
has anyone that messes around on the conspiracy side of you tube ever run into paid government operatives ?

I am not talking about suspected but you verified that you were dealing with paid shills

I have a small you tube channel still under 1k so about 1 year ago this channel came out of nowhere and started trying to get chummy with me and others . he even begged to be let on as a guest to one of our hangouts as a guest .
so as usual I was talking about certain things and putting out my opinion on them on videos and this person made videos on me claiming I was a shill , it went on and this person started making videos on 100s of people I know saying our entire network are shills .
so 1 month ago he came at one of us that is a good investigator . he used clues that this person had been leaving and one accidental side face slip up and found out exactly who he is . his family has military connections and the guy is a rich fuck ?

there is an entire network of people just like him and they all push insane narratives how common is this ?

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It's very common when you are a schizophrenic retard.

Google gangstalking.

You got a taste of what is called a provocateur, shills who try to groom peoples into terrorist so they can sweep in to ''save the day'' and look like heroes, getting some more of them juicy budget allowance bonus for a job well done.

lmao dip shit zoomer you have no idea whats going on here we have proof an entire Dox on this person

man I have been looking into cointel pro since this all started , I always thought the gang stalking people were insane honestly

what this network pf people all have in common is they say nothing is real everything is a government hoax , I don't believe that this is why they came after me .

I have an entire docket of people we know are working as part of this network

Glow stink is all over the "truther" community. Literally-whos pushing blatant disinfo and irrational paranoia on each other and their viewers.

Most military and peace officers aren't very stable. Probably why he went all retarded. Nobody cares what you have to say, if they did they would just feed you to the bears or something. Grow a fucking sack and get a real job.

No, just weird thots, faggots, doctors, coworkers...