Zionist christians

>zionist christians
>support Israel even though Israelis destroy Christian churches all the time
>make up increasingly convoluted justifications for why Jews are Chosen and they're second class citizens
>anti-Jew christians
>pretend that follwing a religion founded by Jews is "based"
>literally worship someone named Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef

both of these camps are used by Jews to advance their own agenda. they are both illogical and quite frankly insane

no matter which way you slice it, Christianity is nothing but desert insanity.

it's incredibly obvious to anyone that is using their own brain to think(which is a sin according to God)

Attached: Christianity2.jpg (600x507, 49K)

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Source on the destruction of churches? Would like to red pill some of my friends

Repent before it is too late

just look up "church destroyed in israel"

fuck off christfag

That time a Zionist Christian took a ride on a kikeit

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it doesnt matter whether its a zionist or an anti-jew christian.
jewish neuroticism is built into both


Rome fell when they abandoned Christianity and replaced it with polytheistic traditions. I became a Christian when I realized Christianity didn't exist anymore, maybe only in small communities scattered around the world. Jesus was the first guy in recorded history to expose these psychopaths, so I'll take my chances with Him.

I laugh when I hear pagans say that Christians stole from them. It was the Romans, Gnostics and Jews who mixed this in. Jerome, who translated the Latin Bible, was a homosexual completely educated by Jews.

Emperor Justinian changed the Roman laws, he also redefined the overall message in the Bible. God blessed the Eastern-Romans by wiping out half their empire with plague, and then allowed the Jewish Arabs to come from the desert and conquer with Islam.

Islam is a religion that accuses Romans of becoming POLYTHEISTS and IDOLATERS, which the Muslims were correct, but they themselves are also polytheists and idolaters, (they bow down to a man made temple that has a vagina shaped rock in it for God's sake! They also believe in multiple gods.

Islam is just a religion built on lies and hypocrisy. ALLAH is the Hebrew word for CURSE, so it's really embarrassing when you learn how the Jews tricked the Arabs, and convinced them to murder and enslave all the pagans and Christians, (LIKE COMMUNISM).

I think my brother and I are the only true monotheists I know of. I only believe in one God, and there is nothing but him. No demi-gods, no fallen angels, none of this polytheistic nonsense. Mankind is the villain, not hyper-dimensional fallen angel psychopaths.



Lucifer doesn't exist, it's Jewish mysticism pushed by Kabballistic Jews. It's the Hasidic Jews who sit in the White-house who believe in all this mysticism. Funny enough, I can trace my lineage exactly to the moment when the Hasidic Jews took over, which was a movement designed to teach the Kabbalah to the world.... which they have managed to accomplish, since almost every religion is based on this nonsense. Jesus is called "Lucifer" in the final chapter of Revelation, it's just a title for someone who was chosen. It's a Latin word that made its way into a Greek/Hebrew Bible, that should be your first clue ;). It just means Morning Star, or Son of the morning, bright one, from the Hebrew word HEYLEL. Almost every university in the west has a Jewish organization on their campuses called HILLEL, or LUCIFER, this is a youth group for young Jews.

Isaiah 14 is the only chapter that has this name Lucifer... if you read the beginning of the chapter, it's addressing the king of Babylon, not some demi-god.

"That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!" Isaiah 14:4

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12

It's insane, they stick a Latin word there, slap on a capital "L", now it's a demi-god, when in reality, our enemies are men, priests, kings, and merchants. Show me one chapter where Moses explains to us that we are dueling hyper-dimensional sociopaths?


How can Christianity be a Jewish trick when it was the book that destroyed Jerusalem, freed the Roman empire, and is still the best book we could ever use to expose the Jews?

If the Bible was a trick.... why did the Jews have to start a whole religion?

Why do the Jews pretend that they believe in the Old Testament, yet they have other books they follow instead? Why didn't they tell the world that Judah isn't the same as Israel?

I didn't find Jesus in the New Testament... I first found him written on almost every page in the Old.

Europeans have completely fallen away from God, forgotten who they are, and have been conditioned to hate the one book that exposes their enemies and reveals who they are.

Look at the damage I have caused simply by reading the Bible in context.

>Look at the damage I have caused simply by reading the Bible in context.
Cool, now read the Epic of Gilgamesh then neck self.

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Those are some great superficial similarities there.

>same creation story including timelines
>combines all gods into one
>throws in the chosen people bit
>grants kikes some real estate in the process

>Are you saying... !!! *gasp* the kikes had something to do with granting themselves special privileges and using the bible as justification?!!
Yes, although it obviously isn't that apparent to others. How many Christians are in the US again, worshipping some dead rabbi who told them to be spineless degenerates?

no rebuttals?

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Don't allow the hatred in your heart lead you to Hell

Made up, not even mentioned until the new testament.

>Made up, not even mentioned until the new testament.

>Posts link to KJV
As I said, never once mentioned in Hebrew texts, only the goy versions. Not that the old testament (basis of your religion) is any more credible, since we've established that it's no more than a [poorly] plagerized fairy tale taken from cuneform tablets.

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