Are FPS games the white man’s genre in video games? It seems that all the best players from any game are always WHITE MALES
Are FPS games the white man’s genre in video games...
Jaxson Ross
Justin Ward
back in the day computers were fucking expensive
Benjamin Morales
just use ksharps
Carson Davis
You're bragging that white people are good at video games?
Asher Green
No. Asians dominate in everything.
Oliver Fisher
If by everything you mean RTS, then sure perhaps
Cooper Perez
in RTS and fighting games but not fps
Chase Ortiz
what about fighting games? Mobas? Tactical warfare? All chinks or darkies. What games are whites good at? Fortnite, and.....uhm......undertale.
Jonathan Bailey
I like Shroud. He seems like a cool guy.
Ian Clark
whites are good at shooting people yes