Jow Forums‘s thoughts on this?

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its ok
ps.:if i have to click on one more fire hydrant im gonna kill hiroshimoot

weeb shit will never make sense to me.

Attached: kamala_anti-weeb.png (1480x832, 1.2M)

>living in a cuck bin
What the fuck has happened to the world? I would unironically rather live in a mud hut in the hills, at least you still keep some dignity. This is fucking embarrassing and im not even Japanese


stop acting like a bot and you won't get captcha'd I haven't had to solve one in months

Absolutely this. Even then, chinks have always been literal insects, even in the olden times, so it's not that surprising.

Attached: viriathus5.jpg (273x301, 19K)

blocked the entire channel as soon as I saw that faggot niggers stupid fucking gay face, never watched it and now I'll never see his shitty content again either

I spent two years in the land of vending machines. They're minimalist by design.
