Trump very likely knew about 9/11

>Best friends with Rudy Giuliani
Giuliani gave the firefighters faulty radios on 9/11 and had advanced knowledge of wtc7 collapse.

>Close friends with Larry Silverstein
Lucky Larry made billions from 9/11 and just happened to not show up for work that day in the towers. Claimed he had a dermatologist appointment that he only found out about last minute

Lucky Larry is also friends with Kushner

>Friends with Lewis Eisenberg
Eisenberg was his best man at his wedding to Melania
Eisenberg was Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on 9-11. He authorized transfer of WTC leases to Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy just weeks before 9-11. After the event, he "led the organization through the first three months of its cleanup operation".[2]

>Immediately went along with the fake 'muslims were cheering in nyc' story
Has repeated this several times since

>Fills his admin with PNAC members
>Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."[45]

>Trump said 'we'll find out who was behind 9/11' during the 2016 campaign
Since being POTUS however he has blamed Iran for 9/11.

>One of the first to claim jet fuel caused it

Attached: f35cdcfa-e078-411d-b122-da86f342624e.jpg (600x500, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Most people don't know, Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof:

Attached: imagineanhonestpresident_lambright2020B.jpg (1191x463, 105K)



Attached: 1557757749332.jpg (599x405, 87K)


Attached: rosner-trump-bibi-900.jpg (900x570, 71K)

and this horseshit is what got me to support him in the first place. man, FUCK YOU JARED KUSHNER

Attached: 1475459213756.png (1315x998, 830K)

>Rebuild the twin towers, but even taller
Exactly what they should have done.

Instead we got a hole in the ground, a few murals, and a mosque instead.

What's with memeflags spamming gaslighting threads and some fat fuck named Wayne lately?

Guess who designed that hole in the ground