Wax My Balls Bigot!

Just because I have balls doesn't mean I'm not a women!



>At one point, the complainant compared the business owner to a neo-Nazi. The lawyer for the business owner accused the complainant of engaging in “half-truths and fabrications.”

This is where we are now

Attached: Wax My Balls Bigot.jpg (990x997, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>This dude is literally just squeezing his chest fat together
I wouldn't be surprised if he just cooked up this scam a couple weeks ago, shaved, got his face and hair done up, then got to work

He has filed a total of 16 human rights complaints, mostly against immigrant women of colour.
Is he dare I say it /ourguy/?

This dude is a seriously deranged pedo. His tweets are fucking disgusting.

Child molesters like this faggot deserve the fire.

Attached: 444.gif (256x192, 840K)

love how he chose the magic number of 12 years old for his topless pool party with no parents allowed

this is the same disgusting, fat, pedophilic freak who got our national treasure Lindsay Shepherd banned from twitter


he's literally a pedophile

So /ourguy/ confirmed?

Wax the Balls! Bake the Cake!
Gooble Gobble! Gooble Gobble!

He organized a no parents allowed topless pool party for 12 year olds and tweets at teenage girls about helping them insert tampons for training purposes.
So no. He's just a fat pedo tranny.