>be me, 100% pure Ojibwe, Chad of First Nations
>wake up around noon, sometimes later
>meet up with native bros, get high
>go fishing, catch pike, no limits on size or quantity, talk shit to OPP if they try and stop us
>grill with the boys, get wasted by the fire
>fuck my bro's sister, he doesn't care
>pass out
>all of this from gov gibs
Fuck c*nada. This is MY LAND. It was stolen from MY PEOPLE. I will vote for more gibs every election, and it's never enough. Pay up, whi*e "man", YOU OWE ME
Be me, 100% pure Ojibwe, Chad of First Nations
Nicholas Cooper
Jordan Wood
Alexander Jenkins
imagine how much better the western hemisphere would be if we genocided every indian and never imported niggers to pick our cotton
Wyatt Nelson
proud niggers nigger proudly
Jayden Hernandez
Christian Cook
Jayden Wood
Based wagon burner
Michael Bennett
Oi vey, we need cheep labor for our factories dumb goy.
Daniel Evans
Nice try, you stole this land. Fuck off, we don't want you here
Anthony Mitchell
Post a hot native chick then we’ll talk.