So I noticed just from observing actions and facial expressions of lots of Canadian soldiers that spend time at the Rideau center that they aren't psychologically tempered lol. As in no psych breaking took place. I think they substitute it by feeding them anti-psychotic medications to lower their levels of reactions to things.
Making them extremely susceptible to even most low tech forms of psych ops. It seems like anyone who's ever seen something less than moral in combat will end up suffering from PTSD.
>hey usa senpai, I bash canada too see? Please notice me
Nicholas Wood
Lol I even manipulated CSIS to spread anti war thoughts through forms of intel down the line. So reading the intel would trigger combat "hardened" veterans.
Tyler King
Soldiers are taught to stay focused and to behave under pressure/while distracted. Anti-psychotic medication lowers reaction time, and increases lethargy so unless the military is looking for a squad full of lil xans, I highly doubt they give soldiers xanax or ativan. Just because they don't sperg out in the mall doesn't mean they're on drugs.
Jason Gonzalez
:D Yeah, you're not understanding me lol. These guys haven't experienced even simulated torture lol.
Brandon Martin
If an American soldier goofs up infront of them and kills a kid, they'll have PTSD for life cuz they couldn't kill the nice American man lol.
Jason Collins
If anything they don't start taking xanax until after they're out of combat due to PTSD. Special forces/pilots use stimulants like Modafinil not so much downers. It can have the same apathetic effect when used enough though. From my experience after a home invasion and killing the dude, xanax helped me do basic shit like read, write, etc that I couldn't do because of being extremely anxious and unable to concentrate, was only on it for 4 months though. Can't imagine multiple years getting shot at/seeing fucked up shit constantly and what they have to go through afterwards.
Julian Edwards
Not all anti-psychotics are downers. Things like lets say abilify are stimulants that make you not feel emotions. It's cool you feel energetic still but without the dopamine affecting you mentally.
Anthony Diaz
How would you react to propaganda saying shit like. "All those dead kids, you did it just for some cash...hero" ?
Asher Ross
You'd probably come to my house and murder me lol. Can you rape me first if you do?