Any fellow Jews here who post ironically to rile up losers? I mean seriously...

Any fellow Jews here who post ironically to rile up losers? I mean seriously, you faggots can’t compete with us financially or politically so your only solution is to kill us? How’s that any different from your caricature of black people?

>t. Conservative Jew who is immigrating to Israel next year to get away from you faggots

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Jew bantz are the worst, you guys just have no creativity or originality (see modern hollywood) and it leads to poor banter.

Meg looks like she needs a nutritionist more than a tailor. Also kys Pajeet

And you can’t compete if you’re unable to trick white women by using mimicry and social camouflage to blend in. That’s ending soon. What then?
>fastpass to the ovens

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Bait and saged.

Enjoy Israel.

Just go already nobody wants you here

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>see modern hollywood
a fucking men user

Israel will be finished by the end of year.

Can someone redpill me on why leftists hate beauty so much? It can't simply be jealousy, they hate beauty on people, art, architecture, music, even the concept of health is oppressive to them