tell me one reason why greeks and germans shouldn't be considered as a gods, almost everything in metaphysical views are created/discovered by greeks and germans?
P.S no, posting picture of greeks being niggers in 2019 wont work, either will work "german master race" meme with protestantism and hitler.
man i am sure dumb for thinking i will get normal answers but lets hope for best
Hudson Watson
Ruđer Bošković, Nikola Tesla, Slavoj Žižek.
Why shouldn't Yugoslavs be considered gods among men?
Plus, Doković, Modrić and Mioćić. Muscles and brains!
Jack Taylor
greeks have been subhumans for 2000 years and germany is currently on their third attempt at ruining europe and you wanna call them gods? geez
Grayson Wood
Agreed, slavs are also fine with intelect, the got bat reputation because of modernity and gypsies, also Leonardo DaVinci is great guy aswell, even tho he was italian, there are many other guys but in this thread i want talk about germans and greeks
Kayden Garcia
>greeks have been subhumans for 2000 years explain that,first attemp can be considired as a third reich i guess, second one is EU, what is the third one? dont say WW1, we know damn well it was started by austrian-hungarians, germans just supported them.
Lucas Garcia
simple, because there is only one God, and that is Jesus Christ, his Father and the Holy Spirit
checked, based and christpilled. He will return soon.
Bentley Turner
>3rd yes, blame germany for not wanting to submit to the jewish banking cartel and all the kikepuppets declaring war on us. I merely admit blame for this last time, and even that is caused by the very powers we fought "the first 2 times" and thus wouldnt happen if the other puppets wouldnt have been such huge niggers about it.