So last night someone made a thread about a very questionable pizza place in the middle of fucking nowhere on Pitcairn Island.
OLD THREAD: boards.Jow
Basically we were reading the reviews of the place and came across some weird shit. Did you know also that in 2004 1/3d of the male population of P island was arrested for child abuse and child pornography?
Pic related. It's one of the weird ass reviewers from Germany. Her name is Petra Kintzel and I recommend you have a look at her YT channel and see for yourself . . .
Keep digging and let's see what we can find. Anyone else still here from the thread last night?
Basically we found out thaf Petra Kintzel had something designed at a German company specializing in developing creations for children's playgrounds. The company is called
Also all her Google reviews are basically giving directions to off road locations in Germany. She and her online friends speak in code.
-dresses up strangely to say the leqst -speaks in code with a select group of people -has multiple accounts all over social media and xhamster -drops reviews on google about remote places in Germany, posting directions. The only exception in her review pattern is Andy's Pizzeria -possibly had a company design a contraption for children to play in for her and/or some other people -is fairly wealthy to be able to travel as much as she does and get a personal design from a highly valued company -is possibly a trucker seeing as she hints it on some of her google reviews. Or she has access to a large truck. She has many 'long drives' she often needs a break from. This is an interesting mode of transport. -grew up in the DDR, is tranny
Cooper Ward
I found another place she went outside of germany, in Ohio at clinic for aumenting her breasts
Shit yeah, that's the clinic she keeps posting from. Maybe it's a red herring but let's check it out. She might be doing some kind of business with them.
wtf is wrong, i've already wrote this for all of you. what's the matter?
Noah Bell
I keep trying to post a reply but I keep getting an error. That is her Google review of SiK, German company specializing in children's playground design.
Just to let you know. OP has been trying to post a reply to this for a while and posts are not working anymore.
Hope this works. That's her Google review of Sik, German company that specializes in children's playground design. Look them up.
Adrian Phillips
Yeah, that guy is someone she keeps posting with in what can only be described as code. The guy has literally the same post over and over on her videos about her coming to visit him again and clean his horse stall.
Charles Gray
Yes, did you watch his video? He is definitely not talking about cooking duck, but something else.
Camden Clark
Yeah I saw that one last night. Very strange. That shit is definitely a more modernized, perhaps local version of the same codespeak paedophiles are known to use. That vid is weird on so many levels. Why the fuck are the lights off?
that is one abstract conversation, he basically invites (him) to eat duck, claiming he makes the best duck in the World. His profile name is Horse Breeder, quite the wierd profile name. Might be code talk to get ass fucked by Trannies in the scene, so I am not 100% certain
Tyler Phillips
You are aware, that he is saying his phone number in the video?!
Just google the damn number he mentions in his video and you find his name and address. I don't want to doxx him, but he is basically doing it himself.
Christopher Clark
that is certainly weird shit, if I had to guess then this guy is running some kind of Fetish scene about people pretending to be horses, I have seen something like that on the internet before.
Not to mention 7pm is not exactly the time you would invite someone to spend time with actual horses
Brayden Perez
This is from the G review she created. This place is seriouslt, seriously off road and unknown.
in light of the other hints, I feel like it's scouting locations for their fucked up fetish play This tranny is obviously mentally ill but I am not seeing any blatant pedo red flags Anyone know what kind of scene involves two week intervals?
Easton Ward
The red flag is the Pitcairn trip, and an user claimed in another thread that duck (flugente) is a code for what you are referring
Oliver Robinson
They could also be fucking horses. Other user in old thread pointed out there used to be a breeding forum where they had a secret section arranging meet-ups to fuck horses.
The strange thing is Petra - and someone else with her - seemed to have hired a company that builds childrens' playparks.
Benjamin Campbell
Have you googled his number? Detlef apparently is a professional mushrooms grower.
And this. The only other place she's reviewed is Andy's Pizzeria on Pitcairn island. She claims to have eaten there 4 times. So either she ordered something or stayed there for at least a month. Why'd she wanna travel there in the first place? And the visit tk SiK in Germany.
Dylan Clark
I didn't catch his number watching the video the first time. Any more info on this weirdo? Are we talking about the magic mushroom kind?
Bentley Green
but that would be a bit on the nose, if he makes such clear allegations while actually owning horses you can be sure someone in the Horse Enthusiast crowd would have already lynched him. My neighbours had horses and I know how the government handles animal husbandry around here, they will just straight up take your pets away if they have a whiff of mistreatment
the childrens park company would make sense if they had a small "play pretend" stable built for their fetish parties
he challenges a prominent german cook to a cooking duel in the video but appears heavily enebrieated he also showcases his duck with a flashlight in a dark kitchen so the whole thing seems a bit like a joke
Also note that Petra is possibly a trucker, judging from her FB and Google reviews. Or she at least has access to a large truck.
Colton Ramirez
I don't want to fuck up his life. Just google the number and you will find his full name, address, domain name, and so on.
Hudson Foster
All right what about the trip to Pitcairn island? Well known for being expensive as fuck to get there, you also need to apply, wait for clearance - and the dark history of the island must attract some weirdos.
Landon Russell
Day 3 and you are already copy and pasting old content and calling people shills. This won't last till Saturday till you autists get bored
Be carefull anons, this isn't the first time anons dig into this rabbit hole. I can count 3 diffrent threads about going into the petra rabbit hole and I'm just a regular lurker. Some lost themselfs in this rabbit hole and fleed with other anons from this site. I don't want to lose you guys, I'm watching this thread.
Dominic Bennett
Imagine visiting a pizzeria in the middle of nowhere, leaving joke reviews and having autists on the internet try to dox you and ruin your life for no reason. Moment a phone number is posted thread will be gone. I promote you
Parker Ward
Alright you fucking autists. Pitcairn was settled by the mutineers of the bounty right after they set their captain off the ship and made a quick stop at some micronesian islands to get some hot polynese women. They went to Pitcairn to escape the British navy and basically founded a clandestine pirate colony and lived relatively isolated. Most people today are related to each other and direct descendants of the mutineers. Fletcher Christian was the main dude, hence why so many people are called Christian. Of course they fuck their kids. They never had fresh input into their gene pool. Nobody ever came to their island so of course they got somewhat desperate and all of a sudden twelve year old pussy looks tasty. Also, they were an independent island, they probably had no law regarding age of consent and i doubt many of them thought what they were doing was wrong. They come from the 1700s women back then got married in their early teens. Pitcairn skipped most of the modern world's evolution, cant really blame them. Yes by our standardsbthey are pedos but they are island savages, i doubt the elites are involved in this. Ironically, this pirate colony got raided time and time again by real pirates and so they asked Britain for help. They joined the Commonwealth or whatever and got protection from the British navy. The exact same navy their ancestors mutineered from. But this also meant accepting British rule of law and when London got wind of the kiddy fucking some overzealous cuck clerk in the government checked the files and realized that Pitcairn had no pedo loicense. So they nailed these scumbags hard. Petra is actually a braindead alcoholic tranny who never recovered from commie brainwashing and overdosed on freedom after the Berlin wall fell. I dont believe she ever visited Pitcairn as you need a loicense from the magistrate to go there. Maybe she just got shits and giggles from reviewing a fucking remote pizza place. Ya know, something /b/ might do
Hudson Rogers
Cooper Hughes
That looks like a pretty boring island. There has been some kind of inbread rape but nothing suprising on these low population island.
Doesn't seems to lead to anything big, unless you can find some rich / powerful people going in.
Ryan Miller
It's Petra again, blessing us with a visit. Keep smiling.
This is hands down the spergest, full on, autism I’ve ever witnessed on Jow Forums.
You’ve somehow found a guy, living in the literal fucking middle of nowhere, on an island with a couple hundred people ... no cares in the world and probably a 14.4k dial up connection ... and sperged a fantasy based on the sole idea he has a oven he uses casually uses as a part-time biz. He bakes some pies. A pizza.
Fucking pizza.
Pizzagate, I kinda get because it’s DC and the emails and shitposting and lulz. There a bit of politics in the larping.
But, fuck me, this in full Tard territory. Your logic is: pizza. PIZZA!
Well why not check out Tombstone. They sell FROZEN pizza. Tombstone=dead. Frozen dead. Fucking frozen dead kids ... amiright?! I bet it’s in your freezer right now. You know what they call a freezer? A BOX. Fuck you’re all PEDOs. and cannibals. Everyone that eats frozen pies. Get your autism in overdrive, faggots.... it’s in your own house.
Isaac Rivera
Now that's no way to talk to Vladimir. Posting on 4-chan is the only job he could get over there in Minsk.
Jason Brown
More copy pasted shit. You realise people on P island have already been charged with abusing children?
Brandon Peterson
WOW, that's some sophisticated trash talk you two have thought out! Was that in the Sorro's Anti-Meme Handbook?
Oliver Campbell
Guys I was doing research and I think I found something.
So we all heard of Papa John's pizza. What is special about that name? Papa John. Father John. What do father's have? They have kids. They also are in charge of giving you shelter. What's an example of shelter? A hut. ...Pizza Hut. gets worse. What do you do in huts? You sleep. What do you also do? Play kids games. What's an example of a common game kids play? in dominos pizza. We have a clear connection of the three chains that connects back to children. I think we need to start digging here because there is an obvious connection.
Vladimir is a fucking manlet and i will punch him in his boipucci if i ever see him irl
Have you read the copy pasted shit? It gives you a perfectly reasonable explanation why Pitcairnians are fucking kiddie fiddlers but you braindead conspiratards only see what you want to see. Btw, where is the hue from last night? He was really triggered by my posts. It was so much fun. I fell asleep sometime early this morning so i couldnt entertain him more. I hope he comes back
Asher Edwards
Yeah would make sense if half of the people working for thosd companies would already have been charged and convicted for abusing children and are now scott free, still in the company.
Holy shit this rabbit hole goes deeper. Dis you know that dominos was commonly played in ancient Rome? You know who was the head of Rome? Julius Cesar. Cesar.....Little Cesar's. Pizza was also invented in Rome Italy. I think there is a big CP connection to Rome and I think we need to dig deeper here
Henry Gomez
The ancient romans didnt eat pizza tho
Chase Clark
Yes they did you shill.
Kayden Rodriguez
No you fucking stupid braindead idiot. There was NO pizza in ancient rome. It is mindboggling how uneducated you people are...
Charles Hughes
Are you even listening to yourself? You realise all of them have had internet connections for quite a while now? Do you realise by them holding and/or dealing in child porn, thousands - if not millions - of children are dying and being tortured?
I hope you're just ignorant and trolling. Otherwise you're long gone. And all that weed won't help.
Brody Moore
I have my doubts about that tranny actually having been to Pictairn, I stick by my theory that Pictairn Island and Andys Pizzeria are just a front for some other Pedo venture and act as a middle man to arrange pedo meetups around the world that is why people mention "deliveries" in their reviews and going somewhere to get that "delivery"
Liam Cooper
Oh my God oh my God. What is the first letter of Cesar? C. What is the first letter of Italy, the home of Pizza? I. Combine them. Ci. Now double that. CiCi. CiCi.CiCi.....CICI'S PIZZA! HOLY SHIT BROS
You are a fucking kike shill trying to protect pedos fuck off.
Evan Sanchez
Seems we are being overrun by unfunny faggots. Too bad, man.
Joshua Hall
Note the Masonic like logo in the CiCis picture.
Jack Foster
Sup elroy
Henry Rogers
This isn't a comedy thread shill we are trying to uncover international underground pizza pedo centers and I clearly found a connection shill. Shill
Angel Reyes
You have zero evidence for there being an international kind of pedophilia group active on Pitcairn. The abuse that happened on the Island happened to native girls and all of them said during the trial that they did not feel abused and was considered normal in their own secluded little world. You are waisting valuable energy best spent on real threads that matter but i guess you are too shizo to grasp reality anymore.
Cooper Jackson
Happens but keep pushing.
Logan Jones
I would have given up on that thread long ago. If it weren't for that incredibly bad shills trying to ruin it. Is this some training post for beginner shills?
Robert Thomas
You are a fucking braindead autist who does not know that tomatoes have only been introduced to Europe after Columbus because it is a central/south american plant and never grew in Europe at the times of the ancient romans. The Romans did not eat Pizza. Read a book instead of listening to Alex Jones all day, you dumb inbred fucktards
William Kelly
the Pedos are not dumb, their henchmen have been on the heels of Pizzagate since it blew up.
Landon Hughes
You are a fucking Pitcairn fucking pedo trying to cover up the biggest pedo pizza center in pizzagate history. You will not fucking stop us shill. We will save the kids. Fuck you
Daniel Lee
You are actually spreading lies. They were also charged for having child porn. You clearly don't understand the ramifications of that so I'll ignore you from now on. I hope you change your life around and stop wallowing in self-pity. That weed is not helping.
Parker Hall
I'm just a guy with a week off of work and too much weed at hand. I like seeing you dumb idiots get triggered. If that makes me a shill so be it. I'll be your shill. I'll be whatever you want me to be as long as you choose to remain a dumbfuck inbred troglodyte
Chase Ramirez
High on weed, no work and shitting on other peoples' hard work. Muslims gotta Muslim, once a shitskin, always a shitskin.
Christopher Gray
I never denied they had child porn. Learn to read you kaskopp They are pedos, yes noone denies that but they are not part of an international pedoring. They are just island savages diddling kids because that's what they've always done (and which wasnt frowned upon when their mutineering grandparents came to the island) Dont ignore me senpai. I need them shekels for rent
Adam Hall
No work? I just told you i have a week off. Reading skills are low in Sachsen, i know
Samuel Flores
I have another possible connection. The most famous pizzeria in NYC is called Famous Ray's. Ray is also the name of Ray Charles. Ray Charles sang a song names "Hit the Road Jack". He debuted this song.....on the Andy Williams show. Andy Williams...Andy Williams.....Andy..... Andy's Pizzeria. Holy shit guys this is big.
Hudson Morris
>You will not fucking stop us shill. Please do continue. This is higly entertaining
Joshua Ortiz
Are you a retired FBI agent? You make exceptionally valid points
Justin Davis
Best to ignore him. His life seems pathetic enough as it is.
Do you not realize these Hillary gate, Yellowstone, whatever threads are on the deathbed when all you are doing is reposting old copy pasted stuff and calling everyone shills? Everytime you get to this point you are at the end because you have nothing else.
Dominic James
>People telling me I'm stupid makes me go even more full retard. >That'll show them that i am most definetly not retarded
Ayden Walker
Luis Thomas
>Everytime you get to this point you are at the end because you have nothing else. They got nothing else. They only got pizza. I wonder why they are no threads about Italy being pedocentral because, you know... They invented pizza...
Owen Walker
Matthew Campbell
Oh nose... I've been found out. Now watch me recoil in horror. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!
Nicholas Hernandez
Evan Hernandez
Jace Morgan
Go German anons. Go now. Video everything. Go and save a life. Quickly, before it's covered up. Call police at the first sign of fuckery. Go now and drive fast. All of you.
Josiah Morales
Jaxson Martinez
I am definetly not going to stalk an alcoholic brainwashed commie survivor in eastern Germany. These people are crazy as shit