Just got done with my first day of work out of high scool

I want to kill myself, how do wagies put up with this every day?

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In most workplaces there are fundamentally two types of employees. Workers and slackers. Slackers stand around talking all day. They make friends with each other and their bosses. Slackers love working with each other because it's basically just hanging out with friends. That's why they're the ones getting promoted. We look out for people we like, so the most important thing in looking for a promotion is making friends with the boss. If you manage to make friends in high places, sooner or later you'll land somewhere high up too. All the higher ups are socialite slackers- this is important to remember.

Workers are the golden goose keeping the business running. They're perpetually overworked and forced to do the jobs of 2-3 people alone. Despite this, nobody ever recognizes them. Out of sight, out of mind. You will only ever receive negative reinforcement because the only time interaction occurs is when you fail to complete your (unreasonable) workload. This cements you as being lazy in the mind of the boss. Despite being the hardest working and most productive, you are devalued in comparison to the social slackers. Why? The boss just likes them more.

The bottom line here is that the ability to make friends is more valuable than any kind of actual skill or work you could do. Networking is king. Make friends with a rich kid because his dad will hook you up with a six figure salary sitting around doing nothing because hey what else are friends for? No experience, no diploma, forget engineering or computer science. That's what they pay the workers (half your salary) for. You're just there to goof off and chat with buddy so that his time on the clock passes just a little bit easier.

It's not hard if you're not a lazy nigger constantly asking for gibs.

underage b&


Just be yourself brah

Seriously just find something to do for fun. Videogames usually work

>that ID
>this thread

"At some point everyone's gotta take a beating" - Goodfellas (or something like that)
Get a better job, learn to get paid to be steve

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I would love to be a NEET but they keep making me pay rent and bills and shit, I need some money to live

>Make friends with a rich kid because his dad will hook you up with a six figure salary sitting around doing nothing because hey what else are friends for?

that's the point of going to an expensive college ivy league or college prep school - for networking with rich and successful people.

It’s fucking life. Ain’t it great?

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Live below your means, use all your free time to master a skill. Time>money

yeah. save money and invest in crypto. maybe you'll make it someday.

huge redpill right there for lurking summer fags

i worked some shit wage slavie job too
3 slackers also worked there
they took 10 minute smoke breaks every hour
the boss didn't care because the bosses daughter liked them

sad but true for the most part

YOu dont understand, without work my income would be zero. Mty means would be loiving in a bag on the street and eating out of bins


lazy useless fag

Another 40 years of this and you can retire!

Save some money, sell some drugs. Apparently you can get lsd for a dollar a tab straight to your doorstep these days and sell it for 10-20x profit. I've heard of people doing this with great success.

>Life is hard and that's not fair.

Fantastic idea, then I won't have to worry about bills and food when i'm in PRISON getting BUMMED every day

Keep playing by the rules by all means, seems like it's working out great for you.

The pain you feel are the sharp edges on your soul being rubbed down by an unrelenting world. After a couple of decades, the sharp points will have been worn down and you soul will be a perfect flawless sphere. Nothing will bother you anymore not even the relief of death.

(You) have to toss your TVs....fren

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Most have to put up with it because they don't have a choice. Not a real one anyway. It's work or be homeless, and being homeless and possibly starving isn't much of a choice.

If there's any way at all you can find to escape needing to be a slave to survive, then take it. I managed to survive until 23 until I had to start working or end up homeless. A couple years later and I'm still looking for ways to get back out of the soul-crushing madness.

In 40 years he'll have to work another 50 to have a chance at retirement

I'll keep doing what I have to do to keep a roof over my head and food in mah belly. I was juts saying I would love to be able to do nothnig and somehow keep everything going, but unfortunately for most people it isn't like that. Maybe you are lucky and have some other means to support yourself, good for you.

libations to an unhealthy degree

Trying to make a living off the land for this very reason.

Just listen to a podcast or audio book during work. Take the opportunity to educate yourself a little bit.

aren't the first days majority of the time being bored by the stupid computer that "trains" you?
I wanted to die too but got over it within a week, go to work go home play vidya and do some drinking

FPBP; This is only true in a corporate environment and is exactly why, for the sake of your soul, you should find a trade job that gives you a sense of fulfillment and do it.

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Stop being a pussy. You'll get used to it after 2-4 weeks.

wtf you god damn fucking sissies, your ancestors
had it hard, you fucks have it so fucking easy
and you bitch? good bait.

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Boutta get my first job
Im excited, im about to leave the neet life

I don't live like a king. I get my groceries, fuel, rent, utilities, internet and cigarettes. I never eat out and spend like a jew. I don't have a social life because I'm addicted to my craft, it takes priority over everything in my life and always has. I spend my time studying at uni and honing my craft at home. I've had successful releases overseas twice in the past two years, I can't live off that yet, but I'm working towards something. I may never live like a king financially, but I'll certainly live like a king in terms of satisfaction out of life. I'm not just sitting on my ass, no time is wasted.

>your ancestors had it hard,
They also had motivation and ambition, which helped them pull through.

Yes that's lovely but obviously you must have some omeny coming from somewhere to pay for even those basic things you mention. Also if you are at uni studying you are not a NEET are you

Out of highschool I started formwork three years ago, it was shit work and I was constantly reminded that I could be replaced by someone who would get payed less any day, but it payed weland I stick around untill I got my shit in orderl. I just started a new job roofing and all I can say is find a place where you feel appreciated, it goes a long way to making your job less shitty. I would rather work for someone who says good job at the end of a thirteen hour day than my old foreman any day.

Some workplaces don't allow that.

Learn a skill. Add value. Feel productive or of service in what you do. Your job is a set of tasks in your service to other people. If you dont like retail, that's fine nobody does. The point is you have to find a reason to wake up every morning. You need a goal to achieve. Me, I wake up in the morning and workout to start my day. Then I have a couple hours before work, which I sometimes use for reading, meditation, or self education. Then I go to work, and make sure I serve the clients well, that they are 110% satisfied with our services and all want come to us again, and recommend us to everyone for legal services. I also keep an eye on the markets and research some companies to invest in, so during slow times I have something to keep me occupied. I go lift during lunch as well, and I have a small Corp I'm trying to get off the ground. On top of this, I've just been accepted to university as a transfer from my previous college, so I'll be completing my degree, also free for me. So yeah, get a reason to get out of bed.

i'm 26 and have never earned a paycheck in my life :)

I live in a literal shoebox in an area nobody wants to live. I get benefits yeah. There is always a way out, don't give up yet.

>I get benefits yeah
Bingo, there you go. Now imagine that was not an option, and you had to find that money yourself. Guess waht, you would have to do some form of work. This is the whole point of what I was originally saying. If you can money for nothnig, you can do whatever you want. If you can't, then you have to do something to get the money, hthis is reality for most people, it's just the way it is. I don't work because I enjoy being a wageslave, I do it because I need to. You don't so you can do other things. Like I said, good for you, all the best.

mostly right in a large organization, sad but true.

Nope, all work. Didn't even get trained really.

That's nothing to be proud of you worthless faggot, people like you should commit suicide.

What's your position?

>go home and play vidya
user... please do something outside of work that is a little more meaningful. Like having kids.

>I want to kill myself, how do wagies put up with this every day?
Time is going to pass no matter what you do...the longer you spend getting good at something the more money and authority you will be able to demand. Everything sucks when you're brand new at it. There is soooo much you are completely clueless about it's not funny. Spend s few years learning something. Even if it's just McManagement, that is free small business management training and now you are worth more...that's life. You can sit on your ass, do nothing and never be worth anymore than a burger flipper if you don't figure it out.

Busboy for a buffet, but they got me doing morning prep as well

Stop doing unskilled labor.

Solid post and advice. I would also add that people to look to Jesus. If we just go for materialistic pursuits, we will always come short in feeling joy or fulfillment.

Oh I thought you meant teaching. At least you don't have to put on a fake smile 100% of the time. You'll have a fair amount of time to think as you do your work too.

Yeah true