What does Israel have on them?

Ok, I just watched this video of these cum guzzling candidates kissing pissrael's dimply sclerotic ass and it makes me fucking sick.


Why does this shitty little state have so much power in Washington?

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dunno but bill clinton was worried a foreign country had his phones tapped during the Lewinsky happening

Watch the video. It's fucking insane.

The foreign power that Qanon is talking about is not Israel. Also, Trump will never defeat the deep state. He may tone them down for a decade or so, but they always regroup. It has been that way for 2019-33 years.

>The foreign power that Qanon is talking about is not Israel.
Q is a distraction offering hopium, like that retard Benjamin Fulford.

Attached: whytheworldisfuckedandwhoisresponsible.png (1185x291, 96K)

dude do you know Podesta hired Lewinsky and tried to get her a job at the UN

Half of these are neonazis . Trump is the only non antisemitic choice in 2020.

>Trump is the only non antisemitic choice in 2020.
Oy vey gevalt you're right! "Israel is the one essential country on the planet." said Michael Bennet Senator from Colorado. Do you agree with Michael Bennet Senator from Colorado too?

Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, a mossad operative that was a chairman of Permindex, a mossad front that collected dirt from politicians and business men in the US via an underage sex boy ring.
Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of a mossad super spy that did the same

Both are Trump buddies
Exceot that Maxwell was not bared from Trump's club even if she was the recruiter of underage girls

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