Israel bros plz answer this

Why haven't you killed all sandniggers in your holy land yet? While is certanly hilarious to put these vermin in open air concentration camps and use their larvae and adults as target practice I don't see why you guys should keep the filth alive? What use would these Kebabs bring besides being target practice for tourists and Jewish soldiers during open seasons? Is it international outcry it guys because? Because if it is then that's really stupid since the US and Latin America have your back, and besides, the libshit European governments only pay lip-service they'll never do anything with US approval.

Then I ask again, why not simply put Pallies in gas chambers, or put them all in Gaza and use them as target for tourists looking to do some hunting? Or even better, triturate them and then feed them to your dogs?

Attached: sandnigletbtfo.jpg (340x230, 23K)

They could certainly learn something from Brazil just by watching liveleak

Israel and Palestine are important to you, Dhimmi

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True, bringing as much suffering as possible to these vermin is a must


A slave who asks his Jewish masters to do something....really amusing

Said the Nafri


Well whatever , otherwise you can hate a group without being such a faggot attached to his masters.

keep larping shlomo

ANnnnd no jew in sight

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how about you get your dirty HUE HUE HUE braindead monkey gangs to stop shooting each other?

It would solve the middle East problem in a generation or two. Kill em all off and kill anyone who bitches. Peace in the middle east.

Are Jews the masters of Brazillians? Huh?

Israel exists because the Holocaust allegedly happened.
If Israel does a quick Holocaust, it would piss off enough people that it will be gone.
Jewish birth rates are already higher than Arab Palestinians (especially in settlements at about 5 kids per family, so within several generations, we’ll have a Jewish super majority, even in the West Bank.

It's funny how threads like these are strangely devoid of Jewish flags.

Everyone including OP is a zion shill.

>Then I ask again, why not simply put Pallies in gas chambers?

because the Jewish method is to get things while flying under the radar. They disperse everything over several decades, but they stick to the plan.

They don't do central attacks, they do things like poisoning wells over 50 years. Elbowing in, inch by inch, so nobody notices.

Endless conflict means endless profits


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This, let their sandnigger pedo deity sort them out

finally, the wisdom of the kike himself.

Looks like they buried a kid up to his/her neck then said play dead for the photo

>its that brazilian who hates sandniggers because his sandnigger cheated on him, again

its becoming tiresome

looks shopped

And there's me thinking a big stork brought 'em.
Fucking plant 'em, who'd a think it.

How about a cut of the shekels

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tried in combat weapon systems sell better than untested wunderwaffe.

>all these anti-Palestinian and "pro"-Palestinian threads with immediate responses from Israeli/meme flags and paid shills

I get it that you're trying to control the narrative, but you know it comes off so hard that you're actually fearful of whats to come, right? You know it's coming, yet you still act the same way... I don't understand it, that's not human. Why do the chosenites act this way?

Attached: Shmuel, the JIDF team leader.jpg (540x720, 116K)

Better pick that up before Hanks takes a picture of it.

bump for interest. I'll continue reading this tomorrow. Please, kike-sempais, give us your wisdom.

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The muslims could hate us , but they never had insults our intelligences unlikes the jews.

A controlled conflict on the border has many strategic advantages like claiming the status of a victim or having a rest ng ground for weapons and a training ground for military (i.e. propaganda forces)

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