much for me to join.

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They have done worse things than knock down some houses......

Based. Don't care about middle-east problems

it is in east Jerusalem, which we annexed.
sure enjoy your mudshits
>surely this time it will work


I don't need to get infiltrated by the remnants of Mossad. Every Palestinian will find their way back home eventually. I should buy weed stocks tho.

Hey, come closer fren, I have something important to tell you.

Awww, poor llittle sandniggers, I'm weeping so hard now... Boo motherfucking hoo.
I've been unironically advocating for nuking all sandnigger countries for about 15 years.

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it only has to work one time, habibi. Not to mention you're more vulnerable than you've ever been in the past 20 years.

next year in Jerusalem, Shlomo! tick tock :^)

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oh i will enjoy my stay in Beirut. I heard the shore is nice, at least was last time we were there.

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>Netanyahu claiming homes built "too near to wall"
Look how close Russia put their country to our military bases

Sandniggers have waged wars where they outnumbered jews 10 to 1 (prolly more not sure). Add to this the fact that Palestinians have basically been saudi-financed NEETs for a couple of generations now, what in allah's cock makes you think they could now win a war with the jews?
You sandniggers are SJWs: you think your feelings will somehow affect reality.

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Don't just talk about it, be about. Go try invading again, please. I beg you to start something.
>waged war
Israel has literally been the aggressor in every war minus Yom Kippur and it was a blunder where no one listened to arguments and the Israeli's had to have the US replenish all of their lost equipment because the Egyptians had destroyed all of their tanks in planes with wire guided rockets and SAM's. It's thought that the US only got into helping Israel then and there because Israel threatened their samson option.

Based Israel, those leeches had it coming.

No wonder "palestine" is only a shia lapdog nowaydays

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Donnie hasn't done shit for a two-state solution and is OK with constant annexation and the US being its bodyguard against criticism and the nation of Iran.

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This is an important lesson in the value of private property rights and socialism.

Israel, being a socialist country owns the land. The people lease it from the state. Because the people don’t own the land under their home the state can pretty much do whatever they want.

Remember this when some politician starts talking about controlling land and resources own by private citizens.

we can't just start a war for no reason, when hezbollah will try someshit, we will have a justification.
>Israel has literally been the aggressor in every war minus Yom Kippur
the only war you can call us the aggressor is the Suez Crisis
>inb4 1967
operation fajr and the blocking of the straits
>Israeli's had to have the US replenish all of their lost equipment because the Egyptians had destroyed all of their tanks in planes with wire guided rockets and SAM's.
you're being very dishonest.
we halted the Egyptian advanced and forced them back before the airlift.
the turning point of the war happened BEFORE the airlift.
and it is really unfair to say that the only reason we won is because of the US, when the US support was a lot less than the support the Arabs received from the USSR, as it resupplied during the entire duration of the war.

Poor Arabs and people of cuckold.....

Absolutely based, about time

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Epic mental gymnastics you stormcuck
It is okay when """" innocent"""" kikes who live in their homeland are getting attacked but not when whyte wahmen are
kys loser

>"The controversial move"


Based af muslims deserve this treatment

Look at all the faggot shills defending this.

Enjoy your commie open border negress who fucks her own brother, I give zero fucks about a chimp who shittalks online)))0


Based ally

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I just care that we’re paying for the demolition. When we stop sending aid and paying for everything, then I’ll stop caring

You shouldn't care about Palestinians either

Tick tock? You have my TAG Heuer watch? Can I take it back plz, I left them on your table when I was fucking yo mom

Oy vey! You are not a little disgusting anti-semite are you?

We should send them where they belong.

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SEETHING. did you ever watch the video of her BTFO-ing Elliot Abrams?

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Imagine defending muslims
Israel is based desu, truly our greatest ally

Support her goy! She is based!

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Fuck all sand people. Anything that brings suffering to either side is both based and redpilled.

there are no innocent jews living in israel, they all moved into stolen land.

Are you going to pollute the sea with aids-ridden poopskins? I think turning them into a soap and sell it in America will be a better idea

>invade country, and ask everyone for gibs so you can keep invading
>the fuck do you mean i'm illegitimate goy?

At least she is not a kike!!!11

he is a diaspoora arab, user.
ironic considering flag

Your country and the biggest kike enabler Sheckelgruber are the reasons they are middle east
Also why should you care, at least they arent Democrats or leftards

who cares?
they're rodents.


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You have to go back to stormfront or r*eddit or whatever autismhole you crawled from

you guys are the spics though in this situation;you literally went out of your way to acquire welfare, and then you've done everything you can in an attempt to outbreed the original land owners, and usurp them of their home. you guys are long nosed spics.


My only concern is Palestinians have horrible fighting skills and shitty equipment.
That as the US funds Israel.

No such thing. They are just Arabs.

>t.ugre euronigger

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>how dare you tell me i'm invading THIS CLAY IS MINE BECAUSE I'M THE CHOSEN ONE
scream harder faggot when war hits there will be a plethora of americans who will side with the persians.
oh wow a russian kike defending israels "gibsmedat" behavior; what a cohencidence !

But middle east funds them as well

Zomg jidf I sexed ur mom

>Netanyahu claiming homes built "too near to wall" whatever the fuck that means...
It means that they are enforcing their borders like any sane nation should do. Begs the question why doesn't America do the same?

Have secks

dilate before your manhole closes

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