What are you studying Jow Forums? If you want to see your world change you need to get better

What are you studying Jow Forums? If you want to see your world change you need to get better.

Attached: 83SILICONE_FAIRY.jpg (1280x854, 401K)

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I'm 27 and making one last attempt to make it in the STEM world
math is kicking my ass but it's better than doing nothing

>He fell for the mathematics meme

You earthlings don't understand that math is a crucial for the development of Intergalactic Communism.

true. i'll study extra hard tomorrow.

Wait a second....that face....

I already got a job secured, math degree is just fore the resume.


Filling in ballistic charts doping out a new rifle/cartridge/scope combination.

Might have to make the world better a bullet at a time.

Attached: 77 Grain Ballistic Table.jpg (960x540, 74K)

Final year of my Master's program in investment banking, being trained as a classical organist and I play at three different churches over the weekend. Comfy existence.