Imagine going from the dominant force on the planet, colonizing a fuckload of countries, the sun never setting on your empire as your people live in prosperity at the expense of subhumans everywhere and now you cry about racism. Absolutely fucking pathetic. How can you country become so filled with weak men?
>brit pol goes on and on about anarchy >discussions of civil unrest and maybe even a war >brexit is voted for >farage re-elected as European MP >literally everything brit pol wants is happening
>resorts to setting fire to bins instead of doing something actually noteworthy
did the doctor put you on meds? you seem a lot calmer/slower than before.
Hunter Hughes
You guys ever gone through one of those online job application thingies that ask you a load of personality questions? I just did one for Aldi and got rejected... guess I should've lied to get more 'team player' points.
Connor Morgan
Sounds like extinction rebellion really did a number on britpol
I want to understand bros, how is it that in 1980 we could afford a navy four times the size of what we have today, yet we were supposed to be poor and degraded back then while one of the world financial centres right now?
Something fucking fishy is going on with the UK economy and we're LARPing as becoming richer while we can't fucking afford half the stuff we used to.
We could afford to set up the NHS literally just after WWII. Imagine trying to set up a program like that today, we'd be told there's literally no money. We can't afford to build enough houses, we can't afford the NHS, we can't afford a navy, we can't afford to pay for the police, people are throwing a fit at how much HS2 - a fucking rail line - is costing, triggered by the fact all these other essentials aren't being paid for.
I know some of these problems are from more immigration than we can handle but I sense that's not the full reason. There's a scandal going on in economic handling that's stealing our wealth, involving debt spending, overspending to win elections, banks, inflation and fiat.
And the bigger question is why there's no media outrage over this and your average normie has no clue.
If you have anything details to chip in on this sorry state of affairs please do.
they want two things that you will submit to the process and fake the answers you know are right instead of trying to be clever
that you will not leave in 3 months and waste them money, that it's your only option to pay the rent instead of a way to earn some cash before your real job starts.
Being a university graduate who honestly answers the questions without appearing submissive by obviously lying is not someone anywhere wants to employ in a low status position. Entering a graduate program however is where they are interested.
Sebastian Moore
Thought we had until the end of the week until the heat
I'm currently studying programming... kinda wish I learned to operate a crane now. How/how much does it cost to learn to operate one?
Mild Autism... Answered too many questions with "I'm good at coming up with ideas and new concepts" stuff instead of "I'm a snivelling little shit sycophant that'll do anything for praise from my manager and colleagues"
Matthew Adams
when does the next PM get announced? is it tonight?
Yeah tell me about it, I thought going in to IT would've be a good place for me but every sodding company these days wants soft skills instead of people skills.
Robert Morris
getting the first job was the hardest, my uncle is a union rep though so I got a start pretty quickly. Once you've worked a few contracts it's easy to stay in work, longest I've been out of work in between contracts is around 2 months.
Julian Butler
45-90 minutes
John Davis
i want to see warwick davis kick greta thurnberg in the head
Jason Lopez
>Autism >unemployable
Kek, you never worked in IT then? Autists can actually make good devs with that hyperfocus they can get. You just have to be really patient, explain exactly what you need, and try really fucking hard not to lamp the fuckers.
Liam Robinson
Lol imagine actually having a job.
Evan Miller
Hmm, I’ve driven plant in the past but don’t have any qualifications for it.
Isaac Carter
Mate, if you can deal with people and you have an IT background, pay 800 quid and become a certified scrummaster. Its basically process and tard wrangling, but its top coin atm as every dipshit and his dog has bought into agile.
Cooper Phillips
it literally never ends. how is it that normies don't get that these people are perverts whose every desire is to get to children molest them and thus swell their ranks? almost all gays/lesbians are created through molestation and trannies are just mentally ill
you'll need a ticket, the days of blagging it are long gone thanks to health and safety, and you'll need a cscs site safety card
Parker White
Couldn’t be arsed with that. Working more than 40hrs a week is painful.
Juan Green
A whole load of recent OPs look suspiciously like spooks running interference and distraction to fuck Brit/pol/ up. That would be the conspiracy theory but it could equally be a bunch of incel NEET autists taking over.
Yeah I know all that shit, my old company was gonna sign me off on the plant but I ended up falling out with the boss and punching a hole in his wall
Gabriel Anderson
>but I ended up falling out with the boss and punching a hole in his wall based impotent whiteboy anger
Eli Long
what does it mean when you're serving teenagers in a shop and one of them behind their mate being served repeatedly says "serve with a perv"
Dominic Gonzalez
it means the local kids know you're a nonce.
Elijah Ross
Perhaps they're the ones that made the train wreck and want to keep it that way. There was a time in the not-to-distant past when there were some decent politiical OP links and discussions. Now it's mainly shitposting, "Norf"-posting, no-links-autists, anime nonces, Greggs tossers, Morrissey-wankers, tripfags competing to be the biggest arsewipe etc. etc.
Leo Thompson
ive not done anything though, all i do is sell them bottles of coca-cola or whatever shit theyre buying :(
i must look like one
Christopher Peterson
the brit/pol/ on the other site is better for actual discussion, but the memes and bants are better here
Chase Myers
Yeah I pussied out of hitting him so I hit the wall lol
Isaiah Anderson
Zachary Martinez
What is "the other site"? Does it involve the number 8?
Dominic Reed
it's not fair, if i was a Chad they wouldn't say that, just because i'm ugly and creepy looking you get labelled all sorts while Chad they'd just say was sexy and cool
i remember those, it was a good time. OP has managed to destroy something beautiful, it's been 9 months of constant mobile IP spam and our own personal janny, threads 50 posts early by same OP.
I left for a few months and came back it's still under sttack, i thinkg the 77th don't like it.
Jackson Sanchez
If you were a chad you wouldn't be working a paki-tier job selling sweets to kids.
Ethan Harris
Everyone here is a retard and when you mongs start talking about politics you say the most retarded bollocks which is why I destroyed the political aspects of britpol just to spite you all
Samuel Ross
Cripchan is fucking no fun final form autism. And slow. Half of them think theyre fucking druids or did last time i visited. Only thing going for it the relaxed posting rules.
Logan Barnes
I founf the cuck!!!! I found the reason why your country is in the trouble its in.
Daniel Diaz
Does that incude not knowing how to spell brit/pol/?
Chase Parker
You joke but I literally only vote Labour cos the candidate in my area is hot